yesterday's party wasnt so bad. it was for acap's 25th bday. his last bday as a single guy yo! only people from IV, hunny's, and a few from King's attended the party. not a big one. there was a huge cake bought by tasya at la boulangerie. black forest. yummy yummy!
it was a bit hard for me though. with najib there and hunny not there. it felt a bit awkward especially when everyone i repeat everyone knows our history. well i am ok and i am honestly, completely, 100 percently over him. totally over him. but he's making it hard for me since he was and still is so reluctant to act normally in front of other people. i dont understand it at all. siti said maybe there is still something that we both need to reconcile. but i am done reconciling things with him! it's not my fault that the relationship didnt last! and it's not my fault that i found someone else and i am so gonna marry him nxt month. xphm tul la. jgn simpan2 ape2 dlm hati. tak syok kn klu stiap kali ade event yg mlibatkn bdk2 batch, u'll come with the sour face and leave early. cume smlm je tak left early. and we all know why. even hunny noticed it and asked me just now 'smlm najib tak balik awl plak? sbb i tade ke?' pelik kn? xley tgk ke me n hunny? gile tul la. nape takley jadi cam org lain yg ade history tp still ley kwn2. nape msti da ade awkward silence smpi sme org jadi pelik and start gossip. gile laa.. pening pale. haih~~ 2 more weeks. then i'm done here. can't wait.
ok enough talking bout 'the' party. i went to watch GI Joe with hunny just now. hunny enjoyed it. i didnt. he he... not my type of movie. tp lynkn aje. :-) and before we went for the movie, we dropped by ToySmith. managed to get something for my niece, Izzah who by the way called me 'Ne-No' the other day (for cik nor), and also my sweet little nephew Danial, yes the same name as MY Danial. so there is Uncle Danial and baby Danial. easy to remember. :-))
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