peeps!!! i was meant to write some updates yesterday but i cudnt even find a tiny bit of time to do so. it was so busy and kept on delaying to write until it was time to go home. anyway, after work, me n hunny went to HMV just to see any cheap movies we can buy. we grabbed NATIONAL TREASUREs 1 & 2 (btl ke tajuk ni?) and also THE LIVES OF OTHERS (recommended by Juraj). all that for only € 18!!! what a bargain. been eyeing the ipod 4th generation also but i think it can wait. still contemplating either to buy 4th generation ke ipod touch? nafsu nk beli tu tak dpt nk tahan. tp klu beli bkn pakai sgt pn. tgk ipod shuffle yg of course da terperap je kat dlm laci tu. but still, selagi tak beli, msti asek nak lalu tgk je bende tuh. ssh tul now brown cow? any suggestions to kill the crave?
i didnt go to class on mon (booo!!!) coz finally i decided to go to the open hse. (bg alasan da lama tak jupe dorg). it was superb so i dont regret skipping my class (mmg nk kna rotan nih). dpt la jupe kak anis and teja. da besar da. independent gile bdk kecik sorg nih. selamba rock je jln sorg2. x nanges pn. mula2 tu die cam jual mahal sket mase i pggl tp bile da bribe ngn dodol durian, manje je dtg dekat. heheheh... senjata dodolku berjaya! ricardo and his future wife were there as well. tak abes2 m'promote tmpt baru dorg, Athlone.nice, calm, no traffic, by the riverside and on and on... she even said 'if you come to our house, we have a room spare for you to spend the nite in.' gile bes. ok la. we'll go there someday. kena plan ramai2 baru syok nk jalan. coming bank holiday ni okay gak. hurm...
pendek kata, ramai la g open hse tu. kak zaila-farid pn ade. ramai la. ktorg second last batch yg smpai. mase tu pn da kul 9++ mlm. tp lauk maintain je byk lagi. open hse start kul 12 tghari. gile tak gile byk dorg ni msk. dgr2 dr tghari tu tak putus2 org dtg. ye lahh.. kata chef2 sekalian. msti la cekap memasak n tau nk budget sme kot. sme makanan mmg terbaek sgt. Thank again utk tuan umah, Luk & kak anis & teja, amran n abib. burt sent us home that nite. with a nice full stomach i went to bed. *happy*
pe lg nk cer? it's quarter to six n i am still in the office. need to clear the rec by the end of this month. i chose to stay back today coz the internal auditors from the states are coming next week so they want to see some progress. since they handed over the job to me last two weeks, i need to show them that i have done something at least. i have no time to do it during the normal working hours so i have to spend the evening inthe office. i cant stay back tomorrow and definitely not on friday either. so, like it or not, i have to stay a bit longer today. well, i have no plan whatsoever today so there's no harm to go home a bit late.
ok lah guys. what the hell am i doing writing a long entry if i have something to do aite? toodles!!