the budget was out the day b4 yesterday and dare i say it's not really helping us but maybe the economy - who knows? the VAT is now up by 0.05% to 21.5%. yupp... i know. sounds small but it hurts as bad. imagine that almost every daily expenses will be up a bit? isnt it still gonna cost you a bomb in the end? furthermore, the levy is also increased by another 1% for earners of less than 100,000E a year. sini tax sana... adehhh... byr tax je la smpai ke sudah. uhuhuhu~
oh ye.. not forgetting the increment in the price of cigaretteS. a pack of cig cost 0.50E more than last time. mmg papa kedana la klu sape2 yg heavy smoker tuh. just imagine. 4 packs a week cost you approx 32.00E and multiply that by 4 weeks a month equal to nearly 130.00E (source from hunny's weekly consumption). 130.00E a month equal to more or less about 598.00RM (taking average rate of 4.60 for forex). gilenye!!!!!!!! if you send that much of money every month for let say 10 months, imagine how much you'll have in your saving by the time you go back. lepas da nak g bercuti mane2. heh... i guess this is the reason why accountants are always labelled as stingy. i dont think it's stingy. it's just managing your money the best way. is it not?
the recession really hits everybody. so guys... if you plan to travel here for quite a long time, i dont think it's worth it. the airport taxes are now increased thus increasing the prices of other stuffs as well. even the unemployment rate is increasing rapidly now. it's so hard to find a job no matter how great you are or how brilliant the experiences you've got. many companies started to downsize and i knew quite a few of my friends who are being made redundant just to save some costs to the company. poor them. i hope it'll never happen to me...
the last time we encountered economic crunch, i was so young and naive to even understand or feel the impact of it. furthermore, my parents worked for the gov so just guess how stable and unaffected they were that time. i always wondered how come the construction sites were being abandoned and why they didnt want to finish it and all of those petty questions. now i can understand better. so when my sister asked me how actually the Lehman's Bro affected the economy as a whole, i explained everything to her. the micro and macro factors. but i am not sure whether she really understood everything or not coz i didnt sense any fear vibes from her. it's either she was so good in pretending/acting or she just doesnt care. haha... but honestly speaking, i am scared. what if the markets continue to be so bad for so long (like what the economists predicted - that it'll continue in 2009 as well). what if despite all the bail-out plans, the banks still default? only god knows..
i came in late this morning. arrived around 10am and luckily we practice flexible working hours here. so as long as you work for 8 and a half hour everyday, it doesnt really matter what time you come in and what time you finish for the day. and as for me today, since i came in at 10am, i should go back at half six provided that i take my lunch. if i skip it, i can go home at half five. but guess what? my TL ask me to take half day today bcoz i dont look well. mmg pn. batuk2 mcm gile. but then i dont feel sick or what just batuk je yg jenis chesty tu. that's why bile batuk bunyi cam sakit gile je. well, seeing the rec file still so big with many unreconciled items, i really dont wanna go home early today. we'll see how.
okay dudes. have to stop now. if i go back early today, i will try to upload some photos from the Bray trip.toodles!!
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