relieved. that's the best word to describe me at the mo. was so worried sick bout hunny last nite. but he is safely here now in dublin. hoorray!!! alhamdulillah... with all the news bout plane crashing and engine malfuctioning few weeks back really make me extra nervous hearing people boarding on a plane. especially hunny!! ah~ tak sanggup ape2 yg buruk jadi *nauzubillah*. but he called me a moment ago confirming that he's safe now in blanchardstown. *lega*
the weather outside is horrible. wet and worse still, the wind is soooo strong that makes u look like an idiot holding an umbrella. bak kata fairuz - payung melayang. no use bringing an umbrella bcoz u cant even use it. in the end, you'll just gonna break it. bummer!! i arrived in the office this morning soaked. cold and wet. (plus nervous for not knowing whether hunny is okay or not). it's friday but yet still i have no mood whatsoever to work today. heheheh...cant wait to see hunny. mish u loadssssss~~~~~ *silekan muntah* kasi can la. i havent seen him for two weeks now with limited access to calls as well. super bz hunny as always. but i dont mind really.
dunno wat else to write. i've asked for a half day today. jadi ku mau pulang.. nk jumpa kekasih ati. wihuuu!!! tataa~~
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