peepss.... here's the update for last two days;
thurs d 18th: received soooo many emails until i cant even send one unless i deleted or moved some of them to my personal folder. and i couldnt leave them for tomorrow bcoz tomorrow for sure i'll get some more. so ended up clearing the mailbox and stayed late until 6 and went home afterwards. i seriously looked like a zombie. no feeling at all and i did bump into some frens (did i?) but i didn't bother to say hi or even smile. not that i didn't want to. i just didn't have the energy to work my cheek's muscles up and smile or whatever. smpai uma trus padam. flat on the bed. half seven woke up just to drink a quarter glass of water and continued sleeping. penat tak reti nak ckp. hoh!
fri d 19th: it was supposed to be the day ever but not for me. na-ah~ i was forced to come early in the morning to help Dovile to upload all the manual remits file. usually Kinga or Pawel will do it but since none of them were in the office, i had to do it. it was my first time but thx god i managed to do it. after i was done with that, i did the Barclays Germany process and half way tru, Alan rang asking me to get ready to go to Sandyford. Fuck!! totally forgot that i have the disaster recovery testing today!!! dgn tergopoh gapahnye print out docs yg nk kna bwk and lari trn bwh. sme org tgh tggu and we then went to HP hq to do the testing. i asked Sinead why do we have to do the testing and according to her, this is just a procedure to make sure that if something happens to our office, we can still work somewhere else (at HP office). duh~~~ office terbakar jawabnye tak yah keje la. hheheeh... but come to think about it, if i own the company, i still want my employee to be able to work in whatever cases. so, test je la. da la i mcm terbangang2 je nak carik drive tu. sebbek la Sean tlg map kan. pastu konon2 nk start la kan but shit! i couldn't access the Funding Module. rupe2nye dorg tak install ape tah and i had to wait like half an hour or so. tringat lak Barclays file tak upload lg. kelam kabut la call Dovile and suh die tlg buatkan pape yg tak buat lg. die pn da kelam kabut asek call je tanye cane nk buat tu cane nk buat ni. urghhh~~ tema hari itu adalah 'hari kelam kabut sedunia'. last2 dpt call dr manager kata takyah la pk sgt. exception sbb tak cukup staff. phew!! sebbek... da siap sme tu trus la blk. skali lg stayed late sbb nk clear mailbox and stuffs tp ari ni tak melepek. mgkin sbb hati senang da ari jumaat kot. :-) lps buke pose, buat kuih cornflakes madu!!! yeayyy!!! tambah lg koleksi kuih raya...
and bgn pg td i got flu. and rashes!! told you i cant be so stressed. kejap je da naik rashes kat tgn. huuuuu... :-( and ade perasaan tak sihat yg amat. kepala berat and hingus rase nk meleleh je nih (yuckss!!) i was thinking of going out and watch 'a boy in stripped pyjama'. tp tak lrt ah... maybe tomorrow if i am feeling better. rs nak beli baju baru tp tak tau nk beli baju ape. cam da boring dgn baju2 yg ade ni. maybe i should go to Dundrum and have a look? rase cam nk beli bende baru tp tak tau ape... sigh~~
guess i'll stop now. mcm tade motif menulis tp nk updet gak... ingat td nk upload pics tp cam mls lak. maybe next time... daaaaa~~
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