yawn~~ am sooo sooooooo sleepy. have not been resting enuf these few weeks. bese la. i kan nk kna ade beauty sleep ygckp. klu tak 8 hours a day mmg asek nk rase ngantuk je. hehehehhe.. i remember last time when i was still scooling atyou-know where. tau2 la kan. boarding scool pnye activities - masyaallah~ penuh dr pg ke ptg. tade kasi can lgsg.there was always something on. even early morning Sunday pn we have to wake up early and worse kna lak mini-marathon keliling kg pumpkin tu. duh~~ masuk ldg klapa sawit berpakaian spt mushroom. apekah?? at least bg la pakai bj yg normalsket spt hari sukan tu. kan kwn2? hehehehhe.. i noe some of us dont wanna talk about this anymore but at least wehave something funny to talk about aite? to keep us awake all nite long refreshing our memories. ngehehehe...
wokes... back to my story about sleep. once a month, we were allowed to go back home. cuti-bulanan namanye. since i livein Seremban, of course my parents always asked me to go home rather than staying in the hostel alone. *mane de alone.antu ade* hehehhehe... (bln pose ni brani la ckp psl antu2 ni). so, everytime i went home, i never ever let a second of my time slipped away without sleeping. whenever i was not doing anything (teman mak g kedai ke, makan ke, g kndurike) i was always deep in slumber. until my father became very panic and asked my mom to bring me to the hospital for some check ups. he even asked me when he caught me not sleeping or when i just woke up from my sleep 'nor sakit ke?'.hahahha.. very funny. ade ke nk g check up. i bet the doc will say 'anak puan ni ade pnyakit tdo.' pity my mom thattime. msti rase tak puas nye jupe anak2. tdo je kje. now i can see the history repeating itself. my youngest sis is doing exactly the same thing i did last time. balik je tdo. balik je tdo. nk bual2 pn tade mase. i never complain tho.i noe how it feels. penat wooo... tdo lg bgs. :-)
and mase f3, i always study during nite time. senyap sunyi n best utk stdy. i always stayed up until 5 or even 6.*kdg2 men game lg byk dr study time pn.. haha* so i was always sleeping during day time. and to my surprise, one day my dad's fren came to our house. and that day my mom woke me up to accompany her somewhere and when i was on my wayout, my dad introduced me to his fren. ayat emasnye ialah 'ni anak sy yg no 4. die ni mcm musang sket. tido siang,bgn mlm2. sebbek tmn ni tade org bela ayam.' jaw dropped. i wasnt expect that from my dad. and it was really embarrassing for me that time. (bese la bdk2 muda. nk mrajuk je). so i ended up didnt talk to my dad until the scool holiday wasover. gile. hahahaha... bile cite kat kakak2, sme gelak je and siap tambah 'bkn musang la. tokey kilang taik mata'.wat the ...??? kasi can la. muahhahahahha...
ape la kejadahnye crite psl tido. well, at least i managed to kill half an hour of my time. yeayy!!! one hour to go before i can go back. yeh yeh~ i need to update few pictures in this blog. it's getting to boring with just words in it. whenever i got the time, i will. lambak kan sme skali arung. huhuhu...
anyway, we went to Kildare Village (again) last friday. got meself a nice shoe from Clarks and a deep fryer frm Tefal.senang nk goreng fries. (sgt pmls). hunny got himself a sandal from Clarks as well and t-shirts from RL. pengumpul baju2 RL tu. but it's real cheap there. normal price is E99 but you can get one at nearly half of the actual price.not bad i can say. furthermore, bj2 die mmg smart. not like topshop (booo!!!) tried to look for undergarments at CKbut nothing interesting. La Senza lg la gamaknye. (BO-RING!!)
Need a plan for this coming bank holiday. tamo keje da time bank holiday. need to go out from Dublin. any idea??anyone???
ps: cik ayu.. haku da buang da gamba tu. chisss ko kutuk gamba aku yg angelic gile tu. muahhahahahah...
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