MALAYSIA: after days of racist sneers, accusations of sodmy and references to murder, opposition leader Anwarlooks set to become PM. it would be a huge comeback for the man ousted in 1998 and who served six years in jail for sodomy and corruption.
hurm... that is from one of the tabloid this morning. i was with Mr A that time and he showed me the news. i wassuprised to see this. always the bad ones appeared in the newspaper here. i remember the one about the kid who waskidnapped, killed and the corpse was discoverd in the bag? guess what? they put the story in the paper as well!! now you know why some people always think that our country is 'not really' safe and the crime rate, wuiisshhhh... up to the sky. (emphasising on the word some). still wonder why tourists always go to Tha***d and then to S'po*ewithout Msia being in their plan at all? hurm... i have one colleague who's working in our branch in the UK. he wentto Singapore and then Thailand transitting in KL for a few hours. and unfortunate enough that his bus stopped at PuduRaya. and i guess you know what he thinks of our country now. but being a nice guy, he said
'owh... To be honest I didn’t see too much of the city or the rest of Msia and I really wish sometimes that I was there for longer! The most memorable thing I remember is the chaos that ensued in the bus station! It was madness! I cannot remember the name of the bus station but it sounds like it was the one at Puduraya. It was crazy, people running around everywhere and the traffic was horrendous! The fumes almost killed me ;-) I am sure it has changed a great dealsince I was last there. I would love to go again but don’t know when I will get a chance to.'
people running around?lmbt la tu nk kejar bus. huhuhuhu...
okay back to my conversation with mr A just now, one thing he said struck me hard and made me think a lot. accordingto him, he doesnt mind DSAI won the election or even become our PM. it's just that, because of the accusation and such,people from outside the country who obviously never even bother to have a clear look and see what the real story behind it is, will just assume that we have a PM who was once being ousted for sodomy and corruption. what kind or countryis that? you ask yourself. i am not gonna comment further. but i just wish that we will have someone who trulywants to rule the country for the best interest of the people.
it is so quite in the office today. the not-so-nice-weather outside could be the factor adding to the gloominess inthe atmosphere. heh! Hunny is in Msia rite now. alhamdulillah slmt smpai. am gonna start movie marathon tomorrow. wihuu!!
ps: hey you! just to let u know that even if i always care for u, it doesnt mean that u can hurt me this bad.i amdisappointed but i noe u'll never even bother about it. so, enuf is enuf (really this time). if u really want thingsto be better, move ur arse now and amend things quickly before it's too late. chioww!!
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