heya peeps. today is xmas day n merry xmas to all. :-) i am in london now. crashing at zuhaira's and god how i missed her. it has been 8 years since i last saw her. she's still the same. still funny n nice. today we are staying indoor coz there's no public transport available outside. no tube, bus or anything. just taxis. zu's hsemate, melina and her friend, michelle is cooking a roast chicken n some christmas foods at the very moment. yummm...smells so good, i cant wait. there are 7 of us now in the house. me, hunny, nasya, zu, zarina, melina n michelle. gosh... they are just a very good host. feel very welcomed here. :-)
yesterday me n hunny went out as early as 8 am in the morning to the city centre. took the tube to oxford street and you should see the people there!!! ramai gileeeeee... ok. xmas eve kan? last minute shopping la sme org. we went to selfridges&co but it was a nightmare alright! da mcm sogo da. i hate crowded place. what am i thinking? i cant survive a boxing day! dunno what will happen tomorrow. heh... owh anyway, later in the evening yesterday, we went to the winter wonderland at hyde park and met up with zu, za n nasya (nasya came straight from Stansted). it was a blast but we didnt ride on anything. the roller coster looked so much fun but i was really wrecked and couldnt even stand up. so we decided to go home then. but before we went to Hyde park, hunny brought me to the Queen's Bowl n Ice centre at Bayswater for Ice skating!!!! gile sgt tuuuu... he is really good in ice skating so i was like terkedek2 menggigil2 even trying to stand still. it was nice tho. setelah bekali2 jatuh bgn, ktorg pn gerak la g Hyde Park. so overall, i was happy eventho we couldnt find what we want. so frustrating! mgkin kah patut check outlet in Manchester??
ok la peeps. kna mandi da. ptg ni nak g jalan2 kat Richmond park tu tgk2 Thames river. Zuhaira... if you ever find this site, thanks a mil darling!!! i lap you!!!!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
crite nenek (direct translation)
passportku suda siap!! wihuu!!! pnye la bedeba2 nk amik pg tadi. weird right? what so scary about collecting ur renewed passport? tell you why. i DUN HAVE my dad's name on my IC. that explains why. it's a pretty stupid story i can say. no wonder people compaints a lot about gov's services. 9 years ago, my purse was stolen. mase tu outing jaman form 4 dulu. benti smayang kat terminal one tu and sepantas kilat, purse ku di culik org! can you imagine?? surau? culik purse org? hurm... redha je la.
so i went to apply for another IC and the lady at the counter told me to wait for the letter asking me to collect my new IC. after a long period of waiting, finally i got the letter and went to the office again to collect the new IC. tgk2... nama bapa tade??!! wtf? akak tu selamba je kata 'nama adik pnjang sgt. so nama bapa tak muat nak letak.' what a lame excuse. i've seen my friend's IC with the father name at the back of the card so i told that lady so. she was like 'oh, ye ke? ok la. isi borang ni. pastu tggu lagi surat utk backup card yg ade nama bapa lak.' duuhh~... da la menaip mcm ayam patuk jagung (ok tak baik ngutuk). so then i went home and waited for the letter... setahun berlalu... dua tahun berlalu.. tiga... empat... and now it has already been nine years. agaknye da bercucu cicit baru la dpt kad tu. so voila!! IC ku tiada nama bapa.. so when i applied for the new passport, i was praying really hard that nothing will stop from me getting my passport renewed. ye la. what if they rejected the application saying that my name in the passport doesnt match with the name on the card? hurm.. i guess i would have to go back to malaysia and explain the grandmother story to everybody again and again. :-)
tp alhamdulillah... tiada ape2 masalah. so London, here i come!!!!
owh ye.. a lil update bout last weekend. we went to watch Madagascar n Inkheart. not bad at all. but not great as well. ok la. went lepaking with zuen, amin n ainul at Eddie's Rocket afterwards. lama gile tak minum malts die. syok! and yesterday, we celebrated Hunny's bday in advance. it's supposed to be tomorrow tp weekdays ssh la sme org nk berkumpul. Thank you guys for the night. Hunny seemed to be smiling from ear to ear. cpt sggh mase berlalu. baru je rasenye celebrated bday hunny last year n tetibe da this year pnye celebratn. kakak mcm bese jadi pembantu kecil nga-ngah tolong ptg kek. siap tlg distribute lagi kat sme org. owh she's truly a cutie pie.
ok ari ni gusi ku masih lagi membengkak. sakit!!!!! xley mkn. wisdom tooth problem again. nk g jupe dentist ke tanak?? iskk.. dilema sggh. jap g dentistku msti membebel panjang sbb da setahun tak jupe die despite all the postcards he sent to my hse. pls gummie... enough torturing plssss...
ps: atart... i know you are reading this. di manekahh??? aku tak tgk lagi gambo2? sharing is caring.. ngehehe.
so i went to apply for another IC and the lady at the counter told me to wait for the letter asking me to collect my new IC. after a long period of waiting, finally i got the letter and went to the office again to collect the new IC. tgk2... nama bapa tade??!! wtf? akak tu selamba je kata 'nama adik pnjang sgt. so nama bapa tak muat nak letak.' what a lame excuse. i've seen my friend's IC with the father name at the back of the card so i told that lady so. she was like 'oh, ye ke? ok la. isi borang ni. pastu tggu lagi surat utk backup card yg ade nama bapa lak.' duuhh~... da la menaip mcm ayam patuk jagung (ok tak baik ngutuk). so then i went home and waited for the letter... setahun berlalu... dua tahun berlalu.. tiga... empat... and now it has already been nine years. agaknye da bercucu cicit baru la dpt kad tu. so voila!! IC ku tiada nama bapa.. so when i applied for the new passport, i was praying really hard that nothing will stop from me getting my passport renewed. ye la. what if they rejected the application saying that my name in the passport doesnt match with the name on the card? hurm.. i guess i would have to go back to malaysia and explain the grandmother story to everybody again and again. :-)
tp alhamdulillah... tiada ape2 masalah. so London, here i come!!!!
owh ye.. a lil update bout last weekend. we went to watch Madagascar n Inkheart. not bad at all. but not great as well. ok la. went lepaking with zuen, amin n ainul at Eddie's Rocket afterwards. lama gile tak minum malts die. syok! and yesterday, we celebrated Hunny's bday in advance. it's supposed to be tomorrow tp weekdays ssh la sme org nk berkumpul. Thank you guys for the night. Hunny seemed to be smiling from ear to ear. cpt sggh mase berlalu. baru je rasenye celebrated bday hunny last year n tetibe da this year pnye celebratn. kakak mcm bese jadi pembantu kecil nga-ngah tolong ptg kek. siap tlg distribute lagi kat sme org. owh she's truly a cutie pie.
ok ari ni gusi ku masih lagi membengkak. sakit!!!!! xley mkn. wisdom tooth problem again. nk g jupe dentist ke tanak?? iskk.. dilema sggh. jap g dentistku msti membebel panjang sbb da setahun tak jupe die despite all the postcards he sent to my hse. pls gummie... enough torturing plssss...
ps: atart... i know you are reading this. di manekahh??? aku tak tgk lagi gambo2? sharing is caring.. ngehehe.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
happy happy birthday!!!
babe!! happy birthday. was trying to find the most gorgeous pic of you (wif or w/out me) since last nite. of course la tanak gamba suar senteng spt di dlm fb itu kan? *sorry!!* so here is what i've chosen. and again... HAPPY BURPDAY DARLING!!

ok...tak gojes... gamba ni sme pn kena buat mke tak snonoh. asal la aku control jelita sgt tu. *muntah*

ok i like this one. you looked happy. *mati la lps ni magec n ryn akan bunuh aku sbb bubuh gamba ni*

ok...tak gojes... gamba ni sme pn kena buat mke tak snonoh. asal la aku control jelita sgt tu. *muntah*
ok i like this one. you looked happy. *mati la lps ni magec n ryn akan bunuh aku sbb bubuh gamba ni*
well... ape2 pn. i wish you all the best in life. i hati you and all the other j's soooooo much2!!!! thank you for sticking together for almost 8 years now!! gile tak 8 years??? ok emo je lebey. even sme da bz skg ni ngn life masing2 but i do appreciate how we tried n always will try to get together n be there for each other. altho da tade vacation mcm dulu2 which is a bit disappointing tp xpe. da tua2 n tade commitment teruk sgt nanti kite g vacation jauh2 okes? hehehhe... and how the group has grown now. dgn pertambahan ahli2 baru; amad, mnn and ahli paling baru kasih who made us aunties now. ok... who's next??? friends forever and again... selamat ulang tahun yg ke nombor seterusnye :-) and smoga sentiasa stay mude forever. chaiyo!!!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
mari kita updet
to do list
lately the feeling of frustration, anger, humiliation and those bad auras been haunting me 24/7. why is it so hard? and why is it so difficult? do i not deserve to be happy with my way? why is there a need to object everything i said? am i not 'old' enough to decide my own life? do you own me? i am trying not to sound like a complete moaner but i can't keep it to myself anymore. i need somebody to hear me. someone with no judgmental issue. someone who can hear me out but say nothing further afterwards. ade ke? help!!!
i need to be alone. alone from everyone. i want to be in a place with completely new faces and new environment. n i hope i will never ever see that place again after that. and how i wish i've never known some of the people that i met this year. how i wish!!! tp itu suda melawan qada dan qadar tuhan. allah berfirman
- amek passport kat embassy
- balut adiah hunny
- wish bday ayu
- wish bday zaza
- packing bag g london
- print flight itinerary
- print car rental agreement
- lipat baju (adoiii malas gile!!!)
- kemas or buang notes2 exam ritu
- carik uma baru yg dekat sket ngn opis
- pk azam baru thn dpn... not!
- carik adiah utk wedding Juraj
- catch up my movie list
lately the feeling of frustration, anger, humiliation and those bad auras been haunting me 24/7. why is it so hard? and why is it so difficult? do i not deserve to be happy with my way? why is there a need to object everything i said? am i not 'old' enough to decide my own life? do you own me? i am trying not to sound like a complete moaner but i can't keep it to myself anymore. i need somebody to hear me. someone with no judgmental issue. someone who can hear me out but say nothing further afterwards. ade ke? help!!!
i need to be alone. alone from everyone. i want to be in a place with completely new faces and new environment. n i hope i will never ever see that place again after that. and how i wish i've never known some of the people that i met this year. how i wish!!! tp itu suda melawan qada dan qadar tuhan. allah berfirman
'tidak akan ku turunkan dugaan melainkan hambaku itu mampu menanggungnya.'
' dan boleh jd kamu benci kepada sesuatu padahal ia baik bagi kamu, dan kamu mungkin sukakan sesuatu sedangkan ia lebih buruk kepada kamu. dan hanya allah yg mengetahui sedangkan kamu tidak mengetahui' - surah albaqarah
' dan boleh jd kamu benci kepada sesuatu padahal ia baik bagi kamu, dan kamu mungkin sukakan sesuatu sedangkan ia lebih buruk kepada kamu. dan hanya allah yg mengetahui sedangkan kamu tidak mengetahui' - surah albaqarah
astaghfirullahhh... smoga allah ampunkn aku. fikiran serabut senang nak buat diri jadi kurang bersyukur. focus aishah... focus. dan doa2 org teraniaya itu makbul. semoga mereka menerima balasan setimpal dan cukup utk buatkan mereka menyesal dan berjanji tidak akan mengulang kembali perkara yg sama. aminn....
Saturday, December 06, 2008
i shud be taking just 15mins break but it has been more than an hour now. hehehe... tu la. pg tadi da janji ngn diri sendri takmo on lappie and i did it successfully!! bukak kejap je for 20mins then off it straight away dgn harapan ley fokus sket. namun harapan musnah kerana diriku telah tertidur slama 2 jam stlh study selama 1 jam!! bgn tido g slongkar dapur cr makanan n study jap for approx 45min and now voila!! im here surfing internet. actually pagi tadi lps mandi saje la kenteng kan rambut. pastu tringat satu cite yg rase nak kongsi kat sini. sbb tu update nih.
last two months (the time we went to giant causeway), on the way home after we settled with the car renting thingy, we dropped by to hunny's bro's hse. that was the first time i tried using the roller to curl my hair. but because the size of the rollers are toooo big (way to big for my short hair), the curls weren't really visible but the wave were still there. so i sprayed the hold-mousse to make the waves stayed. so in the house Aleia touched my hair and here goes the conversation;
aleia: tisha... rambut tisha keras.
me: erk... owh, mmg la. tisha nak rambut tisha jadi mcm rambut kakak. rambut kakak cantik kan? sbb tu rambut tisha keras sbb tisha nak kena bubuh ni (tunjuk roller yg baru beli dan lebih kecil) pastu spray sket.
aleia: (smbil letak roller kat rambut die). tisha letak mcm ni ke? lps tu rambut tisha jadi mcm kakak?
me: aah... tisha kena gulung pastu baru la sama ngn rambut kakak. bleh ke rambut sama?
aleia: (nodding)
at that point of time, never occurred to me that she understood the conversation at all. i thought she was only amazed to see the colorful rollers and you know how girls really like hair accessories. lgpn mase tu even rambut keras, bkn mcm rambut kakak pn. so we went home and the next day i tried the new roller. jadi!!!!! and i like it sooo much... and the same day, we've got a birthday invitation at blanchardstown. so ktorg pn singgah uma kakak dlu spy ley g sama2. when i opened the front door, i saw her running towards me happily. she saw me with the curly hair (rambut mcm kakak) and without wasting a sec she touched my hair.
aleia: tisha... rambut tisha keras. rambut tisya mcm kakak. samaaa....
aleia: tisha buat cani pastu cani pastu rambut tisha keras pastu sama ngn rambut kakak. (explain dgn sgt excited)
me: hehhehe... (dlm ati eh die ingat lagi. pandainyeee...)
so stiap kali rambut tisha keras, msti sama ngn rambut kakak. n hopefully bile kakak besar nanti kakak tak ingat la cane nak kentengkn rambut. klu tak confirm kakak tau sbb tisha yg ajar. ampun mummy!!!! teeehehehheheeee....

last two months (the time we went to giant causeway), on the way home after we settled with the car renting thingy, we dropped by to hunny's bro's hse. that was the first time i tried using the roller to curl my hair. but because the size of the rollers are toooo big (way to big for my short hair), the curls weren't really visible but the wave were still there. so i sprayed the hold-mousse to make the waves stayed. so in the house Aleia touched my hair and here goes the conversation;
aleia: tisha... rambut tisha keras.
me: erk... owh, mmg la. tisha nak rambut tisha jadi mcm rambut kakak. rambut kakak cantik kan? sbb tu rambut tisha keras sbb tisha nak kena bubuh ni (tunjuk roller yg baru beli dan lebih kecil) pastu spray sket.
aleia: (smbil letak roller kat rambut die). tisha letak mcm ni ke? lps tu rambut tisha jadi mcm kakak?
me: aah... tisha kena gulung pastu baru la sama ngn rambut kakak. bleh ke rambut sama?
aleia: (nodding)
at that point of time, never occurred to me that she understood the conversation at all. i thought she was only amazed to see the colorful rollers and you know how girls really like hair accessories. lgpn mase tu even rambut keras, bkn mcm rambut kakak pn. so we went home and the next day i tried the new roller. jadi!!!!! and i like it sooo much... and the same day, we've got a birthday invitation at blanchardstown. so ktorg pn singgah uma kakak dlu spy ley g sama2. when i opened the front door, i saw her running towards me happily. she saw me with the curly hair (rambut mcm kakak) and without wasting a sec she touched my hair.
aleia: tisha... rambut tisha keras. rambut tisya mcm kakak. samaaa....
aleia: tisha buat cani pastu cani pastu rambut tisha keras pastu sama ngn rambut kakak. (explain dgn sgt excited)
me: hehhehe... (dlm ati eh die ingat lagi. pandainyeee...)
so stiap kali rambut tisha keras, msti sama ngn rambut kakak. n hopefully bile kakak besar nanti kakak tak ingat la cane nak kentengkn rambut. klu tak confirm kakak tau sbb tisha yg ajar. ampun mummy!!!! teeehehehheheeee....
Monday, December 01, 2008
selamat bulan baru!!!
on the way to the office this morning, i saw the park and the playground covered with white layer ice. it must be soo cold last nite because this is the first time i see the park being covered with ice. owh~~ let it be snowing heavily this year. this could be my last winter here in this lucky irish land. let me play snow balls and build snowmans..*pray hard to play harder* :-) Simon told me this morning that most probably it'll be snowing this year because it has never been this cold. since he's an irish himself, i happily choose to believe his words. hehehheheeee...
ape nk update ari ni?my weekend was plain. nothing surprising. was struggling with the coldness. smpi gile rs nk demam la asek sejuk panas je. sabar2. x lama da.. huh?
watched C.HO.KE last week with hunny but to my surprised, the story is such a disappoinment. ape la. asek tgk cite tak bes je. kuciwa! cant wait to watch CH.ANGEL.ING. Dovile told me it's brilliant. skg ni nk jalan g U.GC pn rase mls gile. sejuk sgt plak. nak pakai tebal2 rase da gemuk gile tak ingat. not that i'm slim or what. but you know. budget beli jacket yg xde la besar sgt. kire ngam2 oo je la. tp bile da kena pakai berlapis2 ni, jacket pn menggelembung buat diri nampak gems je. haih~~ mmg la da gems tp xyah la jacket pn nak kena ingatkan diri sndri da gems. (ape la mrepek nih)
ok la peeps. actually tade idea pn nk tulis ape. saje je nak bubuh entry for the first day of the month. kpd cik yan... sdpnye gamba cempedak!! nak jugakk...
ape nk update ari ni?my weekend was plain. nothing surprising. was struggling with the coldness. smpi gile rs nk demam la asek sejuk panas je. sabar2. x lama da.. huh?
watched C.HO.KE last week with hunny but to my surprised, the story is such a disappoinment. ape la. asek tgk cite tak bes je. kuciwa! cant wait to watch CH.ANGEL.ING. Dovile told me it's brilliant. skg ni nk jalan g U.GC pn rase mls gile. sejuk sgt plak. nak pakai tebal2 rase da gemuk gile tak ingat. not that i'm slim or what. but you know. budget beli jacket yg xde la besar sgt. kire ngam2 oo je la. tp bile da kena pakai berlapis2 ni, jacket pn menggelembung buat diri nampak gems je. haih~~ mmg la da gems tp xyah la jacket pn nak kena ingatkan diri sndri da gems. (ape la mrepek nih)
ok la peeps. actually tade idea pn nk tulis ape. saje je nak bubuh entry for the first day of the month. kpd cik yan... sdpnye gamba cempedak!! nak jugakk...
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