- pndah uma baru di KD. hooyyyeeeehhhh!
- went for a picnic at PD during CNY with ibu, ayah, syikin, fika and kak yah sefamily. awesome!
- seremban's family came to house twice since we couldnt drive long journey. double yeehaaa!!
- put downpayment for our own car. ehehehehhe...
- went karaoke-ing with usin n tasha. cool!
- memasak cupcakes dgn jayanye. bangge2.
- get bored at work - im so dont like routine works. yikess!
- announced ACCA affiliate after 3 times sittings for the same paper. i beat you bitch! hahahaha...
- bought a new vacuum cleaner after the old one blew up for sucking too much drill dust. eh xpnh tau pn vacuum takley sedut drill dust byk3. uhukuhuk..
- admission of a new member to J's clan - lil Qalif Ayman. welcome to the club u cutie pie..
- celebrated magec's bday at chillis. da tua da magec. ngeh3...
- menang bet ngn abg azril sbb berjaya bgn awal and smpi RR rawang before 9am!!! critenye begini... mlm tu sme org janji nk jupe kt RR rawang kul 9.30am esoknye sblm bertolak ke Trolak. then abg azril bet dgn ibu yg family kami akan lambat. but we proved him wrong alrighty! kul 6 lg da bgn siap2. rs mcm ari keje lak. hehehehehe...
so dgn azam yg kuat + kemalasan kt opis, i pn google la resipi nk buat kuih itu. balik je keje, while hunny was busy in his studio, i cooked the below for him. ngeeeeeeeeeeee... *clap2*
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