a lot of changes going on this year. yeah!! n more importntly im 24 now. (shucks!! cnt believe dat im this old). this yr's birth day was the best of all. thnks to zuen, amin, ct n ziet for the surprise cake n present. plg penting kepada itu incik yg saya telah merosakkan surprise yg dijangkakan akan berlaku. im so sorry dear for blowing d excitement. guess i dun haf d patience at all. sudahnye, sme bende tak jadi except for d flower part. seriously terharu sgt!! thx a million for all the efforts hunny. n thx u all for the wishes!! but out of 7 jahannams, only 3 wished me. how sad. to ayu, yus n atart.. thx babes!! really miss u guys.
went to london wif fairuz last weekend. it was a blast!! the shortest yet the best trip ever. i went straight to airport after work. we checked in at Norfolk Tower Hotel dat nite n started our journey d nxt day at 8.. first stop - of course the malaysia hall for the famous nasi lemak n teh tarik. mmg terbaik!!!!! n cheap as well. rase nak tapau teh tarik tp sgt tak releven. ahah.. then wif stomach full of nasi lemak, we hurried to the.. Madamme Tussauds. wowowowow.. loads of people waiting to go in. luckily we bought d online tix. dun haf to line up. amik2 gamba dgn segala artist (sengaja amik gamba dgn jamie oliver utk menjelesi zaza tp gamba blur plak. sigh~) n masuk the chamber of serial killers. gile la. nak tercabut jantung. actually it was not so scary. but because the serial killers are real people, i felt like fainting there n then. moreover, they screamed n ran towards you as if they really wanted to kill you. n the worst part was, we were the first in the line. so obviously the killers ran to us. cant help to close my eyes all the way thru the chamber. hahhahaha.. scaredy cat.
we finished at madame tussauds around half ten. then we went to london eye. before dat, amik2 gamba kat big ben. (cik ayu.. sile bgtau aku sape yg koyakkan big reen tu.. jgn buat2 lupe ye). london eye was boring. yawn~~ nuting interesting there but luckily there was an exhibition for star wars fan in front of the council hall. dan ade la seekor clone tu berlegar2 mencari publisiti. kami pn bergambar la dgn clone itu. sebbek tak jupe master yoda. kalu tak sudah ku peluk2 die. heheheh.. we didnt go in cause fairuz wanted to see the tower bridge. it was 1pm dat time n we haf to go to heathrow airport before 5 to settle the check-in n everything. terpakse la kami bergegas ke tube station terhampir. da la circle and district line tutup. sudahnye terpakse la turun di station london bridge n berjalan ke tower bridge.
lucky enuf, otw to tower bridge, there was a dancing competion held at tooley st. wowowowo.. sgt menarik sekali. kami duduk n menyaksikan pertandingan itu. bes gile!! tp tak tggu lama sbb mengejar mase. dun even wait for the prize giving ceremony. cpt2 kami ke tower bridge dan mengambil gamba lagik (ini kali kedua sy ke tower bridge so tak excited sgt amik gamba). then we hurried back to paddington station n took the heathrow express to the airport. alhamdulillah check in sme ok. baru nampak senyuman di muka fairuz selepas beg tak excess. eheheheh.. jgn marah fairus yeh? after dat i flew back to this everyday-is-rainy-day place. urghhh..
kesimpulannye, dalam 9 jam, kami berjaya pergi ke tmpt2 yg bersejarah itu. it is soooo worth it. balik2 ke dublin saje, ade surprise plak. huuuuuuu... i loike!!
ok lah. think dat's it for now. london is out of the list now. a colleague suggests me to go to prague. she said it is nice. erm.. haf to schedule for dat. ape2 pn. paris dulu. kepada magec, mane comfirmatn anda ni? mana? mana?
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