Friday, January 09, 2009


oh bahagia rasenye udah abes sminggu keje. yippee!!! seksa gile rase nak abes sminggu pn. super duper bz coz we lost another team member. so 4 org buat keje 6 org. ape kes? lipas kudung la pagi2. tp still ade mase nak berbalas2 email darling2 J sekelian. hehehe... korg mmg rock la. pagi2 bukak outlook je da ade lebeh 40 emails and guess what. half drpd email2 tu sme dr korg. i cume mampu baca yg last je la. bile reply to all pn yg akan active mereply balik cume yus, ayu, atart, magec n kdg2 pae. but sgt suke!! pagi2 lagi da tersenyum2 baca email merapek korg. hahahha...

ok, about the title above. i've got a call today from the postroom. the post lady said 'siti, there's a big white envelope for you here and would you come down to pick it up?'. i pn ok kan je la. mls sbenanye nak jalan ke building lagi satu tp prasaan pelik sape-bg-aku-surat tu lebey berleluasa. so i went there. i was shocked to see the envelope. dgn font yg sgt besar, 'private & confidential' kat belah atas n dibawah siap tulis 'do not open if you are not Siti'... hahhahaha... ni lawak sial sape nih? naik2 atas n cpt2 bukak envelope tu. dlm tu ade choc malteser, jelly yg bntuk pitza tu and a cheque!! that's all. no notes no post-it. sape lak bagi manisan2 ni?? mind you that we liaise closely with our branch in Bracknell. so it could be anybody from there but who? i quickly rang Cathy coz i remember she asked me something about one cheque from vendor. but i wasnt convinced it was her since she asked me the day earlier. xkn cpt sgt da smpai? anyway, the system that we are using is quite unstable and fragile. in-house system so what do you expect. at times, we always overpaid vendors and that's why the vendor sent the money back to us. and this vendor sent a cheque. kodinye... org da x pakai cheque da. pakai la CHAPS ke BACS ke. ehem! berbalik pd Cathy tadi, i rang her. upon hearing my voice, she giggled and quickly said 'have you got my surprise??' good lord! Cathy rupenye. i did inform her that most of the times, whenever people send cheques to my team, we never got it. blame the post lady who will always sends cheques to Cash Apps. ape la. baca la address kat sape dulu kan? ni tak. nampak je cheques, sme antar kat Cash Apps. pastu i la satu keje kena trace balik cheque to. ssh btl vendor yg tanak gune technology perbankan ni. i am not paid to handle cheques anyway. ececece.... so i told Cathy to put it in a big white envelope and write my name big enough that the post lady can see it clearly and pray hard that it will reach me. never crossed my mind that she will do all that! siap tambahan 'private & confidential' pastu note berbaur ancaman lagik. blm tgk cane die seal tanak kasi org bukak. lawak la minah ni. she's irish anyway but she chose to work in Bracknell. always been so nice and funny. i took picture a of the envelope before throwing it away.

hehehehe... ape2 aje la. pastu melantak la coklat tu. bgs juge. ade kunyah2 time keje. :-) owh... here are two pictures from my workplace.

inilah yg aku tatapkan ari2. 2 screens so that it's easier to do reconciliations (and surfing internet). belah tgn kiri ade tray di atas and belah kanan ade phone ku. oh lihat la calender ku thn lps. meriah tak?
ijau ade la hari2 yg ade class. pink ade lah tak ingat ape. merah paling disukai sbb itu adalah hari2 cuti. so my team ley tau bile nak amik cuti dorg even if i am not there.

i love my colleagues. all the nice people i know. and also not nice people. bkn sbb jahat ke ape ke. belagak sgt. rase org2 dari negara dorg je yg best kot. but to be honest, if i've never worked in this company, i would never know the true color of their people. before this rase syoknye klu dpt dok kat benua eropah. designer bes2 sme kat negara tu. besnye org negara tu, org negara ni but the truth is... you have to see it to believe it. same je mane2. bese la... ape org tue2 kata? the grass is always greener at the other side? lebey krg tu la. kite dok negara kite rase tak bes berbanding dok negara org... tp sbenanye we just have to learn to be grateful. kan? baru la bes! :-)

ok la geng. time2 pms ni msti nak tls entry yg emo2. hikhikhik.... toodles!

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