ok2... cite ni da basi i know. tp seyes tade mase nak update. hurm2. ok here we go. trip to brussels. overall, ok. still can't beat barcelona tho. but im pretty sure a choc-lover will disagree with me 100%. because tht place is like choc heaven on earth. choc everywhere. ktorg asek masuk kedai choc je. sana sini kedai choc. especially Leonidas and Godivas. maklum la... ainul n tasya nak beli choc utk hantaran. quite cheap to be honest. for example 250g of Leonidas choc in Dublin costs me about €9.00++ but it's only €4.70 over there. sgt2 murah ok!!! so ape lagi, sme org pn mcm gile beli choc. me? i didnt tho. percaya la yg sy ni bkn kipas-susah-mati coklat. sket2 ley la. byk sgt nanti bkn shj sugar high tp demam trus. and even time sblm cuti easter mggu lps pn da dmm sbb byk sgt choc kat opis ni. haihhh... ilang satu nikmat donia.
ok well. lets start. we reached Charleroi airport around 10.00am. as usual, delayed by half an hour. gile la r*anair ni tau. the worst landing i've ever experienced. landing da la cam terhentak plane tu kat runaway pastu trus brake mengejut. me and ainul da tahan tgn kat kusi dpn. tobat da tamo bli tiket rya*air lg. da la airport Charleroi tu gile jauh from Brussels. siap kena naik bus for 50 minutes. gle nk muntah dlm bus tu. if there is ever next time to Brussels, i will definitely buy tickets from A*rlingus. biar la mahal sket pon dr kna naik bus. lgpn campur tolak darab bahagi msti same la kot rege beli kat A*rlingus. so sape2 nk g Brussels, sile la beli tkt from Ae*rlingus. biar la mahal sket at least takyah nek bus lama2. ok sambung balik. from Charleroi tu nk ke Bruxelles-Midi da nearly one hour. mcm bese, sbb amik ubat sblm nek bus, pengsan
all the way to Midi stn.
sampai je Midi tu, sme tercengang2 nak amik train ape. ade mcm2 train - metro la ape2 lagi la. time tu plak la tourist centre tu ttp. so berbekalkn ilmu french berabok dr labu dulu (ampun mdme sharifah), g la tanye2 ape bley naik nak smpai central. and thank god ramai senanye org2 kat situ yg bley ckp english. yg pelik tu, kitorg sampai kat kaunter tu and mtk tkt skali ngn return esok arinye, org kat kaunter tu rilek je jual kat ktorg tiket tu. da naik tren baru la tau yg sbenanye ari ahad x pyh byr nk naik public transport. apekah?? sebbek murah aje. spatutnye bgtau la kan yg ari esok xyah bayar tp die slamba je jual tiket tu. entah la. pelik tul. yg besnye tiket ktorg naik dr Bruxelles-Midi ke Bruxelles-Central tu pn tak cop langsung. da la ktorg siap borak ngn org yg check tiket tu (sbb xtau nak turun katne). tp die tak mintak pn tiket nk check ke cop ke. pelik kan? haishh...
sampai kat Bruxells-Central tu, trus la g carik hotel. xsmpai 5 menet da jupe hotel. check-in siap2 and guess what? kitorg dpt duplex!!!!! bes gile bilik hotel die (ok jakun skjp). 3 stars je tp sgt bes la. and bathtub sgt besar and segala mala yg bes la. murah pn murah je. da la kluar hotel tu trus je Grand-Place. xyah jln jauh2. kedai makan halal bersusun kat dpn hotel. sgt best utk org yg mls jalan spt sy. hehehehe...
so first day, jln 2 kat sekitar grand-place tu. first stop - Godivas and kat situ jupe mamat indo* sorg. tp ini ind*n yg tade la mke penyangak (ok statement yg sgt racist). die ok je. da 5 thn kat situ. baik la die tnjk kat mane nak makan halal (tp ktorg kantoi xjpe carik jln). and bermula la choc hunting. jupe je mane2 kedai choc, sme nk masuk. pening pale tgk choc saje seharian. and kat situ gak famous dgn waffles yg letak mcm2 kat atas die. disebabkan lunch tu da mkn kebab yg tak ingat byk isi nye (ingat ktorg ni org arab ke mkn byk2?). xde la i mampu nk mkn waffles ye berbau enak itu. bau mmg bes tp perut penuh xley blah. ct order waffles with whipped cream and strawberries while ainul & tasha ordered waffles with choc sauce and ice-cream. abes mkn waffles around 4pm, ktorg balik hotel smula nak refreshen up and etc2. siap tertido lg best sgt la katakan. ha ha ha (time wasted - boohoo!).
(sile abaikn muke si tembam yg da sgt high men'testing' choc yg ade di setiap kedai - mmuahahahah!)
pstu lps maghrib kua blk mencari mussels. Brussels pn famous utk mussels and paelas yg maha sdp. i've tasted paelas before. in Barca. paelas kn berasal dr Spain so budget sdp la kat situ. tp hampes belaka paelas tak sdp mcm ape. da la try paelas kat LaRamblas tu. sbb tu slalu fikir paelas adelah sgt tak sedap. tp mmg silap bsr sbb paelas kat Brussels sdp nak mati. sme seafood die fresh. ditambah plk mussels masak garlic & herbs yg menjilat jari. fresh and clean. tade rase pasir2 or lumut2. sedap la kesimpulannye. harus order lg. tp i ni kan health-conscious-freak sket. tade la order skali lagi sbb xelok mkn seafood byk2. huhuhu... lps mkn trus g jln2 amik gamba kat area Grand-Place tu lg. Grand-Place ni mcm square yg org slalu lepak2 kat dataran
tgh2 tu sambil tgk building2 yg cantik. with a marvelous weather. mcm picnic gitu tanpa taik burung bersepah2. heheheh...
after that we went back to our hotel to take showers and also to prepare for the next day. kunun la plan nak bgn pg kul 7 spy bley memaksimumkan perjalanan tp barai sbb sme bgn tdo kul 8. apekah?? yg i ni dok confuse tak abes2 jam hp tu btl ke tak. sbb Brussels ialah cpt sejam dr Dublin tp rase cam hp tu auto-update. sbb tu asek ingat jam tu da btl. (ape2lah alasan). so we ended up checking out at 11am. g breakfast jap and jln2 lg. boring kn entry ni. ahah. kesimpulannye... klu ske coklat mebe bes la kot. entah. yg pnting skg ni da mls nk sambung ari kedua pnye cite. sama je. yg lebey cume ktorg g la amik gambo kat budak tekencing (mannekin pis) and juge patung yg org kata klu sentuh bley dpt good luck dlm idop. isskk... syirik sungguh. ggagaagagga...
nyum nyum... nasib baik aku bukan hantu choc.. tapi strawbery choc tu nampak sedap. nyum nyum
aaah cterq!!! *pengsan* tengok cokelat banyak2. like omg bestnya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
to nona : kan? nmpk bes kan?? klu mkn lg bes. wahahaha (ayat keji). jgn marah eh nona. ko kan superwomen. tak rock la mrh. anyway, beli je strawberry pastu dip dlm choc. camtu la rs die. :-))
to ayu : bley tak aku tade perasaan tgk choc2 tu. ahahhahaha... rugi lah. tringin gak nk bwk blk tuk korg tp xtau nk simpan cane. takut naik putih2 or die jd tak fresh. haa.. ape lg? next trip brussels la plak. he he he....
alalala sitek
aku baru bukak blog kau hari ni
wasap wasap wasap?
wakakakak.. ko berjaya membuat aku tersnyum dgn gediknye. c'mon bebeh... mari mari ym ngn aku. :-))
wowww hahahaha
kurang asammm
banyaknya chocolates! and strawberries, and waffles. tidak..tidak..aku tidak mahu lagi menjenguk blog yang penuh dengan gambar keji ini. sobss
oh oh and seafood omg slurrpp
lalu terus keluar cari choc fondue and seafood.
mamie... jeles btl aku ngn ko. heavennye makan makan makan lalu menjadi tahi. :-)
ps: kasi la petua bagaimana menjadi begitu. heheheheh...
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