anyway, it's already sunday the 5th and i can't wait for next saturday to come. another week to go and i am off to Brussels!! yeayyyy!! i need this holiday so bad. i've been sub-con to AP team started last wednesday to help clearing up the backlog for that team. so far i'm doing fine but honestly i'm still struggling to juggle my time between working for my team and working for AP. at first upon accepting this offer, i thought i am going to work for my team in the morning and for AP after lunch. but my TL still wants me to do the closing for the team and send the reports out on daily basis. so it means that i still have to work for my team in the evening. now i'm like here and there. but frankly speaking, i seem to like it. a lot!. at least x rasa pn mase berlalu. tetibe je da balik. and this is the reason i seldom reply to my J's emails. sorry babes. :-(
weather mcm tak menentu je nowadays. skjp matahari memancar... skjp ujan... skjp windy and cold. erm... nak kluar pn tak tau nk pakai jacket ape. it's april so i supposed we shouldn't be wearing a winter jacket. tp sejuk je mak oii... kna jgk pakai scarf bagai. isk... confuse la cane org ley pkai short skirt and tights je. x sejuk kah? hopefully the weather is nice in Brussels next week. *crossed fingers*
i am now addicted to the game 'Restaurant City'. thanks to mak teh yan who introduced me to the game. and i managed to persuade Yaya to play it too. caya la yaya... da level 3 da skg. hehhehehe... why dont you guys try it. :-)
ok la... nmpak sgt tade idea ape nak blog. saje je nak bubuh first entry for this month. i better take my shower now. i promise to meet hunny at UGC around 2pm. mcm lambat je ni. ish ish ish... gf ape la ni. owh... i've got me ring! cincin time merisik ritu. i really love it to the max. bak kata Kinga 'very original.' maksudnye design tu sbb tak jupe kat sini yg design camni. tp kat malaysia mgkin da byk kot?
ey ey ey
soriii lambat komen!
bz la
bz ape?
jeng jeng jeng
p/s: remember u told me 1 of ur biggest fear of getting married?
hahahah ke tak sure yg mane 1?
ape2 lah kalo ko igt
tp itu adelah perkare wajib ok!
whether u like it or not
buat ajela nok!
aku ingat!!!!!!!!!! ko dah ke???? atart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aku takutttttttttt... erk!!
ps: aku senyum takley blah da ni. bodo la ko ni. wahahahahahahahahahhahahahahah...
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