Friday, July 31, 2009
aiseh busan plak. ni da dua entry dlm satu hari ni. huhuhu... busan GILE. rs nk buat cake. td da tgk kt supervalu. jupe la betty crocker pnye instant cake. tringat kt miranda (SATC) mase die depress tade bf and die bantai mkn cake je sbb nk divert her mind from thinking of sex (season 4). mula2 rs nk beli tp tak syok plk pakai yg segera kn? so tak jadi beli trus. td lps abes bt entry kt bwh sebok google2 recipe cake, tringat lak xley mkn cake sbb diet pnye psl. sigh~~ busan la. nk btpe?? HELP!!
it's bank holiday weekend. wiiittt wiiitttt... :-) lama gile rs menunggu utk weekend yg pnjg ini. i'm gonna be alone though. tasha is going to london tonite while siti & zuen are off to Dusseldorf tomorrow morning. i can't join because i want to attend adik's second bday partttyyyy... hooray!! and next week zuen is going to fetch her mom in London and she asked us to join her. Siti refused to join (br bli vaio baru so poket berlubang) and i dont want to be alone with zuen & her mom (nti mcm menyebok je i ni) so i texted lina in case she wants to tag along. but she hasnt decided yet since she's still waiting for Arnotts to tell her whether she got the job or not. so tak decide lg nk g ke tak. klu zuhaira ade lg kt sana da tentu ticket suda ku beli by now. boley buli budak tu sket. hhahahah...
before i left the office just now i went down to second floor to bid my goodbye to Delphine. today is her last day with the company. she's bored with her work and decided to go to Canada. Everything's ready - visa, accomodation, plans etc2. how nice! while talking to her Kevin came to us and did the hand gestures for drinking. terpakse tipu sunat dgn mengatakn i have something urgent to do today. i got a big 'aaahhhhhh... c'mon!!'. ssh kn? how many times do i have to tell that i dont drink! tp sme tak phm juge. next time klu ade minum2 kna blakon sakit br dorg kasi tak join dgn hati terbuka. hahaha... speaking of which, pening pale nk pk psl MY farewell drink. errr i dont drink so not really mine la kot. tp irish ni besenye ske activity2 sebegini sbg alasan nk minum baaaaaaaaanyaaaakkkkk2. isk tak tau la cane. klu tanak buat nti org kata anti-social. klu nk buat, jap lg sme org tanye 'just coke?'. tu yg mls nk bgtau tu. bli explain nti dorg kata 'everyone is sinned'. sudah! spt mencurah air ke daun keladi. :-) so baik elak altogether.
rs cm baru je burak2 ngn Delphine dlm dart psl die nk bnti keje. tgk2 ari ni die da last keje. how time flies. in 4 weeks time, it's going to be my turn. gilak ah ting tong. kejap je. dulu Ben slalu nganjingkn nama Delphine. everytime Delphine passed by our cubicles, he'll say 'do you wanna see a Dolphin?'. ye.. Ben mmg keji. owh actually i have a pic of him. and the whole bunch of them. got em from Vincent the other day. meh la buh sket gamba bdk2 opis. check them out!
before i left the office just now i went down to second floor to bid my goodbye to Delphine. today is her last day with the company. she's bored with her work and decided to go to Canada. Everything's ready - visa, accomodation, plans etc2. how nice! while talking to her Kevin came to us and did the hand gestures for drinking. terpakse tipu sunat dgn mengatakn i have something urgent to do today. i got a big 'aaahhhhhh... c'mon!!'. ssh kn? how many times do i have to tell that i dont drink! tp sme tak phm juge. next time klu ade minum2 kna blakon sakit br dorg kasi tak join dgn hati terbuka. hahaha... speaking of which, pening pale nk pk psl MY farewell drink. errr i dont drink so not really mine la kot. tp irish ni besenye ske activity2 sebegini sbg alasan nk minum baaaaaaaaanyaaaakkkkk2. isk tak tau la cane. klu tanak buat nti org kata anti-social. klu nk buat, jap lg sme org tanye 'just coke?'. tu yg mls nk bgtau tu. bli explain nti dorg kata 'everyone is sinned'. sudah! spt mencurah air ke daun keladi. :-) so baik elak altogether.
rs cm baru je burak2 ngn Delphine dlm dart psl die nk bnti keje. tgk2 ari ni die da last keje. how time flies. in 4 weeks time, it's going to be my turn. gilak ah ting tong. kejap je. dulu Ben slalu nganjingkn nama Delphine. everytime Delphine passed by our cubicles, he'll say 'do you wanna see a Dolphin?'. ye.. Ben mmg keji. owh actually i have a pic of him. and the whole bunch of them. got em from Vincent the other day. meh la buh sket gamba bdk2 opis. check them out!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
berita menarik utk ari ni...
ps: to all J's... aku tak pos la kad kt korg. gedik la klu kite tak jupe sblm aku kawen kn? time jupe tu nnti aku kasi la sme org k? and nape tade org updet psl wedding intan? aku nosy2 gak try carik gamba kt FB tp xjupe kot. hohoho... cik yus, ko msti ade gamba2 kn. and nona, ko pn takkan tade gamba kot. ko kn mcm pegi sme knduri je. huhuhu...
- lps dr ari ni, tamatlah sudah pmbyrn loan mara mase bt dip dlu. yeeeaaaayyyy!! tiada lg hutang walau satu sen pn. alhamdulillahh...
- kad kawen suda siap. tggl nk distribute shj. iskk... tetibe rs butterfly in stomach.
- wisdom tooth ku suda tak sakit lg. hoorayy!
- siti tidak mrh pdku.
- dpt byk2 mentos from Corinna. :-)
- esok ari jumaat. hip hip hooray!!!
ps: to all J's... aku tak pos la kad kt korg. gedik la klu kite tak jupe sblm aku kawen kn? time jupe tu nnti aku kasi la sme org k? and nape tade org updet psl wedding intan? aku nosy2 gak try carik gamba kt FB tp xjupe kot. hohoho... cik yus, ko msti ade gamba2 kn. and nona, ko pn takkan tade gamba kot. ko kn mcm pegi sme knduri je. huhuhu...
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
ting tong
ok td mcm rs byk je nk tulis. tetibe blank plak. erm2... ulcer tak baek2 lg (obviously la kn. baru 4 ari). so rs tak slesa cam nak nanges time die sakit or rs nk gunting je bhgn bibir yg ade ulcer tu. sigh~ assobru minal iman (pelik la tulis dlm rumi). ok bersabar sparuh dr iman. inhale~ exhale~
oh ye. smlm suda tender resignation. sedey je bile HR kasi confirmation email yg hari last keje ialah 28/08/2009. and ade questionnaires sket on 'why are you resigning' and yadaa yadaa. well... tak lama da la ni. 21 working days. pastu hooray!!! and tadi juge TL da announced mase team meeting. he also looked sad. i dunno. i dun think he's sad that i'm leaving. but he looked really sad. stress maybe? entah... and during lunch time tadi Kinga kata TL told her that he is bored already with his work. so demotivated to come to the office. ehem... it's none of my business anymore ey? <---selfish gile! hahahah...
me & siti been sending emails today. but i crossed the line i think. i told her how i despise the way J treats her. i told her that she should move on and she's wayyyy better than him. i told her that he got no balls and certainly an imbecile who should be ignored as long as she could. but i guess i shouldnt say all that. i should keep it to myself. and now i feel so awkward to talk to siti. huhuhu... i dont think she's mad at me. i think she feels awkward too. well.. she'll understand. this is no time for scool-boy lover. it's as simple as 'if you want, act like one. if you dont, turn on one heel and get lost!'. byk sgt tgk SATC ktorg ni. slalu nk rs umo 40 pn takpe tade bf. as long as we have gorgeous shoes & handbags, nothing else matters. iskk.. tak bgs btl la pengaruh tv ni. hahahha..
i sooooo want POCHETTE KATE. i wanttt!!!
oh ye. smlm suda tender resignation. sedey je bile HR kasi confirmation email yg hari last keje ialah 28/08/2009. and ade questionnaires sket on 'why are you resigning' and yadaa yadaa. well... tak lama da la ni. 21 working days. pastu hooray!!! and tadi juge TL da announced mase team meeting. he also looked sad. i dunno. i dun think he's sad that i'm leaving. but he looked really sad. stress maybe? entah... and during lunch time tadi Kinga kata TL told her that he is bored already with his work. so demotivated to come to the office. ehem... it's none of my business anymore ey? <---selfish gile! hahahah...
me & siti been sending emails today. but i crossed the line i think. i told her how i despise the way J treats her. i told her that she should move on and she's wayyyy better than him. i told her that he got no balls and certainly an imbecile who should be ignored as long as she could. but i guess i shouldnt say all that. i should keep it to myself. and now i feel so awkward to talk to siti. huhuhu... i dont think she's mad at me. i think she feels awkward too. well.. she'll understand. this is no time for scool-boy lover. it's as simple as 'if you want, act like one. if you dont, turn on one heel and get lost!'. byk sgt tgk SATC ktorg ni. slalu nk rs umo 40 pn takpe tade bf. as long as we have gorgeous shoes & handbags, nothing else matters. iskk.. tak bgs btl la pengaruh tv ni. hahahha..
i sooooo want POCHETTE KATE. i wanttt!!!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
ok cik orked. diatas ialah kenapa entry di bwh terkeluar. depress thp tak ley bendung da lagi. mgkin byk sgt nk pk kot. entah la. and i am not good at handling my stress. sgt tak pandai nk kawal prasaan. end up skg ni ade 4 ulcer maha godang kt mulut. menambahkn depress je sbb mulut sakit ari2.
on monday i was on half day. depress tak bley blah. smpi bos halau suh blk uma sbb kesian tgk mke i. huhuh... mari kite tgk senarai pnyebab ulcers ini muncul
i need some advices on how to overcome this depression. maybe i should go out. somewhere other than dublin. but where? when? depress kn? why? why? :-((
ps: looking forward for Adik's bday party. huhu...
on monday i was on half day. depress tak bley blah. smpi bos halau suh blk uma sbb kesian tgk mke i. huhuh... mari kite tgk senarai pnyebab ulcers ini muncul
- wisdom tooth ni kluar lg. normal ke utk wisdom tooth tmbh sket2? stiap kali nak naik msti gusi bengkak and tekak rs kembang je. normal ke kt korg eh?
- stiap kali rs wisdom tooth tu menolak, temperature naik smpi mke rs pns2 gitu. sbb bdn jadi pns, ulcers pn start pounding. kdg2 rs tak thn sgt. :-((
- keje kat opis ari2 mcm byk. tak sempat pn nk rileks2 baca blog org laen or even baca paper. sigh~
- byk bnde nk kena setel - call NTL nk tkr DD mandate, terminate Unlimited card, terminate bank account, credit card lg. haram satu pn tak buat lg. tade mase la seyes.
- perihal kawen yg rs ssh sgt nk buat dr jauh. nk kena balik baru btl2 tau. kak ija garang cam monster stiap kali tanye psl bab2 kawen. ape nih? nk tlg ke tak? sebbek mak slalu je memahami. so tamo da ckp psl kawen lg. balik nti baru tgk cane. (sbb ni la ati slalu risau smpai x sedar my mind is so depress).
- homesick walopn da tau da ade lg beberapa mggu je lg nk balik.
- ade lg 4 mggu nk kena g opis. DEPRESSSSS!! nape lama sgt. klu bley nk benti esok gak. wowoowowooo...
- gado ngn hunny kdg2 (sedangkn lidah lg tergeget. ewahh!).
- xley mkn sewenang2nye sbb tamo bulat smacam je bile balik nti. i miss foods. owhh~~
- lapa nasik (da start diet nasik).
- tade cuti smpi la ari last keje sbb nk kena cover Dovile & Kinga yg ber'summer' holiday. huhuuuuuuuu...
i need some advices on how to overcome this depression. maybe i should go out. somewhere other than dublin. but where? when? depress kn? why? why? :-((
ps: looking forward for Adik's bday party. huhu...
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I hate this feeling. PMS kah? Rs cm spatutnye da over. Da mdi wjb da smlm. Asal prasaan xstabil lg nih? I hate u!!! I hate u like million times. Why is it so hard? Am I being punished for anything? Tell me. I really want to know. Pls... : - ((((
Sunday, July 19, 2009
sunday blues
aiseh... kejap je da ari ahad. esok da keje. see, ari2 komen mls nk g keje. tgk2 tuhan da kabulkn doa. for those who havent had a clue, try reading bloomberg. or even Financial Times and see what is happening to my company now. nak cite pn masih too early. will tell the whole story once the final decision is made. for the time being, still kena teruskn idup cam bese. well, tak lama da lagi pn. not like i'm planning to stay long. but still, i dont want to leave in the time like this!
eh eh.. da kul 11. better go to sleep now. or else i will regret this tomorrow morning. so toodles!!
eh eh.. da kul 11. better go to sleep now. or else i will regret this tomorrow morning. so toodles!!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
just came back from watching bruno with hunny. gosh... dun think this one can make it to our msian screens. gile tahape2 thn gaban. tak tau nk comment ape. that movie is sooo SBC. typical... it's like borat. a film that we'll only want to watch once in a lifetime. klu tringat rs nk senyum2 sorg2. tp klu org ajak g repeat, sorry naik lorry. bese la part2 b'bogelan secara bersahaja. and this time i can clearly see the thing dangling. and to my surprise, ade ke laki2 nk bt brazilian? what? readers blog ni sme da bsr2 kn? hehe... mgkin gay je yg sanggup nak bt wax itu. :-) ini je muvi yg bile da abes tu, me & hunny cam tiade komen. senyap je mase dlm pjlnn balik tu. hahaha... xtau nk komen ape la. mmg buduh sgt cite tu. buduh yg sbenar. tp mamat tu mmg kacak la. rambut stylo gile. hahahahahhaha...
ok ape lg yg berlaku. oh ye. smlm g kua jln2 ngn hunny after work (first time ni kua jln2 lps keje pd ari khamis). saje nk tgk2 sale sbb kpala tension keje menimbun. and ingat nk g beli la beg laptop idaman tu. on-hold dr hari ahad lg kn. pnye la bz smpai ari khamis br smpt nk g tgk balik. so ktorg pn start la dr debenhams. pusing2 tgk brg. hunny got a new jeans from Zara for just E19. then we went to Arnotts before our last stop to Clerys (tmpt beg laptop tu). pstu saje la kan singgah samsonite pnye section kot2 bag laptop yg sama ade kat situ. skali tiada. tp ade satu hand luggage yg skali dgn laptop section. die bag laptop sbenarnye. tp big enough and ade satu compartment asing yg besar cam hand luggage. and it's a convertible backpack. klu tamo galas, ley tarik cam bag tarik bese. bes kn? pstu die ialah 50% off. lps pk lama di situ, rembat je satu. so tak beli la bag laptop merah idaman tu. instead i got myself a nice new laptop bag cum handluggage. cool ey?
i have another 7 weeks to go. this morning Ray told me i can't go. and i said i have to because i am getting married. and he replied back
ok ape lg yg berlaku. oh ye. smlm g kua jln2 ngn hunny after work (first time ni kua jln2 lps keje pd ari khamis). saje nk tgk2 sale sbb kpala tension keje menimbun. and ingat nk g beli la beg laptop idaman tu. on-hold dr hari ahad lg kn. pnye la bz smpai ari khamis br smpt nk g tgk balik. so ktorg pn start la dr debenhams. pusing2 tgk brg. hunny got a new jeans from Zara for just E19. then we went to Arnotts before our last stop to Clerys (tmpt beg laptop tu). pstu saje la kan singgah samsonite pnye section kot2 bag laptop yg sama ade kat situ. skali tiada. tp ade satu hand luggage yg skali dgn laptop section. die bag laptop sbenarnye. tp big enough and ade satu compartment asing yg besar cam hand luggage. and it's a convertible backpack. klu tamo galas, ley tarik cam bag tarik bese. bes kn? pstu die ialah 50% off. lps pk lama di situ, rembat je satu. so tak beli la bag laptop merah idaman tu. instead i got myself a nice new laptop bag cum handluggage. cool ey?
i have another 7 weeks to go. this morning Ray told me i can't go. and i said i have to because i am getting married. and he replied back
'you're getting married? that's the first step to divorce!!'
how thoughtful of him. he's always so funny and he loves to call me 'missus trouble'. because when he's stuck with the reconciliation, he'll come to me for some advices. 'missus trouble solver' sounds too long he decided. thus the nickname 'missus trouble'. and we once bumped into each other in front of Jervis Shopping Centre. i was with hunny that time. i introduced him to hunny and he quickly told hunny 'i'm ray. she's missus trouble'. so quick i couldnt stop it. hunny gelak aje la. ray mmg gile. but i will miss him. :-(
Sunday, July 05, 2009
watched 'jgn tegur' yesterday. eventhough it was the 7 of us altogether watching it, the movie really scare the hell out of me. seram okkkkk... first time rs cite melayu sgt seram. walopn pierre andre sgt bangang skali dlm cite tu tp cite tu overall bes la. bak kata usin 'nyampah aku mamat ni. klu muvi die msti nak sebok ter'thayang2'. lidah da la senteng.' hahahaha... ok peminat pierre sile la jgn baca entry. mmg nyampah gile tgk mamat tu berlakon. klu berlakon nak macho je. isk tak ske la. pastu watak die dlm cite tu mmg sumpah loser. ade ke wife ko teruk2 kena rasuk ngn antu siam, ko ley tipon ustaz pastu sambung tgk tv. gile tak logic kn? spatutnye dok la takut2 kat lua bilik. ade de patut tgk tv balik. budus berdengung!! hahahah...
pstu smbung plak tgk cite 'the haunting in connecticut'. by that time hunny surrendered. flat in front of the TV. so kami lg 6 org lg ni la menyambung menonton cite seram. bile abes tu, fydu pn da terbarai, usin lagi la plak. tinggal la azam and manbei yg masih bertahan lg. so manbei offer nk antar me and tasha balik. itu pn sbb die kesian klu i kejut hunny or tasha kejut fydu. sweet je manbei ni. sape2 rs single, sile la bg borang. akn ku forwardkn ke manbei. doctor-to-be lg tu. tp sape2 yg lahir thn 1983 ke bwh tu padamkn je la impian. sbb klu tak salah mamat ni budak lg. i mean muda la dr kite. ngeh ngeh ngeh...
sampai uma da takley tdo. seyes yg sbenar. scaredy cat!!! da la terasa cam dgr bunyi mcm2 kat luar. takut gile ok. da berpeluh2 dlm duvet pn sanggup bertahan sbb takut bergerak nti antu tgk (bley tak??). rsnye tiap2 jam terjaga. bgn pagi je da terletih2. tade mood. kul 9 lg da terjegil da bijik mata takley nk sambung tdo. smpi zuen pn terkebil2 tanye 'eh, aisha ni btl ke da bgn. rini ahad kn?' see! sme org tau i takkan bgn sblm kul 11am. tp ari ni bgn awal gile lak. sedey je. hukhuk..
pastu ptg td g Clerys sbb hunny kata ade sale. sbbkn ktrg nk carik microwave cum oven, pegi la tgk kot2 ade yg bes. lalu kejap kat samsonite pastu terjumpe satu beg laptop yg chummel gile. kaler merah gitu. da nk beli sgt ni skali baru prasan tak bwk purse. hahahahah... gelakkn diri sendri. cane ni jalan2 tp tak bwk purse. terpakse la tggu esok baru ley beli. isk... hopefully ade lg la esok. fuhh!! then gerak g bhgn electrical stuffs, tp baru je nak belek2, da ade announcement suh sme org blah sbb da nk tutup.duhh~~ sgt tak bes. esok la nmpknye g Clerys pas keje. chaiyo!
on the way balik td singgah kedai pak arab beli ayam. tringin gile nk mkn chicken pita. yg sbenar tringin. balik uma marinade ayam and siap2kn salad sme. hasilnye?? sgt bes and kenyang! alhamdulillah... and now we are all waiting for fydu to call us. we are going to give tasha a surprise party. tomorrow is her birthday. i called hunny just now and he said fydu is cooking seabass at the moment! yummy yummy! biar pn da pukul seploh tp nak jugak seabass. :-))
ok lah. tade idea da nk membebel. mlsnye nak g kejeeeeee!!!! arrgghhhghhhhghghgghhh...
pstu smbung plak tgk cite 'the haunting in connecticut'. by that time hunny surrendered. flat in front of the TV. so kami lg 6 org lg ni la menyambung menonton cite seram. bile abes tu, fydu pn da terbarai, usin lagi la plak. tinggal la azam and manbei yg masih bertahan lg. so manbei offer nk antar me and tasha balik. itu pn sbb die kesian klu i kejut hunny or tasha kejut fydu. sweet je manbei ni. sape2 rs single, sile la bg borang. akn ku forwardkn ke manbei. doctor-to-be lg tu. tp sape2 yg lahir thn 1983 ke bwh tu padamkn je la impian. sbb klu tak salah mamat ni budak lg. i mean muda la dr kite. ngeh ngeh ngeh...
sampai uma da takley tdo. seyes yg sbenar. scaredy cat!!! da la terasa cam dgr bunyi mcm2 kat luar. takut gile ok. da berpeluh2 dlm duvet pn sanggup bertahan sbb takut bergerak nti antu tgk (bley tak??). rsnye tiap2 jam terjaga. bgn pagi je da terletih2. tade mood. kul 9 lg da terjegil da bijik mata takley nk sambung tdo. smpi zuen pn terkebil2 tanye 'eh, aisha ni btl ke da bgn. rini ahad kn?' see! sme org tau i takkan bgn sblm kul 11am. tp ari ni bgn awal gile lak. sedey je. hukhuk..
pastu ptg td g Clerys sbb hunny kata ade sale. sbbkn ktrg nk carik microwave cum oven, pegi la tgk kot2 ade yg bes. lalu kejap kat samsonite pastu terjumpe satu beg laptop yg chummel gile. kaler merah gitu. da nk beli sgt ni skali baru prasan tak bwk purse. hahahahah... gelakkn diri sendri. cane ni jalan2 tp tak bwk purse. terpakse la tggu esok baru ley beli. isk... hopefully ade lg la esok. fuhh!! then gerak g bhgn electrical stuffs, tp baru je nak belek2, da ade announcement suh sme org blah sbb da nk tutup.duhh~~ sgt tak bes. esok la nmpknye g Clerys pas keje. chaiyo!
on the way balik td singgah kedai pak arab beli ayam. tringin gile nk mkn chicken pita. yg sbenar tringin. balik uma marinade ayam and siap2kn salad sme. hasilnye?? sgt bes and kenyang! alhamdulillah... and now we are all waiting for fydu to call us. we are going to give tasha a surprise party. tomorrow is her birthday. i called hunny just now and he said fydu is cooking seabass at the moment! yummy yummy! biar pn da pukul seploh tp nak jugak seabass. :-))
ok lah. tade idea da nk membebel. mlsnye nak g kejeeeeee!!!! arrgghhhghhhhghghgghhh...
Saturday, July 04, 2009
erm... smlm kt opis rs cm byk gile nk updet tp ari ni rs blank plak. mebe sbb pg td bgn pg prt rs lapa gile smpi lemah lutut. trus minum apple juice n mkn EPO n Spirulina. pstu zuen buat tuna sandwich for breakfast. even da mkn pn rs cam lemau je ni. mgknkah sbb weather mendung je kat lua. stiap kali klu mendung msti rs sedey and gloomy smcm je. korg x rs ke? :-((
obviously mood sgt down. and i'm all alone now. zuen n siti have gone to UGC to watch the sister's keeper. i've watched it yesterday with hunny. a very sad movie indeed but to be honest some of the scenes can just be deleted simply because they are not really significant to the movie overall. therefore i'd say 3.5 stars out of 5. hunny liked it though. he said Abigail is just brilliant in that movie. i cried of course until my lungs felt like bursting there and then. try it. you'll know what i mean.
and yesterday i also had the heart-to-heart talk with one of my colleague. she's from Zurich and she told me about her family. of course Zurich is one of the expensive cities in the world and her family used her for that. since she's earning in Euro, you do the math. she was so upset yesterday telling me how she can't have a saving account because her family's demand is always huge and according to her, they dont really treat her well in return. that was the reason she first set her foot here. poor thing! well, i can't say much but i think i know what she meant. i remember last time when we were all still studying full time. i had this one dear friend of mine. she was here because she got the JPA loan but that was only for the study fee. so the rest of the expenses, she had to ask from her parents. she did very good in her study and she became ACCA affiliate within 2 years. unfortunately no company wanted to employ her that time. and her father was telling her that he wont give her a cent anymore. so she had to borrow money from us to survive. i remember how she used to be so sad everytime she called home. one thing i dont understand is how can her father cursed her saying that she was worth nothing and told her to find a way out to finance herself. i mean he's the father right? but anyway, she stayed and consistently sending CVs and voila! she got a job in a bank and now she earns the most compared to all of us. upon hearing the good news the father started crawling at her feet and asked her to pay for every fecking things! bills, groceries and even her sister's wedding. for the first year of working, even she earned loads, she was still the person with no money. no new clothes, old mobile phone, no laptop, because her family sucked her so bad. after a while, she talked to her mom and told her the whole situation and how she felt yadaa yadaa. and now things are getting better. at least her father never ask for anything anymore. (the last i heard, he wanted a bloody new car and asked her to pay for it but she refused to do so. that could be the reason he's so quiet now). well i know i shouldnt be so nosy to judge her situation. i just want share and remind myself that anything is possible in this world. even your family can do bad things to you. amazing ey? thank god my family is the best in the world. at least my mom never tries to butt-in into my life. let alone to ask me about my financial situation. she's the best mom in the world. :-))
ok moving on. i would like to wish my ever best buddy RADIYAH ABD KARIM for her 26th bday! da 26 da kite eh kudik. aku syg ko smpi bile2. jgn sedey2 and enjoy life while you still can. aku balik nti klu windy kite g main layang2 ok. hahahahahahahah... smoga berbahagia ke anak cucu. bile nak ade j's junior nih? :-) ni aku letak gamba ko yg plg gojes. ko msti rs nak big hug aku kan? wakakkakaka.... luv u babe!!

and also, tasha got herself a very nice Jimmy Choo bridal collection for E180!! murahhhhhh!!! sgt cantik merelip2. gojes sgt tgk die pakai. ape motif ckp psl kasut org? oh ye. sbb kasut utk diri sendiri tade lagi. bile la nk carik. haihhhh~~
obviously mood sgt down. and i'm all alone now. zuen n siti have gone to UGC to watch the sister's keeper. i've watched it yesterday with hunny. a very sad movie indeed but to be honest some of the scenes can just be deleted simply because they are not really significant to the movie overall. therefore i'd say 3.5 stars out of 5. hunny liked it though. he said Abigail is just brilliant in that movie. i cried of course until my lungs felt like bursting there and then. try it. you'll know what i mean.
and yesterday i also had the heart-to-heart talk with one of my colleague. she's from Zurich and she told me about her family. of course Zurich is one of the expensive cities in the world and her family used her for that. since she's earning in Euro, you do the math. she was so upset yesterday telling me how she can't have a saving account because her family's demand is always huge and according to her, they dont really treat her well in return. that was the reason she first set her foot here. poor thing! well, i can't say much but i think i know what she meant. i remember last time when we were all still studying full time. i had this one dear friend of mine. she was here because she got the JPA loan but that was only for the study fee. so the rest of the expenses, she had to ask from her parents. she did very good in her study and she became ACCA affiliate within 2 years. unfortunately no company wanted to employ her that time. and her father was telling her that he wont give her a cent anymore. so she had to borrow money from us to survive. i remember how she used to be so sad everytime she called home. one thing i dont understand is how can her father cursed her saying that she was worth nothing and told her to find a way out to finance herself. i mean he's the father right? but anyway, she stayed and consistently sending CVs and voila! she got a job in a bank and now she earns the most compared to all of us. upon hearing the good news the father started crawling at her feet and asked her to pay for every fecking things! bills, groceries and even her sister's wedding. for the first year of working, even she earned loads, she was still the person with no money. no new clothes, old mobile phone, no laptop, because her family sucked her so bad. after a while, she talked to her mom and told her the whole situation and how she felt yadaa yadaa. and now things are getting better. at least her father never ask for anything anymore. (the last i heard, he wanted a bloody new car and asked her to pay for it but she refused to do so. that could be the reason he's so quiet now). well i know i shouldnt be so nosy to judge her situation. i just want share and remind myself that anything is possible in this world. even your family can do bad things to you. amazing ey? thank god my family is the best in the world. at least my mom never tries to butt-in into my life. let alone to ask me about my financial situation. she's the best mom in the world. :-))
ok moving on. i would like to wish my ever best buddy RADIYAH ABD KARIM for her 26th bday! da 26 da kite eh kudik. aku syg ko smpi bile2. jgn sedey2 and enjoy life while you still can. aku balik nti klu windy kite g main layang2 ok. hahahahahahahah... smoga berbahagia ke anak cucu. bile nak ade j's junior nih? :-) ni aku letak gamba ko yg plg gojes. ko msti rs nak big hug aku kan? wakakkakaka.... luv u babe!!

and also, tasha got herself a very nice Jimmy Choo bridal collection for E180!! murahhhhhh!!! sgt cantik merelip2. gojes sgt tgk die pakai. ape motif ckp psl kasut org? oh ye. sbb kasut utk diri sendiri tade lagi. bile la nk carik. haihhhh~~
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
slamat bulan baru
tgk ticker tu. ade less than 2 months. heheheh... tak saba nk tgk cane kehidupn kat msia. hopefully it's gonna be a good one. amin... ape nk update rini? urm2... mcm bese still bz. ni pn blk keje td kul 9. sy bkn workaholic. tp klu tak siapkn rini esok lg png pale. so stayback je siapkn sme bnde dlu. and smpai uma tadi tade tenaga langsung. jupe hunny x sampai 3 menet. da balik uma trus. skg da bersenang lenang ats katil. perasaan bahagia tak terhingga. hehehhee...
mari cerita psl perihal opis spy di ari tua bley bergelak ketawa di ats ke annoy'an' diri sendri. at this moment, i detest fecking Ital*ans. stakat ni tak jupe lg org negara tu yg btl2 bekenan nk di buat kawan. kt opis tu tade la ramai It*lian tp yg ade tu pn sme mcm harammm... pe motif ckp psl itali*n? saje... spy tak lupe smpai bile2. hahha... i've always experience the worst with people from their country. last time hunny pnye hsemate yg ade ramai sgt kawan2 dr Ital* ni. sme prangai tahape2. kuat party, minum smpai muntah2 sana sini. coccaine jgn ckp la. rsnye slagi tak rompong idong tu slagi tu la asek nk amik je. pastu yg sorg lg mamat tu ske pow duit hsemate hunny ni. tp cite kat org family die org kaya2. abes tu asal ko tade uma sendri? asek nk lepak uma hunny je. pstu mtk duit org. fine la. ingatkn sbb die tak well-educated sgt sbb tu prangai die kampon.
rupenye yg da well-educated pn sama je prangainye. call me racist but my experiences with them just proven how unethical and unprofessional they are (at least the ones in my office). smpai Kristof pn kata 'oh, org2 dorg ni takley bg power sket or takley kasi dorg rs dorg ade power. abes sme org dorg pijak.' gile kn? sbb tu bile dgr je dorg ni dr negara itu, trus rs tak syok. and people ask me why i haven't been there yet. cane? tiada prasaan membuak2. dlu ade la skejap mase satu zaman tu. tp skg da langsung ilang da. ditambah plak dgn cite siti yg kena tumbuk tak psl2 kat Rome. ish takpe la. tak pnh g pn takpe. (racist gile entry kali ni).
oh klu i jupe Giuseppe Esposito or Cesare Marino kat msia, aku starlite dahi ko sejuta kali. :-)) ahhahahahahahah... td terserempak Giuseppe kt canteen and die kunun2 berbuat baik dgn berkata 'how are you ladies? (me & kinga) long time no see?.' tp aku trus berpura2 bercakap ngn john lantas buat tak lyn kpd si itu org yg aku tak ske. bakpe aku susah pyh nak kunun2 ske die? oh puas la ati aku. rasenye die tau diriku tak ske die. sme sbb bln lepas die pakse2 kinga turun register those stupid anti-mafia thingy. (tu la. negara byk sgt mafia. kan da kena register sme payments yg hntr kat It*ly). tp kinga lak time tu bz gile. so i offered to help her. but the thing is i totally forgot my password to log on to the anti-mafia software. ye la. last buat pn thn lps. sbb itu junior pnye keje. so si mamat gile ni bising la. siap kutuk2 kinga kata menyusahkn idop die sbb antar diriku yg password pn tak ingat. hahahah... bkn sengaja la gile. bape kali nk ckp. klu die diam pn takpe. sbb bknnye takley mtk password kinga. tp bese la org2 negara dorg ni. bende kecik pn nak besar2kn. nk tjk la die sorg je la yg bley buat keje. so die pn start la call my TL kunun nak ngadu. skali kena mrh lg ade. ye la. da la ktorg ni tolong die. die nak kecoh2 lak kn. start ari tu baru la try kunun nk ckp baik2. tp jgn harap. i dont like u. and will always not like you. me no likey!!
Cesare? lg mls nk cite. buduh berdengung. klu ade mase baru cite. ni ape kes meluah prasaan ni? heheheh... xpe la. pngalaman utk ari tua. ngehngehngeh...
ps: kudik, mula2 aku baca komen ko utk entry bwh ni kn, aku confuse gile. aku asek je tanye diri aku 'nape TL aku kna bg ko adiah?' sebbek aku tak tulis ape2 yg bley mgguris ati ko. da lama tu baru aku tau nape. see? ternyata aku ingat la. aku ingat ari tu ialah bday ko. hehehehhe...
mari cerita psl perihal opis spy di ari tua bley bergelak ketawa di ats ke annoy'an' diri sendri. at this moment, i detest fecking Ital*ans. stakat ni tak jupe lg org negara tu yg btl2 bekenan nk di buat kawan. kt opis tu tade la ramai It*lian tp yg ade tu pn sme mcm harammm... pe motif ckp psl itali*n? saje... spy tak lupe smpai bile2. hahha... i've always experience the worst with people from their country. last time hunny pnye hsemate yg ade ramai sgt kawan2 dr Ital* ni. sme prangai tahape2. kuat party, minum smpai muntah2 sana sini. coccaine jgn ckp la. rsnye slagi tak rompong idong tu slagi tu la asek nk amik je. pastu yg sorg lg mamat tu ske pow duit hsemate hunny ni. tp cite kat org family die org kaya2. abes tu asal ko tade uma sendri? asek nk lepak uma hunny je. pstu mtk duit org. fine la. ingatkn sbb die tak well-educated sgt sbb tu prangai die kampon.
rupenye yg da well-educated pn sama je prangainye. call me racist but my experiences with them just proven how unethical and unprofessional they are (at least the ones in my office). smpai Kristof pn kata 'oh, org2 dorg ni takley bg power sket or takley kasi dorg rs dorg ade power. abes sme org dorg pijak.' gile kn? sbb tu bile dgr je dorg ni dr negara itu, trus rs tak syok. and people ask me why i haven't been there yet. cane? tiada prasaan membuak2. dlu ade la skejap mase satu zaman tu. tp skg da langsung ilang da. ditambah plak dgn cite siti yg kena tumbuk tak psl2 kat Rome. ish takpe la. tak pnh g pn takpe. (racist gile entry kali ni).
oh klu i jupe Giuseppe Esposito or Cesare Marino kat msia, aku starlite dahi ko sejuta kali. :-)) ahhahahahahahah... td terserempak Giuseppe kt canteen and die kunun2 berbuat baik dgn berkata 'how are you ladies? (me & kinga) long time no see?.' tp aku trus berpura2 bercakap ngn john lantas buat tak lyn kpd si itu org yg aku tak ske. bakpe aku susah pyh nak kunun2 ske die? oh puas la ati aku. rasenye die tau diriku tak ske die. sme sbb bln lepas die pakse2 kinga turun register those stupid anti-mafia thingy. (tu la. negara byk sgt mafia. kan da kena register sme payments yg hntr kat It*ly). tp kinga lak time tu bz gile. so i offered to help her. but the thing is i totally forgot my password to log on to the anti-mafia software. ye la. last buat pn thn lps. sbb itu junior pnye keje. so si mamat gile ni bising la. siap kutuk2 kinga kata menyusahkn idop die sbb antar diriku yg password pn tak ingat. hahahah... bkn sengaja la gile. bape kali nk ckp. klu die diam pn takpe. sbb bknnye takley mtk password kinga. tp bese la org2 negara dorg ni. bende kecik pn nak besar2kn. nk tjk la die sorg je la yg bley buat keje. so die pn start la call my TL kunun nak ngadu. skali kena mrh lg ade. ye la. da la ktorg ni tolong die. die nak kecoh2 lak kn. start ari tu baru la try kunun nk ckp baik2. tp jgn harap. i dont like u. and will always not like you. me no likey!!
Cesare? lg mls nk cite. buduh berdengung. klu ade mase baru cite. ni ape kes meluah prasaan ni? heheheh... xpe la. pngalaman utk ari tua. ngehngehngeh...
ps: kudik, mula2 aku baca komen ko utk entry bwh ni kn, aku confuse gile. aku asek je tanye diri aku 'nape TL aku kna bg ko adiah?' sebbek aku tak tulis ape2 yg bley mgguris ati ko. da lama tu baru aku tau nape. see? ternyata aku ingat la. aku ingat ari tu ialah bday ko. hehehehhe...
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