obviously mood sgt down. and i'm all alone now. zuen n siti have gone to UGC to watch the sister's keeper. i've watched it yesterday with hunny. a very sad movie indeed but to be honest some of the scenes can just be deleted simply because they are not really significant to the movie overall. therefore i'd say 3.5 stars out of 5. hunny liked it though. he said Abigail is just brilliant in that movie. i cried of course until my lungs felt like bursting there and then. try it. you'll know what i mean.
and yesterday i also had the heart-to-heart talk with one of my colleague. she's from Zurich and she told me about her family. of course Zurich is one of the expensive cities in the world and her family used her for that. since she's earning in Euro, you do the math. she was so upset yesterday telling me how she can't have a saving account because her family's demand is always huge and according to her, they dont really treat her well in return. that was the reason she first set her foot here. poor thing! well, i can't say much but i think i know what she meant. i remember last time when we were all still studying full time. i had this one dear friend of mine. she was here because she got the JPA loan but that was only for the study fee. so the rest of the expenses, she had to ask from her parents. she did very good in her study and she became ACCA affiliate within 2 years. unfortunately no company wanted to employ her that time. and her father was telling her that he wont give her a cent anymore. so she had to borrow money from us to survive. i remember how she used to be so sad everytime she called home. one thing i dont understand is how can her father cursed her saying that she was worth nothing and told her to find a way out to finance herself. i mean he's the father right? but anyway, she stayed and consistently sending CVs and voila! she got a job in a bank and now she earns the most compared to all of us. upon hearing the good news the father started crawling at her feet and asked her to pay for every fecking things! bills, groceries and even her sister's wedding. for the first year of working, even she earned loads, she was still the person with no money. no new clothes, old mobile phone, no laptop, because her family sucked her so bad. after a while, she talked to her mom and told her the whole situation and how she felt yadaa yadaa. and now things are getting better. at least her father never ask for anything anymore. (the last i heard, he wanted a bloody new car and asked her to pay for it but she refused to do so. that could be the reason he's so quiet now). well i know i shouldnt be so nosy to judge her situation. i just want share and remind myself that anything is possible in this world. even your family can do bad things to you. amazing ey? thank god my family is the best in the world. at least my mom never tries to butt-in into my life. let alone to ask me about my financial situation. she's the best mom in the world. :-))
ok moving on. i would like to wish my ever best buddy RADIYAH ABD KARIM for her 26th bday! da 26 da kite eh kudik. aku syg ko smpi bile2. jgn sedey2 and enjoy life while you still can. aku balik nti klu windy kite g main layang2 ok. hahahahahahahah... smoga berbahagia ke anak cucu. bile nak ade j's junior nih? :-) ni aku letak gamba ko yg plg gojes. ko msti rs nak big hug aku kan? wakakkakaka.... luv u babe!!

and also, tasha got herself a very nice Jimmy Choo bridal collection for E180!! murahhhhhh!!! sgt cantik merelip2. gojes sgt tgk die pakai. ape motif ckp psl kasut org? oh ye. sbb kasut utk diri sendiri tade lagi. bile la nk carik. haihhhh~~
hik hik hik tenkiu sitek!
levyu too bebehh!
muah muah
mari lah same2 menabor benih hahahah
hik hik hik tenkiu sitek!
levyu too bebehh!
muah muah
mari lah same2 menabor benih hahahah
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