now it's 2 in the morning. we just came back from a blast and superb outing. it was hell of a full day. tiring but worth it. we went out as early as 10am to have breakfast (ahhh... heaven nye mkn roti sardin. yum yum). the initial plan was to start the day at 9am but well... bese la kami. tup tap tup tap... tetibe je da pkl 10am. so ayah changed the plan and asked us to proceed without him since he had something to do at 1pm. so after the big breakfast, we went to Ikea happily. ibu wanted to check out the glass cupboard and me and hunny planned to search for the stuffs that missed to buy in Dublin (due to lack of good planning as well as shortage of stocks). budget = not more than rm500 for anything that we like there. so berbekalkn kecekalan di dada, ktorg pn jln la kt situ. first item, rm9.90. ok la. hope to get more stuffs like that. dlm kepala calculate dlm euro. gile i know. tp nk tau jgk. klu harga melampau cik kiah, mmg la haram nk beli. baik beli kat sana pstu shipping. hiksss... ye la. some of them are wayyy cheaper than in Dublin but some of them are actually robbing your money without you knowing it. unreasonably expensive. gile ape. baik beli kat kedai perabot. :-))
so jln pnye jln, panjang plak list kt tgn. kepala sebok calculate conversion as well as the total amount for the things we've already put in the trolley. patut la tuhan tulis kat luh mahfuz diriku ni jadi accountant. asek nk calculate je kejenye. ho ho...and we managed to find the stuffs that we wanted so bad in Belfast and Dublin. hooray!! and it's also cheaper here!!! double hooray!! and sedikit brg2 nk hias uma baru. and this and that, dan itu dan ini...bile nk byr kat counter, everything totaled up to rm683.20. kuang kuang kuang... overbudget daa. xpe la. still rs puas membeli. so xpe. janji hati happy :-)))
from 12noon to 3pm x rs ape pn. pnye la lama jalan. huhuhu... patut la lapa gile perut. so we bought some muchkin otw to nabira. then we went straight to syikin's house. yg lwknye, tuan uma tak abes msk lg ktorg da smpai. xpe la. dpt lepak2 and more importantly ktorg ley g loo. time kaseh tuan rumah. pstu tepat spt yg dijanjikan, at 5.30pm sharp, ktorg trn bwh utk mamam!!! the foods were awesome. pedas cukup, manis cukup, masin cukup, sme cukup la kesimpulannye. terbaekkkk!!! tp lps mkn nasi goreng sket, soto 'sket', air 3 cwn (kepedasan nihh), perut da kembung air da. x smpt pn rs laksa. huhuhu... tp mmg bes sgt food2 sme. time kaset skali lg tuan rumah. ehhehehe...
after that we went to MV to see bobo. he asked hunny to help him out on how to buy a macbook pro. ade la kena mngena ngn compatibility with pro-tools yg die nk tanye. so ayah kata ibu pn nk g MV jgk and we decided nk konvoi la g sana sama2 dua keta. tp smpi kat simpang IOI mall tu ktorg nmpk nabira turned left. hunny pn kata 'mgkin ibu tuka fikiran kot'. so ktorg pn trus je la menonong g MV. smpi sana and hunny pn tlg la bobo pilih2 mane berkenan kt ati sme tetibe ibu call tanye ktorg ktne. rupe2nye ayah slh masuk simpang! mmg dorg nk g MV pn. ayah pusing balik and drove to MV jgk. hehehe... ktorg pn jupe la ibu ayah and sal kt second floor. then jln2 tgk brg2 nk beli utk rumah sket pstu decide nk mkn kt uptown. yeah! lama tak mkn kt situ. super duper yummy!!
so ni baru je balik dgn perut kenyang. what a full day. oh ye. before i end this dull entry, i just want you little fellas (yes you both!!) to know that we miss you terribly. :-((((
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