this past few weeks we've been searching for the best deal on furnitures and household items. itu la sebab asek busy je. hari2 tak dok uma. heheheh... here's what we've been offered and we decided to take the offer. so here goes (in case any of you wants to check out the price if you're planning to settle down also).
total - rm 4,354.00
1 bedroom set for master bedrooms (including 2 pillows, bolster, mattress)
1 bedroom set for the guestroom
1 L-shaped sofa set (3-seater)
1 tv cabinet (6 inches)
1 glass dining table (6+1)
1 closed shoerack
1 stove cabinet
total - rm 5,550.00
1 fridge
1 microwave oven (convection)
1 washing machine
1 air-cond unit
1 water heater
1 2-burners stove
kachinngggg!! there goes most of the duit hantaran. hahaha... that's about it. these are the best prices we can get for the same brand and model. we went to more than two shops to compare their offers. i hope everything will fit in to the new home.
so cik oked, i can't wait to unpack my boxes from dublin. yg da kepam simpan lama kat warehouse tu. heheheh... esok baru la brg2 tu akan dihantar ke uma baru. the plan is to have all three lorries (GX's, furnitures and Bee Lee's) to deliver all stuffs tomorrow. tp stakat ni baru GX and Bee Lee je yg confirm. furnitures tu maybe on thursday. so i do hope everything goes well tomorrow.
so here are some of the pictures of the new home!!
will put more pictures after the full make over is done. heheheh... can't wait~~
wooooowwww..bestnye....yan pun xcited nak tgk rumah baru akak.esok masa lori2 dtg anta barang dont forget to take pix n upload here ok.
very nice kitchen layout~
nanti update lepas dah isi penuh satu rumah eh, i very the suka pasal barang2 rumah ni hihi
yan - tak smpt la amik gamba mase lori dtg. sorry2...
mamie - nanti akanku upload gmba lps da siap ye. heheheh...
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