heya peeps. today is xmas day n merry xmas to all. :-) i am in london now. crashing at zuhaira's and god how i missed her. it has been 8 years since i last saw her. she's still the same. still funny n nice. today we are staying indoor coz there's no public transport available outside. no tube, bus or anything. just taxis. zu's hsemate, melina and her friend, michelle is cooking a roast chicken n some christmas foods at the very moment. yummm...smells so good, i cant wait. there are 7 of us now in the house. me, hunny, nasya, zu, zarina, melina n michelle. gosh... they are just a very good host. feel very welcomed here. :-)
yesterday me n hunny went out as early as 8 am in the morning to the city centre. took the tube to oxford street and you should see the people there!!! ramai gileeeeee... ok. xmas eve kan? last minute shopping la sme org. we went to selfridges&co but it was a nightmare alright! da mcm sogo da. i hate crowded place. what am i thinking? i cant survive a boxing day! dunno what will happen tomorrow. heh... owh anyway, later in the evening yesterday, we went to the winter wonderland at hyde park and met up with zu, za n nasya (nasya came straight from Stansted). it was a blast but we didnt ride on anything. the roller coster looked so much fun but i was really wrecked and couldnt even stand up. so we decided to go home then. but before we went to Hyde park, hunny brought me to the Queen's Bowl n Ice centre at Bayswater for Ice skating!!!! gile sgt tuuuu... he is really good in ice skating so i was like terkedek2 menggigil2 even trying to stand still. it was nice tho. setelah bekali2 jatuh bgn, ktorg pn gerak la g Hyde Park. so overall, i was happy eventho we couldnt find what we want. so frustrating! mgkin kah patut check outlet in Manchester??
ok la peeps. kna mandi da. ptg ni nak g jalan2 kat Richmond park tu tgk2 Thames river. Zuhaira... if you ever find this site, thanks a mil darling!!! i lap you!!!!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
crite nenek (direct translation)
passportku suda siap!! wihuu!!! pnye la bedeba2 nk amik pg tadi. weird right? what so scary about collecting ur renewed passport? tell you why. i DUN HAVE my dad's name on my IC. that explains why. it's a pretty stupid story i can say. no wonder people compaints a lot about gov's services. 9 years ago, my purse was stolen. mase tu outing jaman form 4 dulu. benti smayang kat terminal one tu and sepantas kilat, purse ku di culik org! can you imagine?? surau? culik purse org? hurm... redha je la.
so i went to apply for another IC and the lady at the counter told me to wait for the letter asking me to collect my new IC. after a long period of waiting, finally i got the letter and went to the office again to collect the new IC. tgk2... nama bapa tade??!! wtf? akak tu selamba je kata 'nama adik pnjang sgt. so nama bapa tak muat nak letak.' what a lame excuse. i've seen my friend's IC with the father name at the back of the card so i told that lady so. she was like 'oh, ye ke? ok la. isi borang ni. pastu tggu lagi surat utk backup card yg ade nama bapa lak.' duuhh~... da la menaip mcm ayam patuk jagung (ok tak baik ngutuk). so then i went home and waited for the letter... setahun berlalu... dua tahun berlalu.. tiga... empat... and now it has already been nine years. agaknye da bercucu cicit baru la dpt kad tu. so voila!! IC ku tiada nama bapa.. so when i applied for the new passport, i was praying really hard that nothing will stop from me getting my passport renewed. ye la. what if they rejected the application saying that my name in the passport doesnt match with the name on the card? hurm.. i guess i would have to go back to malaysia and explain the grandmother story to everybody again and again. :-)
tp alhamdulillah... tiada ape2 masalah. so London, here i come!!!!
owh ye.. a lil update bout last weekend. we went to watch Madagascar n Inkheart. not bad at all. but not great as well. ok la. went lepaking with zuen, amin n ainul at Eddie's Rocket afterwards. lama gile tak minum malts die. syok! and yesterday, we celebrated Hunny's bday in advance. it's supposed to be tomorrow tp weekdays ssh la sme org nk berkumpul. Thank you guys for the night. Hunny seemed to be smiling from ear to ear. cpt sggh mase berlalu. baru je rasenye celebrated bday hunny last year n tetibe da this year pnye celebratn. kakak mcm bese jadi pembantu kecil nga-ngah tolong ptg kek. siap tlg distribute lagi kat sme org. owh she's truly a cutie pie.
ok ari ni gusi ku masih lagi membengkak. sakit!!!!! xley mkn. wisdom tooth problem again. nk g jupe dentist ke tanak?? iskk.. dilema sggh. jap g dentistku msti membebel panjang sbb da setahun tak jupe die despite all the postcards he sent to my hse. pls gummie... enough torturing plssss...
ps: atart... i know you are reading this. di manekahh??? aku tak tgk lagi gambo2? sharing is caring.. ngehehe.
so i went to apply for another IC and the lady at the counter told me to wait for the letter asking me to collect my new IC. after a long period of waiting, finally i got the letter and went to the office again to collect the new IC. tgk2... nama bapa tade??!! wtf? akak tu selamba je kata 'nama adik pnjang sgt. so nama bapa tak muat nak letak.' what a lame excuse. i've seen my friend's IC with the father name at the back of the card so i told that lady so. she was like 'oh, ye ke? ok la. isi borang ni. pastu tggu lagi surat utk backup card yg ade nama bapa lak.' duuhh~... da la menaip mcm ayam patuk jagung (ok tak baik ngutuk). so then i went home and waited for the letter... setahun berlalu... dua tahun berlalu.. tiga... empat... and now it has already been nine years. agaknye da bercucu cicit baru la dpt kad tu. so voila!! IC ku tiada nama bapa.. so when i applied for the new passport, i was praying really hard that nothing will stop from me getting my passport renewed. ye la. what if they rejected the application saying that my name in the passport doesnt match with the name on the card? hurm.. i guess i would have to go back to malaysia and explain the grandmother story to everybody again and again. :-)
tp alhamdulillah... tiada ape2 masalah. so London, here i come!!!!
owh ye.. a lil update bout last weekend. we went to watch Madagascar n Inkheart. not bad at all. but not great as well. ok la. went lepaking with zuen, amin n ainul at Eddie's Rocket afterwards. lama gile tak minum malts die. syok! and yesterday, we celebrated Hunny's bday in advance. it's supposed to be tomorrow tp weekdays ssh la sme org nk berkumpul. Thank you guys for the night. Hunny seemed to be smiling from ear to ear. cpt sggh mase berlalu. baru je rasenye celebrated bday hunny last year n tetibe da this year pnye celebratn. kakak mcm bese jadi pembantu kecil nga-ngah tolong ptg kek. siap tlg distribute lagi kat sme org. owh she's truly a cutie pie.
ok ari ni gusi ku masih lagi membengkak. sakit!!!!! xley mkn. wisdom tooth problem again. nk g jupe dentist ke tanak?? iskk.. dilema sggh. jap g dentistku msti membebel panjang sbb da setahun tak jupe die despite all the postcards he sent to my hse. pls gummie... enough torturing plssss...
ps: atart... i know you are reading this. di manekahh??? aku tak tgk lagi gambo2? sharing is caring.. ngehehe.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
happy happy birthday!!!
babe!! happy birthday. was trying to find the most gorgeous pic of you (wif or w/out me) since last nite. of course la tanak gamba suar senteng spt di dlm fb itu kan? *sorry!!* so here is what i've chosen. and again... HAPPY BURPDAY DARLING!!

ok...tak gojes... gamba ni sme pn kena buat mke tak snonoh. asal la aku control jelita sgt tu. *muntah*

ok i like this one. you looked happy. *mati la lps ni magec n ryn akan bunuh aku sbb bubuh gamba ni*

ok...tak gojes... gamba ni sme pn kena buat mke tak snonoh. asal la aku control jelita sgt tu. *muntah*
ok i like this one. you looked happy. *mati la lps ni magec n ryn akan bunuh aku sbb bubuh gamba ni*
well... ape2 pn. i wish you all the best in life. i hati you and all the other j's soooooo much2!!!! thank you for sticking together for almost 8 years now!! gile tak 8 years??? ok emo je lebey. even sme da bz skg ni ngn life masing2 but i do appreciate how we tried n always will try to get together n be there for each other. altho da tade vacation mcm dulu2 which is a bit disappointing tp xpe. da tua2 n tade commitment teruk sgt nanti kite g vacation jauh2 okes? hehehhe... and how the group has grown now. dgn pertambahan ahli2 baru; amad, mnn and ahli paling baru kasih who made us aunties now. ok... who's next??? friends forever and again... selamat ulang tahun yg ke nombor seterusnye :-) and smoga sentiasa stay mude forever. chaiyo!!!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
mari kita updet
to do list
lately the feeling of frustration, anger, humiliation and those bad auras been haunting me 24/7. why is it so hard? and why is it so difficult? do i not deserve to be happy with my way? why is there a need to object everything i said? am i not 'old' enough to decide my own life? do you own me? i am trying not to sound like a complete moaner but i can't keep it to myself anymore. i need somebody to hear me. someone with no judgmental issue. someone who can hear me out but say nothing further afterwards. ade ke? help!!!
i need to be alone. alone from everyone. i want to be in a place with completely new faces and new environment. n i hope i will never ever see that place again after that. and how i wish i've never known some of the people that i met this year. how i wish!!! tp itu suda melawan qada dan qadar tuhan. allah berfirman
- amek passport kat embassy
- balut adiah hunny
- wish bday ayu
- wish bday zaza
- packing bag g london
- print flight itinerary
- print car rental agreement
- lipat baju (adoiii malas gile!!!)
- kemas or buang notes2 exam ritu
- carik uma baru yg dekat sket ngn opis
- pk azam baru thn dpn... not!
- carik adiah utk wedding Juraj
- catch up my movie list
lately the feeling of frustration, anger, humiliation and those bad auras been haunting me 24/7. why is it so hard? and why is it so difficult? do i not deserve to be happy with my way? why is there a need to object everything i said? am i not 'old' enough to decide my own life? do you own me? i am trying not to sound like a complete moaner but i can't keep it to myself anymore. i need somebody to hear me. someone with no judgmental issue. someone who can hear me out but say nothing further afterwards. ade ke? help!!!
i need to be alone. alone from everyone. i want to be in a place with completely new faces and new environment. n i hope i will never ever see that place again after that. and how i wish i've never known some of the people that i met this year. how i wish!!! tp itu suda melawan qada dan qadar tuhan. allah berfirman
'tidak akan ku turunkan dugaan melainkan hambaku itu mampu menanggungnya.'
' dan boleh jd kamu benci kepada sesuatu padahal ia baik bagi kamu, dan kamu mungkin sukakan sesuatu sedangkan ia lebih buruk kepada kamu. dan hanya allah yg mengetahui sedangkan kamu tidak mengetahui' - surah albaqarah
' dan boleh jd kamu benci kepada sesuatu padahal ia baik bagi kamu, dan kamu mungkin sukakan sesuatu sedangkan ia lebih buruk kepada kamu. dan hanya allah yg mengetahui sedangkan kamu tidak mengetahui' - surah albaqarah
astaghfirullahhh... smoga allah ampunkn aku. fikiran serabut senang nak buat diri jadi kurang bersyukur. focus aishah... focus. dan doa2 org teraniaya itu makbul. semoga mereka menerima balasan setimpal dan cukup utk buatkan mereka menyesal dan berjanji tidak akan mengulang kembali perkara yg sama. aminn....
Saturday, December 06, 2008
i shud be taking just 15mins break but it has been more than an hour now. hehehe... tu la. pg tadi da janji ngn diri sendri takmo on lappie and i did it successfully!! bukak kejap je for 20mins then off it straight away dgn harapan ley fokus sket. namun harapan musnah kerana diriku telah tertidur slama 2 jam stlh study selama 1 jam!! bgn tido g slongkar dapur cr makanan n study jap for approx 45min and now voila!! im here surfing internet. actually pagi tadi lps mandi saje la kenteng kan rambut. pastu tringat satu cite yg rase nak kongsi kat sini. sbb tu update nih.
last two months (the time we went to giant causeway), on the way home after we settled with the car renting thingy, we dropped by to hunny's bro's hse. that was the first time i tried using the roller to curl my hair. but because the size of the rollers are toooo big (way to big for my short hair), the curls weren't really visible but the wave were still there. so i sprayed the hold-mousse to make the waves stayed. so in the house Aleia touched my hair and here goes the conversation;
aleia: tisha... rambut tisha keras.
me: erk... owh, mmg la. tisha nak rambut tisha jadi mcm rambut kakak. rambut kakak cantik kan? sbb tu rambut tisha keras sbb tisha nak kena bubuh ni (tunjuk roller yg baru beli dan lebih kecil) pastu spray sket.
aleia: (smbil letak roller kat rambut die). tisha letak mcm ni ke? lps tu rambut tisha jadi mcm kakak?
me: aah... tisha kena gulung pastu baru la sama ngn rambut kakak. bleh ke rambut sama?
aleia: (nodding)
at that point of time, never occurred to me that she understood the conversation at all. i thought she was only amazed to see the colorful rollers and you know how girls really like hair accessories. lgpn mase tu even rambut keras, bkn mcm rambut kakak pn. so we went home and the next day i tried the new roller. jadi!!!!! and i like it sooo much... and the same day, we've got a birthday invitation at blanchardstown. so ktorg pn singgah uma kakak dlu spy ley g sama2. when i opened the front door, i saw her running towards me happily. she saw me with the curly hair (rambut mcm kakak) and without wasting a sec she touched my hair.
aleia: tisha... rambut tisha keras. rambut tisya mcm kakak. samaaa....
aleia: tisha buat cani pastu cani pastu rambut tisha keras pastu sama ngn rambut kakak. (explain dgn sgt excited)
me: hehhehe... (dlm ati eh die ingat lagi. pandainyeee...)
so stiap kali rambut tisha keras, msti sama ngn rambut kakak. n hopefully bile kakak besar nanti kakak tak ingat la cane nak kentengkn rambut. klu tak confirm kakak tau sbb tisha yg ajar. ampun mummy!!!! teeehehehheheeee....

last two months (the time we went to giant causeway), on the way home after we settled with the car renting thingy, we dropped by to hunny's bro's hse. that was the first time i tried using the roller to curl my hair. but because the size of the rollers are toooo big (way to big for my short hair), the curls weren't really visible but the wave were still there. so i sprayed the hold-mousse to make the waves stayed. so in the house Aleia touched my hair and here goes the conversation;
aleia: tisha... rambut tisha keras.
me: erk... owh, mmg la. tisha nak rambut tisha jadi mcm rambut kakak. rambut kakak cantik kan? sbb tu rambut tisha keras sbb tisha nak kena bubuh ni (tunjuk roller yg baru beli dan lebih kecil) pastu spray sket.
aleia: (smbil letak roller kat rambut die). tisha letak mcm ni ke? lps tu rambut tisha jadi mcm kakak?
me: aah... tisha kena gulung pastu baru la sama ngn rambut kakak. bleh ke rambut sama?
aleia: (nodding)
at that point of time, never occurred to me that she understood the conversation at all. i thought she was only amazed to see the colorful rollers and you know how girls really like hair accessories. lgpn mase tu even rambut keras, bkn mcm rambut kakak pn. so we went home and the next day i tried the new roller. jadi!!!!! and i like it sooo much... and the same day, we've got a birthday invitation at blanchardstown. so ktorg pn singgah uma kakak dlu spy ley g sama2. when i opened the front door, i saw her running towards me happily. she saw me with the curly hair (rambut mcm kakak) and without wasting a sec she touched my hair.
aleia: tisha... rambut tisha keras. rambut tisya mcm kakak. samaaa....
aleia: tisha buat cani pastu cani pastu rambut tisha keras pastu sama ngn rambut kakak. (explain dgn sgt excited)
me: hehhehe... (dlm ati eh die ingat lagi. pandainyeee...)
so stiap kali rambut tisha keras, msti sama ngn rambut kakak. n hopefully bile kakak besar nanti kakak tak ingat la cane nak kentengkn rambut. klu tak confirm kakak tau sbb tisha yg ajar. ampun mummy!!!! teeehehehheheeee....
Monday, December 01, 2008
selamat bulan baru!!!
on the way to the office this morning, i saw the park and the playground covered with white layer ice. it must be soo cold last nite because this is the first time i see the park being covered with ice. owh~~ let it be snowing heavily this year. this could be my last winter here in this lucky irish land. let me play snow balls and build snowmans..*pray hard to play harder* :-) Simon told me this morning that most probably it'll be snowing this year because it has never been this cold. since he's an irish himself, i happily choose to believe his words. hehehheheeee...
ape nk update ari ni?my weekend was plain. nothing surprising. was struggling with the coldness. smpi gile rs nk demam la asek sejuk panas je. sabar2. x lama da.. huh?
watched C.HO.KE last week with hunny but to my surprised, the story is such a disappoinment. ape la. asek tgk cite tak bes je. kuciwa! cant wait to watch CH.ANGEL.ING. Dovile told me it's brilliant. skg ni nk jalan g U.GC pn rase mls gile. sejuk sgt plak. nak pakai tebal2 rase da gemuk gile tak ingat. not that i'm slim or what. but you know. budget beli jacket yg xde la besar sgt. kire ngam2 oo je la. tp bile da kena pakai berlapis2 ni, jacket pn menggelembung buat diri nampak gems je. haih~~ mmg la da gems tp xyah la jacket pn nak kena ingatkan diri sndri da gems. (ape la mrepek nih)
ok la peeps. actually tade idea pn nk tulis ape. saje je nak bubuh entry for the first day of the month. kpd cik yan... sdpnye gamba cempedak!! nak jugakk...
ape nk update ari ni?my weekend was plain. nothing surprising. was struggling with the coldness. smpi gile rs nk demam la asek sejuk panas je. sabar2. x lama da.. huh?
watched C.HO.KE last week with hunny but to my surprised, the story is such a disappoinment. ape la. asek tgk cite tak bes je. kuciwa! cant wait to watch CH.ANGEL.ING. Dovile told me it's brilliant. skg ni nk jalan g U.GC pn rase mls gile. sejuk sgt plak. nak pakai tebal2 rase da gemuk gile tak ingat. not that i'm slim or what. but you know. budget beli jacket yg xde la besar sgt. kire ngam2 oo je la. tp bile da kena pakai berlapis2 ni, jacket pn menggelembung buat diri nampak gems je. haih~~ mmg la da gems tp xyah la jacket pn nak kena ingatkan diri sndri da gems. (ape la mrepek nih)
ok la peeps. actually tade idea pn nk tulis ape. saje je nak bubuh entry for the first day of the month. kpd cik yan... sdpnye gamba cempedak!! nak jugakk...
Saturday, November 29, 2008
at the ticker. (tiru gaye ayu) fuuhh~~ so many things to clear in the office and i find it really difficult to focus on the study. it's not an excuse matey. try it and u'll know what i mean. it's month end and we are extremely busy this time around. with year-end around the corner, the christmas celebration, deco, lunches, parties and etc2... m truly exhausted. say no more...
Juraj is getting married on the 21st of next month. on thursday i got to know that he's getting married and yesterday he told us that he's expecting a baby in less than a year. OMG!!! she's 3 mths preggie now. aww~~ if only i knew a bit sooner. i would say congrats to her myself when we bumped into each other the other day. well... to be honest, i feel envy to see how easy it is for them. not the baby part, dun get me wrong. i mean... the wedding part. he's actually going back for good at the end of this year but before he goes, we wants to get married and settle everything here first. just to avoid the costs, hassles and hard works of having a wedding at his own country. he's talking about just 100 guests and he complains a lot about it. just imagine how many people are we inviting for our wedding?? when i told them, they thought that i am making it up. but well... they have to see it to believe it! anyway, my mum will just eat me alive if i said i want to get married here. ha ha ha... i even have colleagues that had their wedding ceremony nicely in a chapel in Las Vegas. i know what you think. but no no. they were not drunk for a starter and they did not get married like rachel and ross in F.R.I.E.N.D.S. they did it in a proper way. but it is so exciting to know people who actually did this kind of things. they even showed me the wedding pictures and Perfect i can say. white beautiful wedding dress and tux and great big ring and all. but of course we cant do that. i mean the rules, respects, customs, norms, practice and 'expectations' just rule out all those crazy plans. what is my point actually? i dont know. maybe i am just not a big fan of fancy weddings especially to satisfy the EXPECTATIONS of other people. kan ke nikah je yg penting? klu buat nikah je and then kenduri doa selamat ajak ramai2, org akan kata 'die dulu tade kenduri pn. nikah je' - sile baca ala2 minah2 gedik dan tak bermoral or makcik2 ahli mesyuarat tingkap. to be honest, ask your ownself, would you not say anything if your friend does that? at least you will say 'isk ko ni. kawen setahun je seumur hidup. ape la salahnye.' jadi salah tak if want to have a mega grand honeymoon lepas kenduri doa slamat tu? and some can say 'FUCK WHAT THEY THINK' but you know, again the respects, customs and bla bla bla will haunt you if you decided to really FUCK EM. and you are totally fucked in the end. so there you go!
owh... entry di atas adelah penulisan PMS ku. ingat nak delete je tp what the heck... korg bace je la. perutku sakit xley tahan nih. backpain yg melampaui batas juge. ingat nk rileks la jap. nanti2 la buat homework tu ye cik yan. :-)
ok update utk cuti2 christmas... we've finally decided to go to London. (boo!!!!) sounds boring. tp itu je la yg ade. at first nak g Cork. tp tak jadi lepas Vincent said 'Cork? the best part of Cork is when you see all the drunk people and even some of them are naked and pee everywhere at 1 am when the town is really quite.' - Vincent lived there for nearly a year before moving to dublin. so he knows better. wtf?? so we canceled the plan and decided to go to London. lgpn minah busyuk Zuhaira ade di sanaaa... so ley crash kat tmpat die je. so on the 26th she'll follow me here until 31st. eh korg ingat lagi Zuhaira x? aku tau atart msti ingat sbb die ingat ko. siap ingat lagi ko ske epon zaman skola dulu.
till next time. toodles!!
Juraj is getting married on the 21st of next month. on thursday i got to know that he's getting married and yesterday he told us that he's expecting a baby in less than a year. OMG!!! she's 3 mths preggie now. aww~~ if only i knew a bit sooner. i would say congrats to her myself when we bumped into each other the other day. well... to be honest, i feel envy to see how easy it is for them. not the baby part, dun get me wrong. i mean... the wedding part. he's actually going back for good at the end of this year but before he goes, we wants to get married and settle everything here first. just to avoid the costs, hassles and hard works of having a wedding at his own country. he's talking about just 100 guests and he complains a lot about it. just imagine how many people are we inviting for our wedding?? when i told them, they thought that i am making it up. but well... they have to see it to believe it! anyway, my mum will just eat me alive if i said i want to get married here. ha ha ha... i even have colleagues that had their wedding ceremony nicely in a chapel in Las Vegas. i know what you think. but no no. they were not drunk for a starter and they did not get married like rachel and ross in F.R.I.E.N.D.S. they did it in a proper way. but it is so exciting to know people who actually did this kind of things. they even showed me the wedding pictures and Perfect i can say. white beautiful wedding dress and tux and great big ring and all. but of course we cant do that. i mean the rules, respects, customs, norms, practice and 'expectations' just rule out all those crazy plans. what is my point actually? i dont know. maybe i am just not a big fan of fancy weddings especially to satisfy the EXPECTATIONS of other people. kan ke nikah je yg penting? klu buat nikah je and then kenduri doa selamat ajak ramai2, org akan kata 'die dulu tade kenduri pn. nikah je' - sile baca ala2 minah2 gedik dan tak bermoral or makcik2 ahli mesyuarat tingkap. to be honest, ask your ownself, would you not say anything if your friend does that? at least you will say 'isk ko ni. kawen setahun je seumur hidup. ape la salahnye.' jadi salah tak if want to have a mega grand honeymoon lepas kenduri doa slamat tu? and some can say 'FUCK WHAT THEY THINK' but you know, again the respects, customs and bla bla bla will haunt you if you decided to really FUCK EM. and you are totally fucked in the end. so there you go!
owh... entry di atas adelah penulisan PMS ku. ingat nak delete je tp what the heck... korg bace je la. perutku sakit xley tahan nih. backpain yg melampaui batas juge. ingat nk rileks la jap. nanti2 la buat homework tu ye cik yan. :-)
ok update utk cuti2 christmas... we've finally decided to go to London. (boo!!!!) sounds boring. tp itu je la yg ade. at first nak g Cork. tp tak jadi lepas Vincent said 'Cork? the best part of Cork is when you see all the drunk people and even some of them are naked and pee everywhere at 1 am when the town is really quite.' - Vincent lived there for nearly a year before moving to dublin. so he knows better. wtf?? so we canceled the plan and decided to go to London. lgpn minah busyuk Zuhaira ade di sanaaa... so ley crash kat tmpat die je. so on the 26th she'll follow me here until 31st. eh korg ingat lagi Zuhaira x? aku tau atart msti ingat sbb die ingat ko. siap ingat lagi ko ske epon zaman skola dulu.
till next time. toodles!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
movie list
sgt sejuk!!!! xbley thn. i've been warned by a colleague that starting from this week onwards, the temperature is gonna go down rapidly and it's so true. last week was really nice and bright but this week is so different and i dont think i've ever felt like this before. i mean in november. it's not even winter yet for god sake. brrrr!!!! sejuk... sejuk... vincent told me that it's snowing in Paris now. makes him a bit homesick thinking of the white, bright snow. hishhh!! sejuk gile kau.
ah... anyway, hari ini ade lah tidak sebusy mane. pg tadi masuk lambat sbb ade online training nak kena slesaikn before 4th of nxt mth so decided to stay back to finish it today. tp skip lunch sbb pg tadi da having heavy breakfast, tambah tolak campur bahagi = balik 5.30. yeay!! lambat sket je dr time normal but ok la tu.
last week me & hunny watched 'ZACK AND MIRI MAKING A P.O.R.N.O'. two thumbs up!!! mmg super duper klaka. well, you can expect that even before you watch the movie. almaklum lah.. director pn mamat klaka tu kan. ala2 a.f.d.l.i.n s.h.a.u.k.i la Seth ni sbb kalu direct movie msti nak geng2 die je berlakon. if you havent got a clue what i'm talking about here, try watching 'KNOCKED UP' or even 'FORGETTING SARAH MARSHALL'. sme geng2 die je dlm tu. pembolehubah cume heroin2 die. msti lain2 chicas and sme nak hot je. anyway... cite tu msti tgk. ayu!!! ko msti tgk cite nih. but not sure bley masuk our market ke tak. agak SX tp ok la utk org2 umo kite nih. ehem...
and we also watched 'MAX P.AY.NE'. like what i told my colleague 'it's truly MAXimum pain to finish watching this movie'. isk.. busan ah. i actually like this kind of movies. ala2 m'ganas for revenge. tp this one is really frustrating. tahape2tah. i dunno bout you guys but i wouldnt even buy the DVD for collection. x bes ah. planning to watch C.HANGE.LING this week. or maybe the other funny movie. MY BEST F.RIEND'S G.IRL. isk.. byk sbenanye. lemme list down all of 'em;
- ch.ang.eling
- my b.est fr.iend's gi.rl
- fo.ur ch.ri.stmases
- ch.o.ke- mad.ag.as.car 2
- tra.n.sp.orter 3
- qu.aran.ti.ne
for we are paying E 19.90 per month for the unlimited card, we aim to watch at least 2 movies per month to compensate what we've paid (normal price for one movie is E 10.00). so this month, kami berjaya mencapai target dgn menengok 5 movies altogether!!! wihuuu...
- ghost town: 4 stars
- quantum of solace: 3 stars
- zack & miri: 4.5 stars
- max payne: 2 stars
- the warlords: 3 stars (ah takeshi kaneshiro sgt kacak!!)
sgt berbaloi. ok la peeps. got to do the online training now. uh-huuuuhhh... malas!!!!!
ah... anyway, hari ini ade lah tidak sebusy mane. pg tadi masuk lambat sbb ade online training nak kena slesaikn before 4th of nxt mth so decided to stay back to finish it today. tp skip lunch sbb pg tadi da having heavy breakfast, tambah tolak campur bahagi = balik 5.30. yeay!! lambat sket je dr time normal but ok la tu.
last week me & hunny watched 'ZACK AND MIRI MAKING A P.O.R.N.O'. two thumbs up!!! mmg super duper klaka. well, you can expect that even before you watch the movie. almaklum lah.. director pn mamat klaka tu kan. ala2 a.f.d.l.i.n s.h.a.u.k.i la Seth ni sbb kalu direct movie msti nak geng2 die je berlakon. if you havent got a clue what i'm talking about here, try watching 'KNOCKED UP' or even 'FORGETTING SARAH MARSHALL'. sme geng2 die je dlm tu. pembolehubah cume heroin2 die. msti lain2 chicas and sme nak hot je. anyway... cite tu msti tgk. ayu!!! ko msti tgk cite nih. but not sure bley masuk our market ke tak. agak SX tp ok la utk org2 umo kite nih. ehem...
and we also watched 'MAX P.AY.NE'. like what i told my colleague 'it's truly MAXimum pain to finish watching this movie'. isk.. busan ah. i actually like this kind of movies. ala2 m'ganas for revenge. tp this one is really frustrating. tahape2tah. i dunno bout you guys but i wouldnt even buy the DVD for collection. x bes ah. planning to watch C.HANGE.LING this week. or maybe the other funny movie. MY BEST F.RIEND'S G.IRL. isk.. byk sbenanye. lemme list down all of 'em;
- ch.ang.eling
- my b.est fr.iend's gi.rl
- fo.ur ch.ri.stmases
- ch.o.ke- mad.ag.as.car 2
- tra.n.sp.orter 3
- qu.aran.ti.ne
for we are paying E 19.90 per month for the unlimited card, we aim to watch at least 2 movies per month to compensate what we've paid (normal price for one movie is E 10.00). so this month, kami berjaya mencapai target dgn menengok 5 movies altogether!!! wihuuu...
- ghost town: 4 stars
- quantum of solace: 3 stars
- zack & miri: 4.5 stars
- max payne: 2 stars
- the warlords: 3 stars (ah takeshi kaneshiro sgt kacak!!)
sgt berbaloi. ok la peeps. got to do the online training now. uh-huuuuhhh... malas!!!!!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
what the heck am i doing now??
blogging? wha?? am supposed to go to the library today but woke up quite late and yadaa yadaa... decided not to go then (sounds familiar?). owh anyway, again... CONGRATULATIONS TO MISS RADIYAH for changing the status now to 'engaged'. hip hip hoooray!!! tried to call you but wrong timing i guess and i ended up calling Mesjarr instead. hehhehe... not much gossiping (ehem!) because i had to end the conversation sooner. remember 'the library plan'? tp hampeh belaka. huhuhuhu...
well... as you can see above, i have only 18 days to go. *neves* yesterday's revision wasnt so bad. boring la ckp psl exam. kn? i can do nothing bout it. that's all i have here. keje-blaja-tgk muvi-keje-blaja.. itu je la. am not complaining tho. quite happy with what i have. :-)
oh~~ sudah pukul 4pm. tp tak stdy lagi!!!!!! gile loser la. ok la peeps. really got to switch off me lappie. distraction byk sgt nih!!!! owh wa ramlah baru je ajak g Cairo. i so want to go. nk tgk pyramid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tp malangnye time i cuti pnjang tu minah tu g rome lak. iskk... kempunan. :-(
well... as you can see above, i have only 18 days to go. *neves* yesterday's revision wasnt so bad. boring la ckp psl exam. kn? i can do nothing bout it. that's all i have here. keje-blaja-tgk muvi-keje-blaja.. itu je la. am not complaining tho. quite happy with what i have. :-)
oh~~ sudah pukul 4pm. tp tak stdy lagi!!!!!! gile loser la. ok la peeps. really got to switch off me lappie. distraction byk sgt nih!!!! owh wa ramlah baru je ajak g Cairo. i so want to go. nk tgk pyramid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tp malangnye time i cuti pnjang tu minah tu g rome lak. iskk... kempunan. :-(
Thursday, November 20, 2008
tiada motif
i will be off tomorrow lads. *big smile* i am having the LAST revision session from 2pm till 9pm. at first, i tot i can do a half day and straight to school afterwards but a friend of mine adviced me to not work at all so that my mind will be fresh and ready for new inputs. oh yeah!!!
just realised that i have exactly 18 days to go before i can wrap up all my working days for 2008. too good to be true huh? yes people. i have only 18 days left this year. the rest is cuti2 of course. how is it possible? let see. urm.. from 05/12 to 10/12 i will be off for the exam. then will be working back for nearly two weeks. after that come the best part of all - i will start my christmas holiday from 24/12 to 04/01/2009!! (cuti ngalahkan org sambut christmas je) but i still dont know where to go. it's so hard to think of any nice place. *cough2* yg sbenanye takut!! ye la. with all those movies - hostels, taken, etc2. i'm beginning to get so phobia and paranoid to go for holidays. ehem... to any European countries as a matter of fact! dang! :-( hunny suggested that we go to any place with thick snow. but i can't think of any place. hurm.. weekend la br pk. adehh... sshnye nak bercuti. sigh~
owh.. last weekend we went for a photo session at Stephans Green Park. no need to explain much. check out the pictures at below link.
got to go now. im done for today. wihuu!!! weekend yg panjang!! toodles.
just realised that i have exactly 18 days to go before i can wrap up all my working days for 2008. too good to be true huh? yes people. i have only 18 days left this year. the rest is cuti2 of course. how is it possible? let see. urm.. from 05/12 to 10/12 i will be off for the exam. then will be working back for nearly two weeks. after that come the best part of all - i will start my christmas holiday from 24/12 to 04/01/2009!! (cuti ngalahkan org sambut christmas je) but i still dont know where to go. it's so hard to think of any nice place. *cough2* yg sbenanye takut!! ye la. with all those movies - hostels, taken, etc2. i'm beginning to get so phobia and paranoid to go for holidays. ehem... to any European countries as a matter of fact! dang! :-( hunny suggested that we go to any place with thick snow. but i can't think of any place. hurm.. weekend la br pk. adehh... sshnye nak bercuti. sigh~
owh.. last weekend we went for a photo session at Stephans Green Park. no need to explain much. check out the pictures at below link.
got to go now. im done for today. wihuu!!! weekend yg panjang!! toodles.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
sblm balik nih
ah~~ sudah lama tidak m'update. saje malas. heheheh... so here's for today. first and foremost, would like to congratulate our 'lil sis' ever among J's, miss RADIYAH ABD KARIM a.k.a atart for her upcoming engagement ceremony with incik idaman hati. :-)
sorry that i am definitely gonna miss it but you must always know that i am happy (eventho a bit surprised) upon hearing this news. never see it coming to be honest (not in a bad way - pls note). still, you know howwe love u so much that it hurts to see you hurt. it's a lie if i say i am not worried at all. deep down, i do have a bit of concern due to the speed of the whole thing. but.. (there is always a but) i trust that you are wise enough to think only the best for yourself thus the concern now buried even further down. :-)
jgn lupe amik gamba byk2. makan byk sket sbln smpai tarikh itu supaya tak keding sgt. hehehe.. joking. jgn sorok2 gamba tau. musti mau kongsi.
secondly, to everdearest cik yus. what happened there? you can't just closed down like that?? dont bow to that bitch. we are together in this. c'mon babe. bia die nak kata ape. (ASAL AKU SLALU EMO KLU PK PSL BENDE NIH?)it reminds me of good old days when people are much less mature and saying bad things about other people behind their back. hate those cowards. disgusting!
owh.. mase busan2 tadi saje la browse tru recipes in mesra.net. da bosan mkn bende sama je. nk la try recipe2 yg extravaganza sket kan. sbb terlampau busan ngn lauk2 traditional semasa, yesterday we cooked Fajitas sbb tade idea nak msk ape. owh sgt heaven itu Fajitas. yummylicous!! so today ingat nak msk something new but simple.so here is what i got.
nama masakan: AYAM GORENG CENDAWAN (xingat sgt but lebey kurang la nih)
- tumis bwg putih, merah n cili (original tade cili but tak pedas tak umphh)
- bile da naik bau, masukkan ayam yg da di marinate ngn black pepper and salt
- masuk air sket supaya lauk tak terlalu kering
- tggu smpai daging ayam masak and masukkan cendawan dan juge halia.
tada!!!! siap. so simple i cant wait to try it. ni nak balik da ni and will tell you the result tomorrow. toodles!!
sorry that i am definitely gonna miss it but you must always know that i am happy (eventho a bit surprised) upon hearing this news. never see it coming to be honest (not in a bad way - pls note). still, you know howwe love u so much that it hurts to see you hurt. it's a lie if i say i am not worried at all. deep down, i do have a bit of concern due to the speed of the whole thing. but.. (there is always a but) i trust that you are wise enough to think only the best for yourself thus the concern now buried even further down. :-)
jgn lupe amik gamba byk2. makan byk sket sbln smpai tarikh itu supaya tak keding sgt. hehehe.. joking. jgn sorok2 gamba tau. musti mau kongsi.
secondly, to everdearest cik yus. what happened there? you can't just closed down like that?? dont bow to that bitch. we are together in this. c'mon babe. bia die nak kata ape. (ASAL AKU SLALU EMO KLU PK PSL BENDE NIH?)it reminds me of good old days when people are much less mature and saying bad things about other people behind their back. hate those cowards. disgusting!
owh.. mase busan2 tadi saje la browse tru recipes in mesra.net. da bosan mkn bende sama je. nk la try recipe2 yg extravaganza sket kan. sbb terlampau busan ngn lauk2 traditional semasa, yesterday we cooked Fajitas sbb tade idea nak msk ape. owh sgt heaven itu Fajitas. yummylicous!! so today ingat nak msk something new but simple.so here is what i got.
nama masakan: AYAM GORENG CENDAWAN (xingat sgt but lebey kurang la nih)
- tumis bwg putih, merah n cili (original tade cili but tak pedas tak umphh)
- bile da naik bau, masukkan ayam yg da di marinate ngn black pepper and salt
- masuk air sket supaya lauk tak terlalu kering
- tggu smpai daging ayam masak and masukkan cendawan dan juge halia.
tada!!!! siap. so simple i cant wait to try it. ni nak balik da ni and will tell you the result tomorrow. toodles!!
Saturday, November 08, 2008
special entry for cik yan
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
a lil bit of thoughts
the budget was out the day b4 yesterday and dare i say it's not really helping us but maybe the economy - who knows? the VAT is now up by 0.05% to 21.5%. yupp... i know. sounds small but it hurts as bad. imagine that almost every daily expenses will be up a bit? isnt it still gonna cost you a bomb in the end? furthermore, the levy is also increased by another 1% for earners of less than 100,000E a year. gosh..tax sini tax sana... adehhh... byr tax je la smpai ke sudah. uhuhuhu~
oh ye.. not forgetting the increment in the price of cigaretteS. a pack of cig cost 0.50E more than last time. mmg papa kedana la klu sape2 yg heavy smoker tuh. just imagine. 4 packs a week cost you approx 32.00E and multiply that by 4 weeks a month equal to nearly 130.00E (source from hunny's weekly consumption). 130.00E a month equal to more or less about 598.00RM (taking average rate of 4.60 for forex). gilenye!!!!!!!! if you send that much of money every month for let say 10 months, imagine how much you'll have in your saving by the time you go back. lepas da nak g bercuti mane2. heh... i guess this is the reason why accountants are always labelled as stingy. i dont think it's stingy. it's just managing your money the best way. is it not?
the recession really hits everybody. so guys... if you plan to travel here for quite a long time, i dont think it's worth it. the airport taxes are now increased thus increasing the prices of other stuffs as well. even the unemployment rate is increasing rapidly now. it's so hard to find a job no matter how great you are or how brilliant the experiences you've got. many companies started to downsize and i knew quite a few of my friends who are being made redundant just to save some costs to the company. poor them. i hope it'll never happen to me...
the last time we encountered economic crunch, i was so young and naive to even understand or feel the impact of it. furthermore, my parents worked for the gov so just guess how stable and unaffected they were that time. i always wondered how come the construction sites were being abandoned and why they didnt want to finish it and all of those petty questions. now i can understand better. so when my sister asked me how actually the Lehman's Bro affected the economy as a whole, i explained everything to her. the micro and macro factors. but i am not sure whether she really understood everything or not coz i didnt sense any fear vibes from her. it's either she was so good in pretending/acting or she just doesnt care. haha... but honestly speaking, i am scared. what if the markets continue to be so bad for so long (like what the economists predicted - that it'll continue in 2009 as well). what if despite all the bail-out plans, the banks still default? only god knows..
i came in late this morning. arrived around 10am and luckily we practice flexible working hours here. so as long as you work for 8 and a half hour everyday, it doesnt really matter what time you come in and what time you finish for the day. and as for me today, since i came in at 10am, i should go back at half six provided that i take my lunch. if i skip it, i can go home at half five. but guess what? my TL ask me to take half day today bcoz i dont look well. mmg pn. batuk2 mcm gile. but then i dont feel sick or what just batuk je yg jenis chesty tu. that's why bile batuk bunyi cam sakit gile je. well, seeing the rec file still so big with many unreconciled items, i really dont wanna go home early today. we'll see how.
okay dudes. have to stop now. if i go back early today, i will try to upload some photos from the Bray trip.toodles!!
oh ye.. not forgetting the increment in the price of cigaretteS. a pack of cig cost 0.50E more than last time. mmg papa kedana la klu sape2 yg heavy smoker tuh. just imagine. 4 packs a week cost you approx 32.00E and multiply that by 4 weeks a month equal to nearly 130.00E (source from hunny's weekly consumption). 130.00E a month equal to more or less about 598.00RM (taking average rate of 4.60 for forex). gilenye!!!!!!!! if you send that much of money every month for let say 10 months, imagine how much you'll have in your saving by the time you go back. lepas da nak g bercuti mane2. heh... i guess this is the reason why accountants are always labelled as stingy. i dont think it's stingy. it's just managing your money the best way. is it not?
the recession really hits everybody. so guys... if you plan to travel here for quite a long time, i dont think it's worth it. the airport taxes are now increased thus increasing the prices of other stuffs as well. even the unemployment rate is increasing rapidly now. it's so hard to find a job no matter how great you are or how brilliant the experiences you've got. many companies started to downsize and i knew quite a few of my friends who are being made redundant just to save some costs to the company. poor them. i hope it'll never happen to me...
the last time we encountered economic crunch, i was so young and naive to even understand or feel the impact of it. furthermore, my parents worked for the gov so just guess how stable and unaffected they were that time. i always wondered how come the construction sites were being abandoned and why they didnt want to finish it and all of those petty questions. now i can understand better. so when my sister asked me how actually the Lehman's Bro affected the economy as a whole, i explained everything to her. the micro and macro factors. but i am not sure whether she really understood everything or not coz i didnt sense any fear vibes from her. it's either she was so good in pretending/acting or she just doesnt care. haha... but honestly speaking, i am scared. what if the markets continue to be so bad for so long (like what the economists predicted - that it'll continue in 2009 as well). what if despite all the bail-out plans, the banks still default? only god knows..
i came in late this morning. arrived around 10am and luckily we practice flexible working hours here. so as long as you work for 8 and a half hour everyday, it doesnt really matter what time you come in and what time you finish for the day. and as for me today, since i came in at 10am, i should go back at half six provided that i take my lunch. if i skip it, i can go home at half five. but guess what? my TL ask me to take half day today bcoz i dont look well. mmg pn. batuk2 mcm gile. but then i dont feel sick or what just batuk je yg jenis chesty tu. that's why bile batuk bunyi cam sakit gile je. well, seeing the rec file still so big with many unreconciled items, i really dont wanna go home early today. we'll see how.
okay dudes. have to stop now. if i go back early today, i will try to upload some photos from the Bray trip.toodles!!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
early bird again
heyya... it's ten to seven in the morning and i'm already so fresh and wide awake!! that's a hell of a new accomplishment so far. who would wanna wake up so early on sunday morning? definitely not me but well... put the blame on forgetting to put the dirty clothes in the wash mach last nite that resulted in the unbelievable act of waking up as early as 5 am to do the laundry. note that we chose to have a cheaper nite rate so doing laundry from 12am to 8am is cheaper than doing it after 8am. the diff is really big between nite rate and day rate so i dont mind forcing my lazy eyes to work early today. ngeee~~ tried to continue sleeping but heck, i cudnt do it. so here i am. reading people's blogs and update me own one. you mite think i shud be studying (do you?) but to be honest i cudnt find my exam kit. dunno where i put it. the last time i remember seeing it was when i was late to class and i took it out from the bag. i've searched hi n lo but to no avail. ahhh~~ will find for it again tomorrow. hope this is not a sign that i mite fail again this time. heh. (owh ini sgt lame)
plan to go to london on 8th of dec to renew my passport. i am gonna be on my study leave that day and i cudnt think of any other better time. so went to search for the tix and to my surprise, a*erlin*gus is changing the strategy altogether!!! my my... so the economic downturn really affect them so bad. who would imagine that the once leading airlines who always charged premiums to customers is now changing the business strategy to low cost low frills base?? i was told that last time flying to london cost nearly 200.00 quid!!! but now you can easily find a tix as low as 40E or even less thanks to the low cost airlines that emerged few years back. people dont mind the comfort to fly anymore as long as it's cheap and you can get there on time. and my search on the tix shows that i can buy return tix from a*erlin*gus for only 66.00E (i am only paying the tax, 0.00E tix)!!!!!!!! yeay!!! and to double the surprise, even the ever so famous cheap airlines r*yan*air offers me 70.00E return tix (and note that this is to Stansted not Heathrow-mahal dowh). this is rather absurd. anyway, it's undeniably a gooooooooooooood surprise. hehehehe.....
anyway, we were supposed to go to usin's opn hse yesterday. so the plan was to wait for hunny to finish work and then go to Talbot Street together. but on the way there, we bumped into hunny's fren and they started talking about some matters which i dont understand and bla bla bla for nearly one hour and we then realised that 'oh, maybe it's too late now to go there.' it was 10pm that time and i was not objecting his plan at all. partly because i was tired waiting and not keen to go anymore. furthermore, we can always go to usin's hse anytime we want. so xpe la. open hse tu utk sape2 yg jauh2 or jarang nk dtg lepak uma die. but we didnt go home straightaway. we lepaking for a while or dare i say dating sebentar at the riverside and borak2 about some craps, joking, giggling and it feels good. honestly, we barely talk now since we both are busy with works and studies. we do meet everyday i know but usually we just dine and after that we go separate ways. mase mkn pn tak byk sgt ckp sbb keletihan bekerja. if we both make it to the marriage zone, i hope we are not gonna be like this. *fingers and toes crossed*
mata da kembali menguyu (is there such word?). sleepy i am. so peeps. gtg now. rules ari ahad; jikalau mengantuk, wajib di sorongkan bantal. hahahha.. later suckers!!!
ps: ptg ni plan nk g Bray. will update wif pics. ngeeee~~ toodles!!
plan to go to london on 8th of dec to renew my passport. i am gonna be on my study leave that day and i cudnt think of any other better time. so went to search for the tix and to my surprise, a*erlin*gus is changing the strategy altogether!!! my my... so the economic downturn really affect them so bad. who would imagine that the once leading airlines who always charged premiums to customers is now changing the business strategy to low cost low frills base?? i was told that last time flying to london cost nearly 200.00 quid!!! but now you can easily find a tix as low as 40E or even less thanks to the low cost airlines that emerged few years back. people dont mind the comfort to fly anymore as long as it's cheap and you can get there on time. and my search on the tix shows that i can buy return tix from a*erlin*gus for only 66.00E (i am only paying the tax, 0.00E tix)!!!!!!!! yeay!!! and to double the surprise, even the ever so famous cheap airlines r*yan*air offers me 70.00E return tix (and note that this is to Stansted not Heathrow-mahal dowh). this is rather absurd. anyway, it's undeniably a gooooooooooooood surprise. hehehehe.....
anyway, we were supposed to go to usin's opn hse yesterday. so the plan was to wait for hunny to finish work and then go to Talbot Street together. but on the way there, we bumped into hunny's fren and they started talking about some matters which i dont understand and bla bla bla for nearly one hour and we then realised that 'oh, maybe it's too late now to go there.' it was 10pm that time and i was not objecting his plan at all. partly because i was tired waiting and not keen to go anymore. furthermore, we can always go to usin's hse anytime we want. so xpe la. open hse tu utk sape2 yg jauh2 or jarang nk dtg lepak uma die. but we didnt go home straightaway. we lepaking for a while or dare i say dating sebentar at the riverside and borak2 about some craps, joking, giggling and it feels good. honestly, we barely talk now since we both are busy with works and studies. we do meet everyday i know but usually we just dine and after that we go separate ways. mase mkn pn tak byk sgt ckp sbb keletihan bekerja. if we both make it to the marriage zone, i hope we are not gonna be like this. *fingers and toes crossed*
mata da kembali menguyu (is there such word?). sleepy i am. so peeps. gtg now. rules ari ahad; jikalau mengantuk, wajib di sorongkan bantal. hahahha.. later suckers!!!
ps: ptg ni plan nk g Bray. will update wif pics. ngeeee~~ toodles!!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
dulu vs skrg
hah! cant believe it has been three yrs now we celebrated raya together. not really 'together' tho. here's why.
2006 - tade pape lagi. baru start kawan. tp still raya gak same2. i mean g jalan raya ngn membe2 lain. so kire raya bersama la. nk pulak mase tu student lg. so syok la nk jalan raya.
2007 - da together da. but he was working that day so we just met in the evening. tu pn da gegas2 nk g raya uma Temp&wifey. smpt amik gamba kat jalan je la.
2008 - i was working. jupe ptg je tu pn mase ramai gile org ade kat uma tu beraya. so curik2 amik gamba. hehehe... ade sekeping pn ok la.
so tade lagi activity bermaafan beriya as in salam2 di pagi raya. im saving it for the right time. :-)

2006 - tade pape lagi. baru start kawan. tp still raya gak same2. i mean g jalan raya ngn membe2 lain. so kire raya bersama la. nk pulak mase tu student lg. so syok la nk jalan raya.
2007 - da together da. but he was working that day so we just met in the evening. tu pn da gegas2 nk g raya uma Temp&wifey. smpt amik gamba kat jalan je la.
2008 - i was working. jupe ptg je tu pn mase ramai gile org ade kat uma tu beraya. so curik2 amik gamba. hehehe... ade sekeping pn ok la.
so tade lagi activity bermaafan beriya as in salam2 di pagi raya. im saving it for the right time. :-)
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
hello everybody!!
peeps!!! i was meant to write some updates yesterday but i cudnt even find a tiny bit of time to do so. it was so busy and kept on delaying to write until it was time to go home. anyway, after work, me n hunny went to HMV just to see any cheap movies we can buy. we grabbed NATIONAL TREASUREs 1 & 2 (btl ke tajuk ni?) and also THE LIVES OF OTHERS (recommended by Juraj). all that for only € 18!!! what a bargain. been eyeing the ipod 4th generation also but i think it can wait. still contemplating either to buy 4th generation ke ipod touch? nafsu nk beli tu tak dpt nk tahan. tp klu beli bkn pakai sgt pn. tgk ipod shuffle yg of course da terperap je kat dlm laci tu. but still, selagi tak beli, msti asek nak lalu tgk je bende tuh. ssh tul la.how now brown cow? any suggestions to kill the crave?
i didnt go to class on mon (booo!!!) coz finally i decided to go to the open hse. (bg alasan da lama tak jupe dorg). it was superb so i dont regret skipping my class (mmg nk kna rotan nih). dpt la jupe kak anis and teja. da besar da. independent gile bdk kecik sorg nih. selamba rock je jln sorg2. x nanges pn. mula2 tu die cam jual mahal sket mase i pggl tp bile da bribe ngn dodol durian, manje je dtg dekat. heheheh... senjata dodolku berjaya! ricardo and his future wife were there as well. tak abes2 m'promote tmpt baru dorg, Athlone.nice, calm, no traffic, by the riverside and on and on... she even said 'if you come to our house, we have a room spare for you to spend the nite in.' gile bes. ok la. we'll go there someday. kena plan ramai2 baru syok nk jalan. coming bank holiday ni okay gak. hurm...
pendek kata, ramai la g open hse tu. kak zaila-farid pn ade. ramai la. ktorg second last batch yg smpai. mase tu pn da kul 9++ mlm. tp lauk maintain je byk lagi. open hse start kul 12 tghari. gile tak gile byk dorg ni msk. dgr2 dr tghari tu tak putus2 org dtg. ye lahh.. kata chef2 sekalian. msti la cekap memasak n tau nk budget sme kot. sme makanan mmg terbaek sgt. Thank again utk tuan umah, Luk & kak anis & teja, amran n abib. burt sent us home that nite. with a nice full stomach i went to bed. *happy*
pe lg nk cer? it's quarter to six n i am still in the office. need to clear the rec by the end of this month. i chose to stay back today coz the internal auditors from the states are coming next week so they want to see some progress. since they handed over the job to me last two weeks, i need to show them that i have done something at least. i have no time to do it during the normal working hours so i have to spend the evening inthe office. i cant stay back tomorrow and definitely not on friday either. so, like it or not, i have to stay a bit longer today. well, i have no plan whatsoever today so there's no harm to go home a bit late.
ok lah guys. what the hell am i doing writing a long entry if i have something to do aite? toodles!!
i didnt go to class on mon (booo!!!) coz finally i decided to go to the open hse. (bg alasan da lama tak jupe dorg). it was superb so i dont regret skipping my class (mmg nk kna rotan nih). dpt la jupe kak anis and teja. da besar da. independent gile bdk kecik sorg nih. selamba rock je jln sorg2. x nanges pn. mula2 tu die cam jual mahal sket mase i pggl tp bile da bribe ngn dodol durian, manje je dtg dekat. heheheh... senjata dodolku berjaya! ricardo and his future wife were there as well. tak abes2 m'promote tmpt baru dorg, Athlone.nice, calm, no traffic, by the riverside and on and on... she even said 'if you come to our house, we have a room spare for you to spend the nite in.' gile bes. ok la. we'll go there someday. kena plan ramai2 baru syok nk jalan. coming bank holiday ni okay gak. hurm...
pendek kata, ramai la g open hse tu. kak zaila-farid pn ade. ramai la. ktorg second last batch yg smpai. mase tu pn da kul 9++ mlm. tp lauk maintain je byk lagi. open hse start kul 12 tghari. gile tak gile byk dorg ni msk. dgr2 dr tghari tu tak putus2 org dtg. ye lahh.. kata chef2 sekalian. msti la cekap memasak n tau nk budget sme kot. sme makanan mmg terbaek sgt. Thank again utk tuan umah, Luk & kak anis & teja, amran n abib. burt sent us home that nite. with a nice full stomach i went to bed. *happy*
pe lg nk cer? it's quarter to six n i am still in the office. need to clear the rec by the end of this month. i chose to stay back today coz the internal auditors from the states are coming next week so they want to see some progress. since they handed over the job to me last two weeks, i need to show them that i have done something at least. i have no time to do it during the normal working hours so i have to spend the evening inthe office. i cant stay back tomorrow and definitely not on friday either. so, like it or not, i have to stay a bit longer today. well, i have no plan whatsoever today so there's no harm to go home a bit late.
ok lah guys. what the hell am i doing writing a long entry if i have something to do aite? toodles!!
Monday, October 06, 2008
great weekend
ahh~~ syoknye ahad yg lepas. first time i got to pamper my bum all day long. didnt go anywhere. bgn tdo da kul 12pm (tercapai misi) and mandi2, jemur kain, kemas2 bilik, mkn sket and all of that brought me to 3pm. cpt2 call ibunda tersayang utk updet2 terkini. heheh.. gossips bebeh..
sabtu la ade kua sket kul 4++ to Malaysia Hall. amik2 gamba and jupe geng2 chef yg memasak di situ. tp kejap je pn. xsmpai sejam and balik uma balik. sungguh heaven sekali idupku. tambah2 plak skg ni da sejuk gile. baru bln seploh da sejuk sgt2. last year mase magec dtg at the end of october pn tade la rase sejuk lg. masa tu magec ley pakai slipar lagi but this year, it's a big no no to do that. sejuk sgt nih. mau beku kaki klu pki slipar. tido mlm2 pn bdn mcm udang kena bakar. merengkot je.eventho da dok bwh duvet. bygkan la sejuk die. will it snow this dec? *crossed fingers*
mlm ni ade jemputan umah terbuka kat Castlenock utk open house chef2 dublin (must be a good one). will be held at Luk's hse. tp tak tau nk g ke tak. mlm ni sy kna ke skolah. nk g sekolah ke nak g makan? hurm... skola sgt penting. tp bersosial pn penting juge. dorg beriya2 ajak siap kata VVIP tak pe dtg lambat. tp class abes kul 10mlm. xkn nk g Castlenock mlm2 buta tu? sok da la keje lagi. iskk.. benci btl bende2 mutually exclusive ni. x pandai nk pilih mane satu. skolah xpernah ponteng lagi maybe ley ponteng ari nih (boley tak?). hrum2...
got some pics to upload. tp cam bese la. slalu tak t'upload2 lg. bese kalu on lappie tu msti nak main Neopet. sedar2 je da berjam2 dpn lappie. pastu mula la mls nk upload gamba. hish.. byk gamba nk letak. last friday ktorg balik tyrrelstown after work. ingat nk g uma kak sue-farid sbb dorg ajak dtg open hse. sampai2 uma abid je alany greet ktorg dgn penuh excited. dah cute skg nih. da boley sebut nga-ngah (pak ngah) tp tisha blm lg. hehe... aleia pn cam bese la dgn sombong2 sket mase mula2 tu tp lps tu ok je. rupenye2 abid pn expecting some groups to come to their house. ramai jugak la. so we ended up b'tandang kat uma abid je. x jd pn g uma kak sue-farid. mlm tu afin bukak cite pertama ramadhan. layan la ramai2. balik uma da kul 12 mlm and tdo je trus.
kesimpulannye, mggu lps mmg la sgt terbaek skali. smpi mlm td pn jadi tdo2 ayam sbb da byk sgt tido. heheh.. asek2 terjaga je dr tido. nk bgn pg pn senang je. xde la liat sgt. huhu... overall, IT WAS THE BEST WEEKEND EVER!!!!!!!
ps: nk sambung blaja french blk mais je suis si paresseux. j'ai besoin d'aide. big time!!!!
sabtu la ade kua sket kul 4++ to Malaysia Hall. amik2 gamba and jupe geng2 chef yg memasak di situ. tp kejap je pn. xsmpai sejam and balik uma balik. sungguh heaven sekali idupku. tambah2 plak skg ni da sejuk gile. baru bln seploh da sejuk sgt2. last year mase magec dtg at the end of october pn tade la rase sejuk lg. masa tu magec ley pakai slipar lagi but this year, it's a big no no to do that. sejuk sgt nih. mau beku kaki klu pki slipar. tido mlm2 pn bdn mcm udang kena bakar. merengkot je.eventho da dok bwh duvet. bygkan la sejuk die. will it snow this dec? *crossed fingers*
mlm ni ade jemputan umah terbuka kat Castlenock utk open house chef2 dublin (must be a good one). will be held at Luk's hse. tp tak tau nk g ke tak. mlm ni sy kna ke skolah. nk g sekolah ke nak g makan? hurm... skola sgt penting. tp bersosial pn penting juge. dorg beriya2 ajak siap kata VVIP tak pe dtg lambat. tp class abes kul 10mlm. xkn nk g Castlenock mlm2 buta tu? sok da la keje lagi. iskk.. benci btl bende2 mutually exclusive ni. x pandai nk pilih mane satu. skolah xpernah ponteng lagi maybe ley ponteng ari nih (boley tak?). hrum2...
got some pics to upload. tp cam bese la. slalu tak t'upload2 lg. bese kalu on lappie tu msti nak main Neopet. sedar2 je da berjam2 dpn lappie. pastu mula la mls nk upload gamba. hish.. byk gamba nk letak. last friday ktorg balik tyrrelstown after work. ingat nk g uma kak sue-farid sbb dorg ajak dtg open hse. sampai2 uma abid je alany greet ktorg dgn penuh excited. dah cute skg nih. da boley sebut nga-ngah (pak ngah) tp tisha blm lg. hehe... aleia pn cam bese la dgn sombong2 sket mase mula2 tu tp lps tu ok je. rupenye2 abid pn expecting some groups to come to their house. ramai jugak la. so we ended up b'tandang kat uma abid je. x jd pn g uma kak sue-farid. mlm tu afin bukak cite pertama ramadhan. layan la ramai2. balik uma da kul 12 mlm and tdo je trus.
kesimpulannye, mggu lps mmg la sgt terbaek skali. smpi mlm td pn jadi tdo2 ayam sbb da byk sgt tido. heheh.. asek2 terjaga je dr tido. nk bgn pg pn senang je. xde la liat sgt. huhu... overall, IT WAS THE BEST WEEKEND EVER!!!!!!!
ps: nk sambung blaja french blk mais je suis si paresseux. j'ai besoin d'aide. big time!!!!
Friday, October 03, 2008
i feel sorry for you hanna. i do. can't imagine if it happens to me. be strong okay. you always have us here.
and happy belated bday to messjar. da tua da pn ada ati nk mtk duit raya kat aku. sanggup nk isi borang tuh. haha... anyway, bak kata aku smlm, baru la ko takyah pggl aku kakak. kan da sebaya skg nih. :-)
and to dearly ubai. congrats on your engagement. i am soo happy for you. still remember the first time you told me about her. lucky her i guess. :-) msti tggu aku balik baru kawen ok? (melampau tak?) haha...
owh... havent wished you all a very happy eid mubarak. didnt have time to update me blog. so busy with the closing and it was my company year end last month. so everything was like mad this few days. today is better tho. thank god. so here it goes... SLAMAT ARI RAYA, MAAF ZAHIR BATIN. (tade ucapan fancy2.i xpandai)
dunno whatelse to write. not really in the mood to share any story. i just wish i can take a time off from my love life? it's so messy and complicated from the very beginning. i thought it's gonna be better as we move along but i am starting to doubt it now. god, give me some signs. what should i do?
i feel sorry for you hanna. i do. can't imagine if it happens to me. be strong okay. you always have us here.
and happy belated bday to messjar. da tua da pn ada ati nk mtk duit raya kat aku. sanggup nk isi borang tuh. haha... anyway, bak kata aku smlm, baru la ko takyah pggl aku kakak. kan da sebaya skg nih. :-)
and to dearly ubai. congrats on your engagement. i am soo happy for you. still remember the first time you told me about her. lucky her i guess. :-) msti tggu aku balik baru kawen ok? (melampau tak?) haha...
owh... havent wished you all a very happy eid mubarak. didnt have time to update me blog. so busy with the closing and it was my company year end last month. so everything was like mad this few days. today is better tho. thank god. so here it goes... SLAMAT ARI RAYA, MAAF ZAHIR BATIN. (tade ucapan fancy2.i xpandai)
dunno whatelse to write. not really in the mood to share any story. i just wish i can take a time off from my love life? it's so messy and complicated from the very beginning. i thought it's gonna be better as we move along but i am starting to doubt it now. god, give me some signs. what should i do?
Thursday, September 25, 2008
phew~~ glad it's over. my TL and Kinga are back and now i feel like breathing again. it's not even the month end yet but the workloads are like hell. i should celebrate that it's over now. yippe yayy yeaaa... ummm... unfortunately, becoz of the stress and pressure im getting, i'm not only got myself rashes and ulcers, but flu and fever also kind heartedly pay me a visit. sigh~ i can't apply for an MC. i've taken too much leave this two months. nontheless, i've to be strong. yeah! mggu dpn raya (ade kaitan x?)
hey, have you guys watch Hellboy? you know the song that the blue guy sang when he's so drunk? i fall in love with the song just like that. please.. try listening to this song. u'll like it.
sweet isn't it? and we managed to download the song too. yeay!! *CLAP2 to hunny*
given that i havent updated anything for a good few days, i ought to write a lil bit longer today to compensate the frustration you guys undergo when you open this blog and see there's nothing new. haha~ sorry lads. the will is there but the time is not. sgt busy bekerja mencari rejeki. ewahh!
reading others' blogs bout raya hit me hard on the head (and heart as well) to see and realise what im missing (again) this year. i cant forget the overwhelming feeling of seeing all the family members gathering in one house and early morning, everybody is so happy to try the new raya outfit with small kids running here and there and waiting for the duit-raya giving ceremony. the smell of rendang and lemang, OMG!! raya is not raya without those smells. and these two years i've been trying so hard not to think of it too much. even this year, i dont plan anything for raya. not even bother about my baju raya *note that my sister hasnt send it to me yet* what for? even if i get it on time, i dont feel excited to wear it. just like a normal cloth that i wear everyday i supposed. maybe im in denial or sth? trying to conceal the actual feeling of sadness and frustration? therefore i made up all those excuses of not celebrating raya. hurm.. maybe... yet again, like my mom said, if you want to be happy, make do of what you have. and i am making do with what i have. WORK that is. i enjoy coming to the office and that is what i am gonna do this year. :-)
my holiday in December is now approved. yippee!! it's gonna be two weeks starting from 24th to 2nd of Jan. i have to go to London to renew my passport. need to plan carefully coz i really wish to go to barcelona again or maybe paris. urgghh... not really good at planning. lg tak pandai nk cari cheap accomodation. cane nih? HELP!!! mane nk start dulu eh? afiq.. please refresh you memories in Spain. mgkin aku takyah g barca lg tp g madrid? tlg ye incik?
well.. better stop now. zillions emails coming. *exaggerating* toodles!!!
hey, have you guys watch Hellboy? you know the song that the blue guy sang when he's so drunk? i fall in love with the song just like that. please.. try listening to this song. u'll like it.
sweet isn't it? and we managed to download the song too. yeay!! *CLAP2 to hunny*
given that i havent updated anything for a good few days, i ought to write a lil bit longer today to compensate the frustration you guys undergo when you open this blog and see there's nothing new. haha~ sorry lads. the will is there but the time is not. sgt busy bekerja mencari rejeki. ewahh!
reading others' blogs bout raya hit me hard on the head (and heart as well) to see and realise what im missing (again) this year. i cant forget the overwhelming feeling of seeing all the family members gathering in one house and early morning, everybody is so happy to try the new raya outfit with small kids running here and there and waiting for the duit-raya giving ceremony. the smell of rendang and lemang, OMG!! raya is not raya without those smells. and these two years i've been trying so hard not to think of it too much. even this year, i dont plan anything for raya. not even bother about my baju raya *note that my sister hasnt send it to me yet* what for? even if i get it on time, i dont feel excited to wear it. just like a normal cloth that i wear everyday i supposed. maybe im in denial or sth? trying to conceal the actual feeling of sadness and frustration? therefore i made up all those excuses of not celebrating raya. hurm.. maybe... yet again, like my mom said, if you want to be happy, make do of what you have. and i am making do with what i have. WORK that is. i enjoy coming to the office and that is what i am gonna do this year. :-)
my holiday in December is now approved. yippee!! it's gonna be two weeks starting from 24th to 2nd of Jan. i have to go to London to renew my passport. need to plan carefully coz i really wish to go to barcelona again or maybe paris. urgghh... not really good at planning. lg tak pandai nk cari cheap accomodation. cane nih? HELP!!! mane nk start dulu eh? afiq.. please refresh you memories in Spain. mgkin aku takyah g barca lg tp g madrid? tlg ye incik?
well.. better stop now. zillions emails coming. *exaggerating* toodles!!!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
sedikit update
peepss.... here's the update for last two days;
thurs d 18th: received soooo many emails until i cant even send one unless i deleted or moved some of them to my personal folder. and i couldnt leave them for tomorrow bcoz tomorrow for sure i'll get some more. so ended up clearing the mailbox and stayed late until 6 and went home afterwards. i seriously looked like a zombie. no feeling at all and i did bump into some frens (did i?) but i didn't bother to say hi or even smile. not that i didn't want to. i just didn't have the energy to work my cheek's muscles up and smile or whatever. smpai uma trus padam. flat on the bed. half seven woke up just to drink a quarter glass of water and continued sleeping. penat tak reti nak ckp. hoh!
fri d 19th: it was supposed to be the day ever but not for me. na-ah~ i was forced to come early in the morning to help Dovile to upload all the manual remits file. usually Kinga or Pawel will do it but since none of them were in the office, i had to do it. it was my first time but thx god i managed to do it. after i was done with that, i did the Barclays Germany process and half way tru, Alan rang asking me to get ready to go to Sandyford. Fuck!! totally forgot that i have the disaster recovery testing today!!! dgn tergopoh gapahnye print out docs yg nk kna bwk and lari trn bwh. sme org tgh tggu and we then went to HP hq to do the testing. i asked Sinead why do we have to do the testing and according to her, this is just a procedure to make sure that if something happens to our office, we can still work somewhere else (at HP office). duh~~~ office terbakar jawabnye tak yah keje la. hheheeh... but come to think about it, if i own the company, i still want my employee to be able to work in whatever cases. so, test je la. da la i mcm terbangang2 je nak carik drive tu. sebbek la Sean tlg map kan. pastu konon2 nk start la kan but shit! i couldn't access the Funding Module. rupe2nye dorg tak install ape tah and i had to wait like half an hour or so. tringat lak Barclays file tak upload lg. kelam kabut la call Dovile and suh die tlg buatkan pape yg tak buat lg. die pn da kelam kabut asek call je tanye cane nk buat tu cane nk buat ni. urghhh~~ tema hari itu adalah 'hari kelam kabut sedunia'. last2 dpt call dr manager kata takyah la pk sgt. exception sbb tak cukup staff. phew!! sebbek... da siap sme tu trus la blk. skali lg stayed late sbb nk clear mailbox and stuffs tp ari ni tak melepek. mgkin sbb hati senang da ari jumaat kot. :-) lps buke pose, buat kuih cornflakes madu!!! yeayyy!!! tambah lg koleksi kuih raya...
and bgn pg td i got flu. and rashes!! told you i cant be so stressed. kejap je da naik rashes kat tgn. huuuuu... :-( and ade perasaan tak sihat yg amat. kepala berat and hingus rase nk meleleh je nih (yuckss!!) i was thinking of going out and watch 'a boy in stripped pyjama'. tp tak lrt ah... maybe tomorrow if i am feeling better. rs nak beli baju baru tp tak tau nk beli baju ape. cam da boring dgn baju2 yg ade ni. maybe i should go to Dundrum and have a look? rase cam nk beli bende baru tp tak tau ape... sigh~~
guess i'll stop now. mcm tade motif menulis tp nk updet gak... ingat td nk upload pics tp cam mls lak. maybe next time... daaaaa~~
thurs d 18th: received soooo many emails until i cant even send one unless i deleted or moved some of them to my personal folder. and i couldnt leave them for tomorrow bcoz tomorrow for sure i'll get some more. so ended up clearing the mailbox and stayed late until 6 and went home afterwards. i seriously looked like a zombie. no feeling at all and i did bump into some frens (did i?) but i didn't bother to say hi or even smile. not that i didn't want to. i just didn't have the energy to work my cheek's muscles up and smile or whatever. smpai uma trus padam. flat on the bed. half seven woke up just to drink a quarter glass of water and continued sleeping. penat tak reti nak ckp. hoh!
fri d 19th: it was supposed to be the day ever but not for me. na-ah~ i was forced to come early in the morning to help Dovile to upload all the manual remits file. usually Kinga or Pawel will do it but since none of them were in the office, i had to do it. it was my first time but thx god i managed to do it. after i was done with that, i did the Barclays Germany process and half way tru, Alan rang asking me to get ready to go to Sandyford. Fuck!! totally forgot that i have the disaster recovery testing today!!! dgn tergopoh gapahnye print out docs yg nk kna bwk and lari trn bwh. sme org tgh tggu and we then went to HP hq to do the testing. i asked Sinead why do we have to do the testing and according to her, this is just a procedure to make sure that if something happens to our office, we can still work somewhere else (at HP office). duh~~~ office terbakar jawabnye tak yah keje la. hheheeh... but come to think about it, if i own the company, i still want my employee to be able to work in whatever cases. so, test je la. da la i mcm terbangang2 je nak carik drive tu. sebbek la Sean tlg map kan. pastu konon2 nk start la kan but shit! i couldn't access the Funding Module. rupe2nye dorg tak install ape tah and i had to wait like half an hour or so. tringat lak Barclays file tak upload lg. kelam kabut la call Dovile and suh die tlg buatkan pape yg tak buat lg. die pn da kelam kabut asek call je tanye cane nk buat tu cane nk buat ni. urghhh~~ tema hari itu adalah 'hari kelam kabut sedunia'. last2 dpt call dr manager kata takyah la pk sgt. exception sbb tak cukup staff. phew!! sebbek... da siap sme tu trus la blk. skali lg stayed late sbb nk clear mailbox and stuffs tp ari ni tak melepek. mgkin sbb hati senang da ari jumaat kot. :-) lps buke pose, buat kuih cornflakes madu!!! yeayyy!!! tambah lg koleksi kuih raya...
and bgn pg td i got flu. and rashes!! told you i cant be so stressed. kejap je da naik rashes kat tgn. huuuuu... :-( and ade perasaan tak sihat yg amat. kepala berat and hingus rase nk meleleh je nih (yuckss!!) i was thinking of going out and watch 'a boy in stripped pyjama'. tp tak lrt ah... maybe tomorrow if i am feeling better. rs nak beli baju baru tp tak tau nk beli baju ape. cam da boring dgn baju2 yg ade ni. maybe i should go to Dundrum and have a look? rase cam nk beli bende baru tp tak tau ape... sigh~~
guess i'll stop now. mcm tade motif menulis tp nk updet gak... ingat td nk upload pics tp cam mls lak. maybe next time... daaaaa~~
da de raya mood!
would like to dedicate this entry to everdearest lil sister with a big wish HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, CIK IZYAN. :-)
muda nye 21. rs cam baru je smlm akak 21 (over lak).. anyway, may you enjoy the best your life can give. may all the wishes come true.may you are always blessed in whatever you do.may you live long enough to see all the goodness there is... smlm ingat nk txt but i think writing an entry just for you is more than special. happy birthday again dear... *huggssssss*
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
1 lg
15.47... yawn~ can't wait to go home today. i've tonnes of things to do but i am so lazy and tired to go thru all of them. need coffeeeee... coofffeeeee... (krg pahala pose)... my TL has just gone home and he'll be off for holiday starting tomorrow until nxt Tues. with Kinga off as well, it's just gonna be me Dovile and Juraj in the team now. hopefully it's not gonna be too busy. i tend to be so jumpy and grumpy when people ask me stupid questions or repetitive questions when i'm busy. that's a sign showing that i am not ready to manage people yet. but being the only senior in the team, i've got no choice. sometimes i feel like screaming and yelling 'u've asked me this q sooo many times. can't u use ur brain and try to figure it out urself??' but then i realised that if i do that, i'll become the typical big-bully-supervisor (mcm mase kje kat co lama dulu). people here dont really do that. everybody from all levelS of management is very kind and understanding enough, so no such thing as seniority bullshit here. so, already adapting to the culture by now, the words that always come out from my mouth are 'sure, lemme show you once again.' anyway, my personal opinion is you wont understand anything until you do it yourself without having anybody to show you again and again on how to deal with it. at least that's how i learnt to do stuffs here. i bet if James is still here in the team, i will never ever be able to do anything on my own. hurm... everything happens for reasons eyy?
ptg ni mahu berbuka pose bihun sup siap ngn begedil. dan desert puding jagung. smlm berbuka pose ayam msk sichuan and karipap sardin. i mmg tak reti lauk pauk bernama ganjil ni. so smlm jd tukang mkn je la. incik joe yg tlg msk lauk hebat itu. tp me and hunny buat karipap sardin. (prtku bertindak bls aneh bile sebut karipap.. hehe). so ari ni abes class hunny akan berbuka pose b'sama and plannye ialah utk mkn bihun sup ngn begedil. syoknye!! tak saba nk blk uma nih. huhuhu...
wacky things bout me. here we go!!!
1. sgt cpt marah & mrajuk esp time PMS!!! mangsa slalunye org yg rapat2 e.g hunny, hunny dan hunny (kdg2 family members & j's-korg prasan x?). cth when hunny helps me to cook and he ACCIDENTLY spilled the kuah or nasik mase nk gaul nasik goreng, I'll go berserk and mad like really2 mad. hahaha!! funny but i really cant help it. mrh bile sepah2 and leceh nk kemas afterwards. slalunye hunny ended up not talking to me (sulking) and said 'bnde kecik cam tu pn nk marah teruk2. kecik ati hunny'). mase tu baru nk rs bersalah n mtk ampun beribu2 lemon. believe it or not. i unconsciously did it. because of that, everytime he cooks, he'll say 'jgn dok sini. dok jauh2 sket.' (couldnt help myself to go and check out my kitchen - tp slalu pendam mrh tgk kitchen kecah2!!)
2. i dont eat sour foods - tomyam, assam laksa, jeruk2, sme buah2 masam etc2. ramai org kata rugi but at least i am avoiding some of the stuffs that can damage my memory. studies say that eating sour foods can make u easily forget things. so, i am actually doing myself a favour. hehehhehe~
3. hate shopping inc window shopping!!! penat la. prefer to list down what to buy and just go there and buy them rather than belek2, tgk kedai lain and dtg balik. waste of time and energy. bese kalu da start mnguap tu mood akan bertukar menjadi buas dan moody. so kwn2, jgn ajak sy shopping lama2. baik tgglkn sy di kedai mkn or pet shop. baik belek2 binatang chomey!! ^_^
4. slalu homesick tp klu balik uma msti nak merajuk2 ngn mak. apekah??? bese la. nk bajet nak manje2 tp kdg2 ade je bende2 yg mak takley nak buat kan. so muncung smpai Bahau la jawabnye. la la la~~
5. prefer writing emails rather than talking on the phone. altho it's much easier and quicker to deal with stuffs over the phone, it always makes me so nervous to go over it talking and discussing. pelik kan? so that's why setiap kali nk conference call, rase nk cirit je. ha ha ha.. gilo! lps da start ckp tu baru la okay n terlebey ckp plk. huhu..
6. klu tgk semut byk2 or ants' line up, msti nk termenung. tak pk ape pn tp takley focus. pastu jadi cam bangang je xnk tgk bende lain. even if i'm in hurry, i will stay there and stare at the ants. sebbek sini tade semut. heheheh...
7. ske basuh tangan mase msk pstu lap kat baju/apron. lps potong bwg, bsh tgn. lps amik pinggan and ltk bwg, bsh tgn. lps kacau sambal dlm kuali, bsh tgn. angkat tudung periuk nak check nasi, bsh tgn. bukak peti ais, bsh tgn. so every time i cook, baju bsh tak hengat. asek lap je. nk bt cane. tindakan luar sedar..
8. every night, i'll grind my teeth like im trying so hard to get rid of them. hahah!!
9. klu type perkataan yesterday msti salah2. tak pernah type yesterday btl sekali type. kdg2 yestdyrday la, yestedya la, kdg2 yestderyda.. tak tau asal la. confuse lak. korg cube sket. (bukan typing ayam patuk jagung tau, real typing please - eyes on the screen).
10. klu naik keta berdua ngn lelaki selain bf, mmg benci kena dok dpn. tak slesa ngn seatbelt yg lalu di celah2 itu. rs cam kena molest (boley tak?). of course la dorg tak check out my boobs but i just feel unsecure. so i always avoid to be a co-pilot when my bro or guy-friend is driving. tak mo ah!!
11. tak ley stress. my body is really sensitive to it and when i got so stress, i will get lots of ulcers in my mouth or rashes all over the body. mmg sgt obvious if i am mad or frustrated with someone, the next day i'll surely find mr ulcer visiting me for the whole week or even two weeks. ah~~ seksa gilee... klu stress psl keje lak msti nak ade rashes kat tangan. asal tah. pastu mula la tak slesa and tergaru2.
12. tak ske org bg adiah brg2 perhiasan ats meja or patung2 kecil yg tak ley nk peluk langsung. bkn tak appreciate cume rase membazir gile die beli tu. buat kumpul abuk je. baik blnje minum cendol. hehehehhe... oopsss.. sorry la klu sesapa penah bg. i tak buang, cume ade dlm kotak kat mane tah dlm store tu. ampun!!!
13. sgt tak suke diulang sgt TAK suke pompuan2 yg boobies die tak besar sgt tp mendada2 nk kasi tunjuk bsr. wtf?? da kecik tu kecik la kan. tak yah la seksa bdn g mendada plak. we used to have one fren like that last time and kak intan n me, always loved to make a small joke about it.
me: mane die ni tak sampai2 lg?
kak intan: tu da smpai da. takkan tak nampak boobies die da smpai dulu.
wakakaka... gile la. tak penat kah??
14. tak suke lipat kain. tak pernah suke pn. basuh and sidai bley lg. tp lipat afterwards... MLS GILE!!
15. suke sgt ckp ngn kucing. somehow i do believe that they understand me. seriously. try it if you dont believe me. lg2 mak kucing. mmg die phm tau. kittens tak sgt. nanti die tangkap bibir kite (sbb gerak2 ckp ngn die kan).tp klu mommy cat, die tgk je mke kite mcm phm la. try and see. good therapy i can tell you.
okes. that's pretty much me. i want to tag cik izyan kite. sile lah...
1. sgt cpt marah & mrajuk esp time PMS!!! mangsa slalunye org yg rapat2 e.g hunny, hunny dan hunny (kdg2 family members & j's-korg prasan x?). cth when hunny helps me to cook and he ACCIDENTLY spilled the kuah or nasik mase nk gaul nasik goreng, I'll go berserk and mad like really2 mad. hahaha!! funny but i really cant help it. mrh bile sepah2 and leceh nk kemas afterwards. slalunye hunny ended up not talking to me (sulking) and said 'bnde kecik cam tu pn nk marah teruk2. kecik ati hunny'). mase tu baru nk rs bersalah n mtk ampun beribu2 lemon. believe it or not. i unconsciously did it. because of that, everytime he cooks, he'll say 'jgn dok sini. dok jauh2 sket.' (couldnt help myself to go and check out my kitchen - tp slalu pendam mrh tgk kitchen kecah2!!)
2. i dont eat sour foods - tomyam, assam laksa, jeruk2, sme buah2 masam etc2. ramai org kata rugi but at least i am avoiding some of the stuffs that can damage my memory. studies say that eating sour foods can make u easily forget things. so, i am actually doing myself a favour. hehehhehe~
3. hate shopping inc window shopping!!! penat la. prefer to list down what to buy and just go there and buy them rather than belek2, tgk kedai lain and dtg balik. waste of time and energy. bese kalu da start mnguap tu mood akan bertukar menjadi buas dan moody. so kwn2, jgn ajak sy shopping lama2. baik tgglkn sy di kedai mkn or pet shop. baik belek2 binatang chomey!! ^_^
4. slalu homesick tp klu balik uma msti nak merajuk2 ngn mak. apekah??? bese la. nk bajet nak manje2 tp kdg2 ade je bende2 yg mak takley nak buat kan. so muncung smpai Bahau la jawabnye. la la la~~
5. prefer writing emails rather than talking on the phone. altho it's much easier and quicker to deal with stuffs over the phone, it always makes me so nervous to go over it talking and discussing. pelik kan? so that's why setiap kali nk conference call, rase nk cirit je. ha ha ha.. gilo! lps da start ckp tu baru la okay n terlebey ckp plk. huhu..
6. klu tgk semut byk2 or ants' line up, msti nk termenung. tak pk ape pn tp takley focus. pastu jadi cam bangang je xnk tgk bende lain. even if i'm in hurry, i will stay there and stare at the ants. sebbek sini tade semut. heheheh...
7. ske basuh tangan mase msk pstu lap kat baju/apron. lps potong bwg, bsh tgn. lps amik pinggan and ltk bwg, bsh tgn. lps kacau sambal dlm kuali, bsh tgn. angkat tudung periuk nak check nasi, bsh tgn. bukak peti ais, bsh tgn. so every time i cook, baju bsh tak hengat. asek lap je. nk bt cane. tindakan luar sedar..
8. every night, i'll grind my teeth like im trying so hard to get rid of them. hahah!!
9. klu type perkataan yesterday msti salah2. tak pernah type yesterday btl sekali type. kdg2 yestdyrday la, yestedya la, kdg2 yestderyda.. tak tau asal la. confuse lak. korg cube sket. (bukan typing ayam patuk jagung tau, real typing please - eyes on the screen).
10. klu naik keta berdua ngn lelaki selain bf, mmg benci kena dok dpn. tak slesa ngn seatbelt yg lalu di celah2 itu. rs cam kena molest (boley tak?). of course la dorg tak check out my boobs but i just feel unsecure. so i always avoid to be a co-pilot when my bro or guy-friend is driving. tak mo ah!!
11. tak ley stress. my body is really sensitive to it and when i got so stress, i will get lots of ulcers in my mouth or rashes all over the body. mmg sgt obvious if i am mad or frustrated with someone, the next day i'll surely find mr ulcer visiting me for the whole week or even two weeks. ah~~ seksa gilee... klu stress psl keje lak msti nak ade rashes kat tangan. asal tah. pastu mula la tak slesa and tergaru2.
12. tak ske org bg adiah brg2 perhiasan ats meja or patung2 kecil yg tak ley nk peluk langsung. bkn tak appreciate cume rase membazir gile die beli tu. buat kumpul abuk je. baik blnje minum cendol. hehehehhe... oopsss.. sorry la klu sesapa penah bg. i tak buang, cume ade dlm kotak kat mane tah dlm store tu. ampun!!!
13. sgt tak suke diulang sgt TAK suke pompuan2 yg boobies die tak besar sgt tp mendada2 nk kasi tunjuk bsr. wtf?? da kecik tu kecik la kan. tak yah la seksa bdn g mendada plak. we used to have one fren like that last time and kak intan n me, always loved to make a small joke about it.
me: mane die ni tak sampai2 lg?
kak intan: tu da smpai da. takkan tak nampak boobies die da smpai dulu.
wakakaka... gile la. tak penat kah??
14. tak suke lipat kain. tak pernah suke pn. basuh and sidai bley lg. tp lipat afterwards... MLS GILE!!
15. suke sgt ckp ngn kucing. somehow i do believe that they understand me. seriously. try it if you dont believe me. lg2 mak kucing. mmg die phm tau. kittens tak sgt. nanti die tangkap bibir kite (sbb gerak2 ckp ngn die kan).tp klu mommy cat, die tgk je mke kite mcm phm la. try and see. good therapy i can tell you.
okes. that's pretty much me. i want to tag cik izyan kite. sile lah...
Sunday, September 14, 2008
early bird
i should be sleeping rite now but im still here, in front of me lappie, browsing tru frens' blogs. sigh~~ study la cik aishah. stop wasting time...
-tiada motif-
-tiada motif-
Thursday, September 11, 2008
we're nearly there!!
hi peeps... *waving*
phew... wat a day! i was busy since this morning until a moment ago. dont even have time to make me coffee.ooppsss... rileks eh. i tak pose. hhehehe... lgpn rini mmg mengantuk gile. i feel like banging my head on the desk to make me stay awake. cant stop yawning like a hippo. pnt da nguap... huu...
yesterday, i finally went to abg KE's hse to celebrate his and aunt M's bday. rushed back home and prepared to go to tyrellstown. reached there ard half seven and rushing to kak fidah's hse afterwards. kak sue and family,atan and awyn n husband were there. newlywed!! so cute both of them. and her hubby is not bad. bak kata aunt M 'klu jadi artis ni msti ramai peminat.' hehhehee.. boley thn la. friendly as well. and the best part is he'slearning to speak in Malay. the effort that counts. aite? later afin's cousin joined us, kak ika. so nice andfriendly. we ate sambal belacan, kari ikan, ayam goreng tpg, ulam2an, kuih keria (yummy!!!!), popia a lots more. ade buah mangga manis lagi. syok!! lps maghrib baru la kek itu keluar. hunny snapped some pictures for last nite. i will upload them during the weekend (if i have time tho).
been thinking of cutting my hair. n getting them coloured again. but cannot decide which colour should i take this time? or should i just get it highlighted instead of full head colour. isk... ke nk kenteng? tp muke bulat tak elok rmbut curly ek? undecided. klu curly dan xseswai, ley ke luruskan balik? have to go to the hairdresser to know. mls gile. tade mase lak tu. depress... i like to do my hair at TianDu. but it's too far away from my hse. kemalasan melanda. better wait for hunny to get his haircut and i'll join him that time. good idea...
i dont know whether it's just me or everybody can also feel that this yr's fasting month is so plain n dull. no exitement like always you know with the eagerness to listen to raya songs, raya cards, kuih raya etc2... i dont feel like doing all that. this time around last year (during the middle of fasting mth), i'll be listening to era.fm for raya songs. syahduuu je kat opis. tak tgk kiri kanan. rs nk balik raya je. bile balik uma, sibuk2 nk msk kuih cornflakes la. nk suh parents masing2 pos kuih tart la. thn ni nadaa!! sebbek ade aunt M yg bsungguh2 nk msk kuih ry utk anak2 laki die. dgr plan nk buat kuih kepit, kuih goyang, kepek pisang and rendang before she flies home. hopefully she can make it. today is already thursday and Pakku invited everybody for break-fasting at his hse. meaning tonite, yilek. tmrw is friday and she plans for the whole family to come over to hunny'shse for breakfasting together. so maybe tmrw can start with the kuih kepit since afin is going to be there and so loves to cook. well, for me the exitement is not there maybe because im not gonna celebrate it. raya is on wednesday and unfortunely i have to work. furthermore, baju raya pn tak siap lagi. hehehhe... entah2 tak smpt pos pn. ahh~~ i dont really care. as long as i can finish the fasting month successfully, i dont regret a thing.
to all my babes j's... i really wish to send you all a raya card. but i lost that address book with all the addresses i wrote down. speaking about j's and raya card, i just remembered that i still havent reply to mas any card for two years in a row now. miracle enough, she never missed sending me raya card ever since i set my foot here in dublin. ooohhh jiranku. time kasih byk. i promise this yr i will try to send you one. eh?? mane nk carik address? (tipon adik la suh g ngintai no uma die. definitely die dok kat Jln Jelita.. hehhehehe)
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
menyambut cabaran!! yeah!
wow... smngt berkobar2 utk mengupdet. so encouraged and so eager to keep this blog updated alrite! of course after i got myself an entry in cik yus's blog and also mrs ayu's comment at the right hand side there. teheheh~
since i dont have anything to share with you peeps, im just gonna do the same questionnaire from cik yus.
1. how old are you?
::: old enough to have me own apartment (ada kaitan tak?)
2. are you single?
::: erm... single but not available.
3. in what age do you think you’ll get married?
::: i hope 26. but we'll see.
4. do you think you’ll be marrying the person you are with now?
::: positive (yo-yo-oo je). i hope so... god please. may it be with this one.
5. if not, who do you want to marry?
::: hurm... no one in particular. never crossed my mind to marry someone else. maybe if it's not hunny, it'll be me work.
6. do you want a garden/beach wedding, or the traditional wedding?
::: garden/wedding beach - atuk haku msti tekejut nih. so i'll go with the traditional one. hehhehe~~
7. your ideal motif?
::: pink. soft yet cheerful.
8. where do you plan to go on a honeymoon?
::: ahah!! pulau tioman or any pulau in Malaysia (janji tade obor2. hunny fobia obor2). saje nk rileks. g negara negara lain da rushing2 nk tgk sme tmpt. klu tak,rugi g jauh2. if kt pulau2 kat msia, we wont be bothered bout going elsewhere except for the hotel room, the beach and hotel room again (hehehehe)...
9. how many guests do you think you’ll invite?
::: hurm... let see. actually, i really like a small but happening wedding. definitely the J's and close family members should be there. but since this is like the wedding that everybody is waiting for (my turn in my family), so maybe around 300-500 special people. ehhehehe...
10. do you want an extravagant wedding or a simple wedding?
::: as i mentioned above, a simple one will do. yg penting nikah and not to forget the honeymoon afterwards. :-)
11. do you want the traditional vows or something you’d make up on your own??
::: beside the one that tok kadi will ask us to read and obey, i wud love to hear one from each of us. let it be just one sentence. as long as we stick to it in whatever cases.
12. how many layers of cake do you want to have?
::: hurm.. never bother bout the cake but maybe 4? uuhh.. my family esp sepupu sepapat yg kecil2 itu sgt ske kek.
13. do you prefer having your reception at a hotel or at a simple place?
::: hotel- to avoid the cleaning up after that.
14. when do you want to get married, evening or morning?
::: evening of course...
16. do you like a grand entrance for your groom?
::: sure why not.
18. name the song/tune you’d like played at your wedding??
::: first love - utada hikaru but i want hunny to play this himself or maybe 'endless love'.
19. are you a morning person or a night person?
::: definitely not night.
20. do you want a solemn ceremony or a light one?
::: light.
21. what age do you want to get married?
::: when i was still scooling, i hope i can get married at 20 or 21 (ahhahaha). just to bring down the age gap between me and my first kid. but that's ridiculous all right! *silly*
22. describe your ideal husband/wife.
::: hunny.
23. do you prefer fine dining or just the normal spoon & fork/knife?
::: normal please.
24. champagne or red wine?
::: errr... pengsan atuk haku.
25. honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
::: right after akad ley? hehhe.... maybe the night after the wedding.
26. money or household item?
::: dun really mind.
27. who will pay for the bills?
::: hurm... we dont mind sharing.
28. are you ready for married life?
::: this is a tricky one. i dont know really. hearing so many people ard us are married now or some even have plans to get married, making me wanting to have a married life as well. but i dont think i am ready to be honest. we never really talk about this in a serious manner but to be secured, we've booked ourselves the month that we plan to get married. the details of it are still so blur and vague. so i dont think i am ready as i speak now.
29. do u think you will still be a virgin until u get married?
::: shud i answer this?
30. will u always be true to your wife/husband?
::: that's d plan.
31. how many kids do u like?
::: 2 or 3?? depends.
32. a new house for a newly wed or an old one?
::: voting for new.
33. will u celebrate silver wedding, gold wedding, or diamond wedding?
:: diamond??
34. what kind of cuisine would u like for ur wedding?
::: western ley? hehehheh... syok gak klu dpt mkn fast food. pre-order and during the reception, we will serve it to you. :-)
or maybe upah mane2 tokey kedai suh die bwk chef2 die bukak dapur kat reception. just order what u want. alaa... mcm kat kedai2 makan tu. hehehhehe~~
35. will u record ur honeymoon in a cd or dvd?
::: do i really need to answer thissss??
36. whose wedding plans would you like to know next?
::: AFIQ!! yes you. i know you are reading this bro. please. MANY WUD LOVE TO KNOW. hehehehhehehehe...
kesimpulan... repekan aku sgt berjaya di atas!!!
since i dont have anything to share with you peeps, im just gonna do the same questionnaire from cik yus.
1. how old are you?
::: old enough to have me own apartment (ada kaitan tak?)
2. are you single?
::: erm... single but not available.
3. in what age do you think you’ll get married?
::: i hope 26. but we'll see.
4. do you think you’ll be marrying the person you are with now?
::: positive (yo-yo-oo je). i hope so... god please. may it be with this one.
5. if not, who do you want to marry?
::: hurm... no one in particular. never crossed my mind to marry someone else. maybe if it's not hunny, it'll be me work.
6. do you want a garden/beach wedding, or the traditional wedding?
::: garden/wedding beach - atuk haku msti tekejut nih. so i'll go with the traditional one. hehhehe~~
7. your ideal motif?
::: pink. soft yet cheerful.
8. where do you plan to go on a honeymoon?
::: ahah!! pulau tioman or any pulau in Malaysia (janji tade obor2. hunny fobia obor2). saje nk rileks. g negara negara lain da rushing2 nk tgk sme tmpt. klu tak,rugi g jauh2. if kt pulau2 kat msia, we wont be bothered bout going elsewhere except for the hotel room, the beach and hotel room again (hehehehe)...
9. how many guests do you think you’ll invite?
::: hurm... let see. actually, i really like a small but happening wedding. definitely the J's and close family members should be there. but since this is like the wedding that everybody is waiting for (my turn in my family), so maybe around 300-500 special people. ehhehehe...
10. do you want an extravagant wedding or a simple wedding?
::: as i mentioned above, a simple one will do. yg penting nikah and not to forget the honeymoon afterwards. :-)
11. do you want the traditional vows or something you’d make up on your own??
::: beside the one that tok kadi will ask us to read and obey, i wud love to hear one from each of us. let it be just one sentence. as long as we stick to it in whatever cases.
12. how many layers of cake do you want to have?
::: hurm.. never bother bout the cake but maybe 4? uuhh.. my family esp sepupu sepapat yg kecil2 itu sgt ske kek.
13. do you prefer having your reception at a hotel or at a simple place?
::: hotel- to avoid the cleaning up after that.
14. when do you want to get married, evening or morning?
::: evening of course...
16. do you like a grand entrance for your groom?
::: sure why not.
18. name the song/tune you’d like played at your wedding??
::: first love - utada hikaru but i want hunny to play this himself or maybe 'endless love'.
19. are you a morning person or a night person?
::: definitely not night.
20. do you want a solemn ceremony or a light one?
::: light.
21. what age do you want to get married?
::: when i was still scooling, i hope i can get married at 20 or 21 (ahhahaha). just to bring down the age gap between me and my first kid. but that's ridiculous all right! *silly*
22. describe your ideal husband/wife.
::: hunny.
23. do you prefer fine dining or just the normal spoon & fork/knife?
::: normal please.
24. champagne or red wine?
::: errr... pengsan atuk haku.
25. honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
::: right after akad ley? hehhe.... maybe the night after the wedding.
26. money or household item?
::: dun really mind.
27. who will pay for the bills?
::: hurm... we dont mind sharing.
28. are you ready for married life?
::: this is a tricky one. i dont know really. hearing so many people ard us are married now or some even have plans to get married, making me wanting to have a married life as well. but i dont think i am ready to be honest. we never really talk about this in a serious manner but to be secured, we've booked ourselves the month that we plan to get married. the details of it are still so blur and vague. so i dont think i am ready as i speak now.
29. do u think you will still be a virgin until u get married?
::: shud i answer this?
30. will u always be true to your wife/husband?
::: that's d plan.
31. how many kids do u like?
::: 2 or 3?? depends.
32. a new house for a newly wed or an old one?
::: voting for new.
33. will u celebrate silver wedding, gold wedding, or diamond wedding?
:: diamond??
34. what kind of cuisine would u like for ur wedding?
::: western ley? hehehheh... syok gak klu dpt mkn fast food. pre-order and during the reception, we will serve it to you. :-)
or maybe upah mane2 tokey kedai suh die bwk chef2 die bukak dapur kat reception. just order what u want. alaa... mcm kat kedai2 makan tu. hehehhehe~~
35. will u record ur honeymoon in a cd or dvd?
::: do i really need to answer thissss??
36. whose wedding plans would you like to know next?
::: AFIQ!! yes you. i know you are reading this bro. please. MANY WUD LOVE TO KNOW. hehehehhehehehe...
kesimpulan... repekan aku sgt berjaya di atas!!!
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
update lg...
1154. urm.. lambat nye mase berlalu. read cik ayu (baru aku prasan la. mane de cik lagi) ehem *clear throat* mrs ayu (he he he) and cik yus's blogs this morning and wow!! happening nye korg. asek ade jemputan makanan je. i haven't got any so far. except fer tomorrow at kak fidah's hse. still contemplating whether to go or not tho. bkn ape. thurs is still a working day. if i go, definitely will go home a bit late and end up sleeping late again. i really dont think my body can accept it anymore. 2 weeks in a row without me beauty sleep and my body is really2 tired. i just cant wait for saturday to come. plan to sleep until 12 or even later. kho kho kho...
yesterday i had my 4th class and during the break time, hunny called me and aleia insisted on talking to me as well. (tisya = auntie aisya)
me: kakak tgh buat pe?aleia: kakak duduk ngn ngangah. tisya kat mane?
me: tisya kat scool
aleia: tisya kat scool tisya ke scool kakak?
me: kat scool tisya la takkan scool kakak. kakak tau ke mane scool tisya?
aleia: ape? (as in 'ape' tu?)
hah! she always do that to me. that's just mean that she doesnt understand what we said. byk sgt vocab dlm satu ayat. hahhaha.. must get her to know as much malay words as possible because when she started her scool, i can guarantee that she'll prefer to use english more. but too much at one time can make she goes 'ape?'. funny story when we went to Kildare last weekend. she was in the same car wif me, hunny, tok ayah and paklang. she sat in the middle of me and hunny. in the car, hunny took out my purse to pass it back to me and she said
aleia: cantiknye. sape punye tu?
hunny: tisya punye.
tisya: cantik? thank you.
aleia: ape?
lorrr... die kata 'ape' plak. blur haku sekejap. and hunny laughed like hell. we asked her why she said 'ape' but she looked so confused as if she'd said nothing. and we tried to make her understand why she shouldnt say 'ape' but i dont think she bothered because she was distracted to something else that time. hai aleia... mmg la pengarang jantung sme org. asek nk buat klaka je.
owh... today we are all gonna go and break-fasting at YUMMY-MORI. ehehhe... unc and aunt are leaving nxt week so me and hunny planned to treat them something special at the special restaurant (at least for me it is). we've reserved for 6 adults and 2 kids. yamamori!!!!!! here i come!!!
also next week, my bro-in-law will come over to germany for work-related visit. i would love to see him but i dont know whether it is possible or not. he'll be there for a week which i obviously working and he'll fly back during the weekend. ah~ i'll think about it later. i still haf time to book the tix and accomodation anyway. till then peeps.
ps: sy tidak puasa. bendera merah. yahooo!!!
yesterday i had my 4th class and during the break time, hunny called me and aleia insisted on talking to me as well. (tisya = auntie aisya)
me: kakak tgh buat pe?aleia: kakak duduk ngn ngangah. tisya kat mane?
me: tisya kat scool
aleia: tisya kat scool tisya ke scool kakak?
me: kat scool tisya la takkan scool kakak. kakak tau ke mane scool tisya?
aleia: ape? (as in 'ape' tu?)
hah! she always do that to me. that's just mean that she doesnt understand what we said. byk sgt vocab dlm satu ayat. hahhaha.. must get her to know as much malay words as possible because when she started her scool, i can guarantee that she'll prefer to use english more. but too much at one time can make she goes 'ape?'. funny story when we went to Kildare last weekend. she was in the same car wif me, hunny, tok ayah and paklang. she sat in the middle of me and hunny. in the car, hunny took out my purse to pass it back to me and she said
aleia: cantiknye. sape punye tu?
hunny: tisya punye.
tisya: cantik? thank you.
aleia: ape?
lorrr... die kata 'ape' plak. blur haku sekejap. and hunny laughed like hell. we asked her why she said 'ape' but she looked so confused as if she'd said nothing. and we tried to make her understand why she shouldnt say 'ape' but i dont think she bothered because she was distracted to something else that time. hai aleia... mmg la pengarang jantung sme org. asek nk buat klaka je.
owh... today we are all gonna go and break-fasting at YUMMY-MORI. ehehhe... unc and aunt are leaving nxt week so me and hunny planned to treat them something special at the special restaurant (at least for me it is). we've reserved for 6 adults and 2 kids. yamamori!!!!!! here i come!!!
also next week, my bro-in-law will come over to germany for work-related visit. i would love to see him but i dont know whether it is possible or not. he'll be there for a week which i obviously working and he'll fly back during the weekend. ah~ i'll think about it later. i still haf time to book the tix and accomodation anyway. till then peeps.
ps: sy tidak puasa. bendera merah. yahooo!!!
Monday, September 08, 2008
repekan di pose kelapan
yawn~~ am sooo sooooooo sleepy. have not been resting enuf these few weeks. bese la. i kan nk kna ade beauty sleep ygckp. klu tak 8 hours a day mmg asek nk rase ngantuk je. hehehehhe.. i remember last time when i was still scooling atyou-know where. tau2 la kan. boarding scool pnye activities - masyaallah~ penuh dr pg ke ptg. tade kasi can lgsg.there was always something on. even early morning Sunday pn we have to wake up early and worse kna lak mini-marathon keliling kg pumpkin tu. duh~~ masuk ldg klapa sawit berpakaian spt mushroom. apekah?? at least bg la pakai bj yg normalsket spt hari sukan tu. kan kwn2? hehehehhe.. i noe some of us dont wanna talk about this anymore but at least wehave something funny to talk about aite? to keep us awake all nite long refreshing our memories. ngehehehe...
wokes... back to my story about sleep. once a month, we were allowed to go back home. cuti-bulanan namanye. since i livein Seremban, of course my parents always asked me to go home rather than staying in the hostel alone. *mane de alone.antu ade* hehehhehe... (bln pose ni brani la ckp psl antu2 ni). so, everytime i went home, i never ever let a second of my time slipped away without sleeping. whenever i was not doing anything (teman mak g kedai ke, makan ke, g kndurike) i was always deep in slumber. until my father became very panic and asked my mom to bring me to the hospital for some check ups. he even asked me when he caught me not sleeping or when i just woke up from my sleep 'nor sakit ke?'.hahahha.. very funny. ade ke nk g check up. i bet the doc will say 'anak puan ni ade pnyakit tdo.' pity my mom thattime. msti rase tak puas nye jupe anak2. tdo je kje. now i can see the history repeating itself. my youngest sis is doing exactly the same thing i did last time. balik je tdo. balik je tdo. nk bual2 pn tade mase. i never complain tho.i noe how it feels. penat wooo... tdo lg bgs. :-)
and mase f3, i always study during nite time. senyap sunyi n best utk stdy. i always stayed up until 5 or even 6.*kdg2 men game lg byk dr study time pn.. haha* so i was always sleeping during day time. and to my surprise, one day my dad's fren came to our house. and that day my mom woke me up to accompany her somewhere and when i was on my wayout, my dad introduced me to his fren. ayat emasnye ialah 'ni anak sy yg no 4. die ni mcm musang sket. tido siang,bgn mlm2. sebbek tmn ni tade org bela ayam.' jaw dropped. i wasnt expect that from my dad. and it was really embarrassing for me that time. (bese la bdk2 muda. nk mrajuk je). so i ended up didnt talk to my dad until the scool holiday wasover. gile. hahahaha... bile cite kat kakak2, sme gelak je and siap tambah 'bkn musang la. tokey kilang taik mata'.wat the ...??? kasi can la. muahhahahahha...
ape la kejadahnye crite psl tido. well, at least i managed to kill half an hour of my time. yeayy!!! one hour to go before i can go back. yeh yeh~ i need to update few pictures in this blog. it's getting to boring with just words in it. whenever i got the time, i will. lambak kan sme skali arung. huhuhu...
anyway, we went to Kildare Village (again) last friday. got meself a nice shoe from Clarks and a deep fryer frm Tefal.senang nk goreng fries. (sgt pmls). hunny got himself a sandal from Clarks as well and t-shirts from RL. pengumpul baju2 RL tu. but it's real cheap there. normal price is E99 but you can get one at nearly half of the actual price.not bad i can say. furthermore, bj2 die mmg smart. not like topshop (booo!!!) tried to look for undergarments at CKbut nothing interesting. La Senza lg la gamaknye. (BO-RING!!)
Need a plan for this coming bank holiday. tamo keje da time bank holiday. need to go out from Dublin. any idea??anyone???
ps: cik ayu.. haku da buang da gamba tu. chisss ko kutuk gamba aku yg angelic gile tu. muahhahahahah...
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