i just so couldnt resist the pink color vaio which kept on waiving at me every time i passed by any sony centre outlet. here are some pictures of me new beauty. oh i loikee!!!
we have a surprise bday party for Lina this evening at Sweet Basil. i wonder what should i get her? hurm2... sggh tiada idea. but no bother. will go n survey in a mo. i still have 2 hours at least to vegetate at home. after done with Lina's party, we've to rush to Idzwan's hse. another party! yay... but that one is a farewell party for Wan & wifey and also Mynn. the theme is devilish red. but i dont have anything new in red. sigh~ have to find one urgently. i've actually searched for it on thursday but to no avail. topshop - no. zara - no. sasha - no. debenhams - no. ted baker - no. arghhh!! ssh gile. sudahnye g beli lappie lak. hikss. today the hunt will continue. must go n check out bershka, DP n miss selfridge. busan. skg tiada passion utk pakaian. bile last time beli baju? pn xingat. even so, i wonder why my clothes still cant fit into my wardrobe? is it time to send some of them to charity? mls mls mlsnye nk sort out baju2 yg da xmo. it will take ages. kdg2 eventho tau da xpakai baju tu pn still rase nk simpan. in the end, nothing goes to charity n i'll still have the same problem of insufficient space. *buntu*
ok la. that's all for now. toodles!
cantiknya laptop dier..
kakak kata kaler pink sama cam kakak nyer laptop (laptop barbie tu... hehe:))
hhmmm...kita nyer kaler oren (dgn nada belagak berbaur jeles)...nama glamor Oshi...nama penuh Toshiba...kui2... sorry la, merepek2 di malam hari
mommy aleia/alany : baru prasan same la cam kakak pnye lappie barbie. hikhikhik... geng la kite kakak!!
cik wan kite yg bes : amboi... siap ade nama lagi. yg ni tade nama la tp. erm... ape nk bubuh? adehh... xde idea nk ngarut malam2 juge. :-))
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