ok the next day, she dressed up as the princess mermaid. and Lina put on some make up for her. xsangka cpt mase berlalu. rs kakak mcm da besar sgt! i dont have so many pictures of her that day. but i do have this one. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY ALEIA HANNA!!!
oh and happy birthday to you too imsukis. balik nti kite gossip2. hahahahahahah...
and also, last week was the last week we worked in the ever new building. sob2... we are moving to the old building as the headcounts have been reduced significantly. as a result of the recession of course. we had to pack up all the stuffs and put stickers on them so that they will be moved to the right place. my number is 17 and i am going to sit beside Kristof. so tomorrow i will work in a new environment. hope it's nice and comfortable. and in this nearly two years working with this company, i've been moving places for the second time now. when i first joined, we worked in the third block then we were moved to the first block. and now we are moving to the second block. so basically, i've been working in all three building within two years. wow... tak sangka. i believe i will read this entry in the future when i'm no longer working there and say 'itu la tmpt kje ku dulu' <--tetibe emosi. 5 more months lads. then i'm off. iskk...
terq kau ni dah type mommy2.. i mean not because of the kid.. tapi sebab ahli pinggan mangkuk. hahahahahahahah
oii.. mane ley kutuk ahli persatuan sendiri. muahhahaha... ko kn nak jd ahli persatuan pggn mgkuk. x ke?
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