yesterday we gathered around at hunny's hse to bid our goodbyes to Amin & Zuen and also wishing them the very best of luck and happy journey for their wedding next week. there were of course the house members; usin, azam, fydu n hunny and also me, tasya, anna, lina, pono, tempe n fendi. usin sang a few wedding songs while hunny n fydu played the guitars. it was fun i can say. i can see zuen blushed while amin proudly showed his 'i-am-cool' look. dun forget the joget-lambak-tak-jadi by fydu and ended up just doing the rota-rota-rangup-enak dance (have you ever watch that ad on TV? it's the eqyptian-like dance. ah forget it). fydu is a funny guy anyway and i've seen him dancing like that so many times. even when we are crossing the road, he'll do his best to imitate the green man pedestrian green light's shape (like below). and walk like that all the way to the other side of the road. embarrassed? big no-no. that's just fydu. always made my day. :-)

that's not the point. what i am trying to tell you is, while everybody was there last nite, they watched the football game together with full enthusiasm and passion. (owh.. jeritan GOAL!! itu sgt memeranjatkan). that was the first time i've ever seen hunny watching a football game. tringat kpd tag di bwh. and quickly i told him about the tag questions and how i cant answer some of them yadaa yadaa yadaa. suddenly the conversation turned into a serious discussion and i asked him to try it. byk juge kantoi. adoi la kitorg ni... kna byk lg study nih... ha ha. byk juge jawapan2 hunny yg klaka2. well, ade seumur hidup lagi nak berkenalan (klu diizinkn tuhan). so chaiyo!! (skg da ade jawapan yg hakiki da utk sme soklan2 tu. jwpn yg first tu sbenanye die ske je tgk tv. kebetulan die ske cite yg sama ngn i. i ingat die slalu tgk ape yg i tgk. prasan di situ. wakakakka. hunny ttp rock juge).
ape2 pn at first rase pelik nape hunny xbgtau yg his favorite team is MU. sbb sumpah xpnh tgk hunny beriya2 nak tgk bola. rs mcm apesal sorok2 xnk bgtau ni? tp pastu baru rase syukur yg at least he never fails to see me even if his team is playing. so xpe lah xtau. lg bgs pn xtau. nxt time g je manchester klu kemaruk sgt. LOL
ok ari ni ade class. owh sgt warm in the office. akibatnye... ngantuk gile da ni. in half an hour im heading home. yahooo..! eh not home. i'm heading to grafton st. nak cr brg and dating sket ngn hunny. untung2 ley tgk die mkn salad. wakakaakakak...
ps: i can hear birds singing outside. THE SPRING IS COMINGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'll update on what i did on saturday. hopefully with pictures. :-))
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