on the way home just now, i bumped into this one old lady. irish. and old. and also nice. so you can imagine the irishness in her words. and the seems-like-zillion-words-in-one-sentence conversation. i was struggling trying to catch all her words and luckily the lip reading technique worked! she asked me how to go to Golden Disc. me being a very good citizen (ceeewah) walked her to the Frascati Shopping Mall. ok. imagine the slow walk here guys. i'm not complaining but i'm just saying that by walking slowly like that i came to realise so many things that i've never seen there (bley x?). bley ke tak tau pn slama ni kat situ ade topshop juge (dlm ati slalu ingat betapa kodi nye mall tu. hheheheh). thanks to the slow walk, i managed to read the signboard that shows all the outlets there.
i asked the granny (pandai2 aku je), where is she from. and she said she's from blackrock. what? i suddenly felt the panic rush and started to imagine things. nanti tau ke die ni nak balik. die ni ade short term memory loss ke? sape plak aku nak call suh amik die ni balik kang? but as if she can read my mind, she said 'don't worry lil lady, i know how to go back.' with a silly-you smile on her face. tersipu2 gue di situ. :-)
when we reached the Mall, i confidently walked to the centre of the mall just to see that the shop has been closed!!!!!!!!!!!!! bummer! pnye la da lama tak jalan situ, tak tau pn da tutup. mke da gelabah gile. takut lak nenek (pandai2 aku lg) ni kata aku tipu die lak. nenek tu tgk gue, gue tgk nenek tu. senyum je la mampu aku beri. of course with trillion sorries as well. but she was just smiling and say 'no, thank you'. and tetibe je kata die mmg nak g post office kat blakang tu. nk sdpkn ati gue kah? thank you nenek! she also said 'god bless'. erm... she made my day. dr gue rase gloomy zombie tu kpd rase nak senyum je spanjang pjlnn balik tu. hihihihihi... moral of the story
- jgn nak assume klu org tu tua, die ade memory loss ke ape ke? entah2 nenek tu awal2 lagi da pegi situ tp die tgk kedai tu tutup. sbb tu die tanye in case klu ade lg shop tu kat tmpt lain. tp die tak bgtau plak yg die da g situ. and mase gue jln nk ke mall tu pn die tak kata ape2 pn. best ke jln ngn gue? :-))
- time lunch tu bwk2 la keluar jln2 sket. asek g canteen je. br la tau kedai da ttp ke ape ke. kan da malu di situ. haha...
- slalu la tlg org2 tua. (xde kaitan)
there was one funny story about a designer outlet. you know whenever we (i mean most of the malaysian here) go out from Dublin to some place for holiday. we must find or at least accidently find any outlet be it factory outlet or designer outlet for some good price goods. but we didnt expect that this time because we thought that we were just there to relax and chill out. but otw to Trabolgan, we saw one BIG signboard saying 'designer outlet in 200m'. everyone in the car was excited to see the outlet. but funnily, the outlet is just an old, small and ugly looking building. so we made fun of it. saying that 'msti blarney wool je kot ade kat situ. or maybe instead of bobbi brown, die ade boobi browne. or christion dior.' those kind of jokes. so we ignored it and continue the journey. we told the other car about this so-called designer outlet when we reached the village and still making fun of it. on the way back, jemey decided why dont we give it a shot. just see what's in there. we were laughing at jemey to give such a decision. however we still pulled over at that place. to our surprise, they do have Ralph Lauren and all those branded stuffs. haaa... ternganga sme org. waakkakakakakaaa... and Faiz rembat kasut satu. kena sedas kitorg ni kat btg idong. tu la. mengutuk skn je keje nye. blk tu jemey dgn bangga kata 'sebbek ade aku.' ah ah ah....
ok la. enough blabbering, here are some pictures.
sbb terlampau byk sgt dok kat bwk chy matahari. gue mendapat byk freckles baru. demmit!!
it's nearly 11pm. tuan puteri kna beradu. hehehehe... toodles!
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